19. Heartbreak

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"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING, you foolish girl?", he asked, getting furious now. I swear, I saw a nerve pop up in his forehead. 'Oh! Oh! Danger!' I thought.

"I'm sorry", I said...getting all serious again. He let out a huge breath, and stepped ahead, to come even closer to me.

"I order you, to give me the 'flame of life'", he told me in a dangerous tone.

"No", I repeated again, getting impatient now.

"No?", he asked madly. "You know what silly girl. I could make your life miserable. Don't you dare think that you are smarter than me. Don't you think, that I don't know anything about you and my son. What do you know about him, you foolish girl?", he asked me smirking now. What was happening...what was going on in his mind?

"My son doesn't do anything without a reason, just like me. He always has the best interest of the kingdom in his heart, and therefore always does anything and everything that could be beneficial for the kingdom only", he said now, taking a step back and taking his seat on the chair.

"He wanted to marry Princess Genn so that we could expand our kingdom. We would be the most powerful amongst the silver-bloods. Slowly we would take even Xenopia under our control", he said dreamily. "Adrian is a prince. He has got hundreds of women behind him. Women who are much beautiful and smarter than you", he said hysterically laughing all of sudden "He has got nothing for you, foolish girl ...Nothing", he said still laughing hard.

His words were ringing back, piercing through my heart every time. Nothing? He has got nothing? I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks now. I knew that the cruel king would've been happy by now. No! I will not show myself weak in front of this man.

"I don't care", I told him sharply, wiping down the tears that escaped beyond my control. "The flame of life belongs to me, and will stay with me", I told him boldly. And I started turning back and leaving. But Where? How do I get out of this place?

"Wait", he said, which made me turn back towards him.

"You wouldn't give up the flame, even at the cost of your friend Catherine?", he asked me coldly smiling.

My blood started boiling at the mention of her name. How dare he? How dare this old hag drag her into all of this? I would accept any open challenge to me, but trying to win against me using her was dirty. Of course, the king had the name of playing dirty, didn't he?

"If you have heard about what happened back in the cave, then you probably would've also heard what happened last time to the person who imposed any threat to her", I told him in a dangerous tone, and it was working. I could see his eyes getting wide.

"You do not want to test my patience, do you?", I pressed hard. It was almost like threatening him. I didn't know where these threatening words came from, as they were just not like mine.

"Rose?" "Rose?", I heard someone calling my name all of sudden, desperately. I turned back in the hope of finding the person.
"Roseeeeee", again the voice came. Puzzled I looked at Adrian's father. Who was slowly disappearing in front of me.

What was happening???? I slowly saw everything around me dissolving slowly, fading out as if like a dream. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe or maybe not???


It was like getting pulled out of a nightmare. Before I could realize what was happening, I was in Adrian's arms, gasping.

"Rose? Rose?", he whispered softly and immediately pulled me into his arms.
"Oh! Rose", he said, in a tone that broke my heart into pieces. I wanted to hold him back, kiss him, tell him to stay with me forever, but only that I didn't do any of those things, as his father's words came back to me. "He has got nothing for you", he had said. As these words came back to me, I immediately pulled apart from him and pushed him away.

"Get off me", I told him too harshly.

"Rose, tell me what is happening, I can help you", he told me, raising his arms out as if trying to calm down a rabid animal.

"Stay away from me, Prince Adrian", I warned him, before walking off the hallway. Leaving him back there alone, again.


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The Flame- RETURN OF THE DRAGON HEIR (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now