3. Heartstring

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[Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate.
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul]

                           -William Ernest Henley



"Why didn't you tell me?", I screamed. I was furious over the fact that he couldn't warn me before, of what was coming.

"Because, I knew that if I told you, you would come up with an excuse beforehand, I knew that you couldn't tell no to the Headmistress", he said as a matter of fact.

"Oh! believe me, you are so wrong", I told him, "I told her 'no' once when she insisted on staying back here. I could have said no again. Your calculations could have gone wrong easily", I pointed out.

"But you didn't, did you?", He asked calmly.

"Don't" I warned him. "Why did you do this?", I now started walking to and fro frustrated. "You know the reason why I wanted to leave this place, and you bring the very nightmares I feared of, back to me now...why?" I cried.

"It was not me who decided this Rose", he tried explaining. "The council of the Three Realms wanted to honor the blood, they couldn't that time..".

"But you could have told me", I repeated interrupting him. Maybe I was being a bitch about it and was removing my frustration on the wrong person, but I couldn't help, I just couldn't.

He was rendered speechless for a few moments. He held my gaze with so much intensity that I had to break it.

"I...", he started.

"You what?", I demanded.

"I said that you could go back to earth if you want to, after a month. But I'm trying hard to not see that day Rose", he whispered softly. "I love you and I want you to stay here with me forever", he finished.

His words dissolved all my anger and replaced it with a feeling of sudden sorrow. I was no more furious over him. I didn't know what to say. Yes! One month is what he asked me for, two weeks to be exact from now on, and yes! He was doing everything in his power to make me stay. From pointing out the benefits of me staying here to constantly reminding me of the things I liked here. But what was I doing? Why was I pushing him back? Why couldn't I still accept this as my new life? I have everything here, my best friend(sister) Kat, my friends and my love. Yet! Something was stopping me from promising him that I would stay.

He said he loved me, I loved him too. But I couldn't tell him that, yet. This wasn't the time. Or maybe never! We will have to part one day, and I don't want to hurt him when I will have to leave.

I didn't want to hurt him now saying all of those things. I let a deep breath out and I slowly walked towards him.

"I'm sorry to get mad at you", I told him. "I...I understand", I finished hesitantly.


"You will need a dress", Alicia told me.

"Yes you will", Adrian agreed, to which I shrugged. 'Great', I thought.

"I don't have....", I started but was interrupted by Clarke.

"Yes, you have", she said smiling sheepishly. And that's then it clicked me.

The Flame- RETURN OF THE DRAGON HEIR (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now