SpideyTorch- Love at first sight

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In this story Susan and Reed(2005 F4 movie) are parents of Johnny Storm, Johnny is 18. While Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are parents of Peter Parker, Peter is 17.

Stephen was currently making tea while Tony was tidying up the kitchen. They had invited good friends of theirs, Susan and Reed, over to the tower for a chat and tea. They had mentioned bringing their son Johnny to which Stephen and Tony were all for it so their kids can have some company while they chatted.

"Peter come on down they'll be here any minute!" Tony yelled and soon Peter entered, who didn't seem that excited.

"Can I just be alone for the rest of the day? This guy might not even like me" 

"They're already on their way besides having a playdate won't kill you" 

"Daaaaaad I'm not 10, don't call it that" 

Stephen finished the tea and placed cups on the table "I'm sure he'll like you Peter, you two are gonna have fun" 

Peter didn't like the fact of meeting someone he knew absolutely nothing about. "Do I at least get to know his name?"

"His name is Johnny," Stephen answered, then Jarvis spoke up.

Sir, The Richard's have just arrived 

"Send them up please" 

Already done 

"Thanks J" 

Soon the elevator opened, Susan and Reed stepped out with Johnny next to them, phone in hand and earphones on. Stephen and Tony headed towards them with Peter following behind. 

"Susan, Reed, it's so good to see you guys again," Stephen said happily.

Susan smiled "a pleasure to see you both as well" 

Tony and Reed shook hands "Good to see you Reed"

"Back at you Stark" 

Reed tilted his head looking and stretching his neck behind Stephen and Tony "And who's this young man?"

"That's our son Peter" Tony gestured to Peter to walk over to them. Peter walked in front of his parents. 

"Lovely to meet you Peter" Susan smiled, Reed put his neck in place and extended his hand for Peter to shake. Peter took the Doctors hand and shook it.

"Whoa what a grip" Reed said with a chuckle.

Stephen had noticed Johnny's presence who hadn't taken his eyes off his phone "And this must be Johnny?"

"Yes that's our Johnny-" Reed turned to Johnny taking notice of the lack of attention the boy was giving. "Johnny put that phone away and say hello" 

Johnny sighed, he put his phone in his pocket and only took one earphone off but didn't look up "Hello" 

Susan smiled apologetically "I'm sorry for his behavior"

Johnny wasn't at all excited meeting some guy he didn't know and wished he was home.

Earlier in the Richard's car

"Johnny, I don't want you being rude when we get there," Reed said in a serious tone.

Johnny was on spotify trying to find a song to listen to, settling with London Calling by The Clash "I'll try"

"No trying, you do"

"Mom why do I have to go? I don't even know the guy, he's probably not even gonna like me"

"Oh sweetie he will, I'm sure you guys will have at least one common interest and you guys will warm up to each other" 

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