44. A bad father

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Adrian's POV

"I cannot wait for them", Catherine told me urgently as soon as we reached the hallway outside the Headmistress's office.

"Me too", Merlin agreed to Catherine.

"Me too", Clarke agreed too.

"We should try something from our part too", Allen added thoughtfully.

"Didn't you hear? Headmistress refuted us from taking the situation into our own hands and acting stupid like the last time", Alicia added sternly.

"Alicia, if we wouldn't have taken the situation into our own hands, we wouldn't have got Catherine yet", Merlin fired back at her.

"Yes, but we got into enough trouble after that, if you forgot", she pointed out.

"Alicia, no one is going to forcefully take you with us. No matter what, WE ARE GOING", Catherine stressed out in her words. " you join us if you want, or else you can shut yourself up in your room and stay safe and happy there", She finished her sentence.

Not agreeing with Alicia one by one they started walking off. I didn't want to stand there arguing with her so I walked off too. I have to go to the palace and find everything about Greg. His origin, every single possible detail I could learn about him.

I informed Shail first so that he could do the necessary arrangements as soon as possible. As soon as the pod was arranged I set off immediately to Dominos.

Dominos had always brought fresh happy memories back whenever I had visited here, but now I couldn't feel any of them now.

"I want to meet father, please send a word ahead", I told a guard who was rushing behind me as I traced my way towards the central pyramidal building.

"But My Prince. The Queen has requested your presence as soon as you've arrived here", he replied back hurriedly.

" Okay", I replied back. What could mother want to talk about so urgently? I thought.

"Mother?", I asked, before entering her room.

"Adrian? Is it true? Is Rose really?...", she questioned me hurriedly. Her face was soft with lines of concern.

" Yes mother", I answered back, not trying to cover up the harsh truth.

"Son are you fine?", she asked me softly, spreading her arms out wide for me. I approached her and rested my head on her thin shoulders. I felt a sudden calmness and clarity settle within me.

"You will find her soon. You are smart and your will and love will show you a path", she said smiling, I broke away from her and studied her face perplexed. Did she say 'love'? I arched my brow in confusion.

" You think your mother doesn't know anything about her son? You two were very obvious around each other", she smiled. "She is a great girl Adrian, and I am glad you got her. Do not leave by her side, No matter what", she told me with a broad smile.

" I won't mother", I told her, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. "I will find her soon", I told her last and exited her room. I had to meet the king as soon as possible.

I reached my father's study room, where I saw him working with magical oocas (plant seeds).

"Father", I said, to gain his attention away from the oocas, which he was surveying with great interest. He shifted his gaze away from them and settled it on me slowly.

" I have done the necessary arrangements to find The Guardian Princess", he told me, before I could even ask him anything.

"I want to know everything about Greg", I told him in an urgent tone.

"He is a good man, and I do not believe that he is involved in kidnapping the Guardian Princess. He has no gains here", he replied back, indifferently.

" How do you know father? How are you so sure about him?", I questioned him back.

"Do not question my choices, boy", he replied back firmly.

" Rose", I said, resisting my rising temper. "Is in danger, and I do not have time for your vaunts", I managed out thickly.

He momentarily paused and took a deep glance at me. He was calculating me, the wheels behind his eyes were reeling fast. He was putting the pieces together. " And why would you care so much about her son?", he asked me, stepping ahead. He was looking dangerous like always. I hated this man since my childhood. He never treated me as his son, but instead, he only saw me as a duty he had to do, to keep the kingdom and riches in his hand. He never loved me and denied me of all the love I yearned to receive from him for years until I myself started giving up on him gradually. But still, his control over me never faded. He kept me beside him like a puppet. A puppet who never denied anything. For years now, I have tried becoming the best son I could become, though I had to literally sacrifice everything I ever loved. But this time, I couldn't sacrifice Rose for him.

"I love her", I told him, meeting his gaze. I wouldn't go down before this man. He doesn't know what love is, what standing for your love means. But I wasn't like him. I will never be like him.

" You are engaged to...", he started, but I rushed before he could say anything further.

"But I do not love her", I told him.

" I don't care if you love her or not. I do not remember giving you a choice here", he told me arrogantly.

"Yes, I do", I fired back furiously " I do have a choice".

"You marrying Princess Genn will make our kingdom flourish even further, beyond your imagination", he told me.

" No, I do not calculate everything the way you do. I can never do so. Only you can think like that".

"I have always had the best interest of my people in my heart".

" No! You have always had the best interest of yourself in your heart. You are selfish. You don't care about anyone. You don't even love mother", I yelled at him. It was the frustration of my long 21 years, that I was finally letting out at this man. A man who did not deserve any of these he had now. Not these riches...not this lovely family. He did not deserve any of these.

"Watch your mouth", he warned me, looking dangerous as ever. I was tickling his breakpoint now.

" Why?", I asked "Cannot bear the truth?", I asked him.

He gave me a threatening stare and walked past me, trying to escape from the room.

" wait father", I stopped him, walking in front of him and blocking his way out.

"I did not get an answer to my question", I told him. " Who is Greg?", I asked him, giving him a menacing look.

"I choose not to help you", he replied back giving me one of his sly smiles, before calling out loudly for the guards. Who arrived there almost instantly.

" Bastard!", I cursed him after he left like a coward in between the guards. I had to think of another way. I walked up and down that small circular study room infinite times. Thinking about all other possible ways I could get a hand on.

'Dominos Resource lab', the answer came to me automatically after a few long minutes. I did not waste another second there and immediately set out to reach the place.


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