45. The sneaky guard

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The 'Dominos Resource Lab' was not near the main pyramidal buildings but was behind the maze garden at the extreme corner of the palace boundaries.

The huge oval eyeball like architecture was a depiction that it had knowledge about everything. 'Eye of Dominos', it is quite often called. The Dominos Resource lab for a century has served the purpose of providing information about each and every existing and ever-existed individual on this planet. 'No one could escape the big eye', that's what the official guards who worked here say.

I walked straight towards the door, gesturing the guard to open the door for me. But he didn't even move, he just stood at his place maintaining his composure as if he didn't hear me.

"Sorry My Prince", he said slowly, when I demanded a reason for his action. " Your majesty has ordered us not to permit you inside this building", he told me hesitantly.

"He cannot stop me. You cannot stop me", I told him furiously and started walking towards the door hoping it to open and pass through it easily. Only that I should have realized that such importance of a place wouldn't be without any good security system. As soon as I touched the door, a stinging pain settled on both of my arms and I immediately fell down on my foot.

" My prince", about a dozen guards from the periphery rushed towards me, trying to help me.

"Let me in", I commanded the guard who was standing close to me.

" No...My...". 

"Don't test my patience", I told him trying to calm my self.

" My Prince, please understand the situation I am put into. I do not want to restrain you from entering in either", he said, trying hard to reason with me. I paused for a moment, trying to understand his situation. It wasn't his fault. It was all because of my great father. I couldn't let him punish an innocent like him because of me. Yes! I knew that he would face severe consequences if he went against the king's command.

"I understand your situation here", I told him with a small smile, which made him let out a huge breath of relief.

I started walking off back towards the main palace buildings. Once the guards were out of my sight, I hid behind the huge bush of the entrance of the maze and tried to focus my energies by slowly shutting down my senses one by one...and then I phase-shifted. I never said I was going back though, duh!. I floated in the air and traced my path back to the Resource lab. Now I knew that they had some high-tech security system at the entrance. So I won't be able to enter from the normal entrance, I will have to find some other way around. I flew higher up till the top of the building.

The eyelid like structure over the lens had a small opening from within, through which I managed to escape inside. I met with an empty solid silver hallway. I shifted back to my original form and started striding ahead cautiously. I kept checking for any sound of footsteps arrival, but I did not meet with any, probably they were all too busy in guarding the main door, keeping it safe and distinct from me. I met with multiple doors on my way. I knew that I had to check all of them but a strong feeling in my gut told me that I had to keep walking in order to get what I have come here for. Minutes passed by and I kept walking only scanning through the exterior of the multiple doors I passed by.

At the end of the floor where I was, I found a glass back black colored door with a golden embossed letter 'P' inscribed on it. I didn't waste another second out. I touched the door slightly and pushed it open to enter a huge white empty room inside. There was nothing there, nothing except for a huge white wall, opposite to which I was standing. The wall suddenly sprang into life; showing a very ugly solid black face with empty eye sockets. It looked more like a skull.

"What is the strongest power in this planet?", it questioned.

Great, I have to solve this shit now? I wondered what the answer would be.

"Love", I said, for a second being proud of my brain for the instant answer.

"Wrong", It declared. "You have two more trials". Now I became anxious. I racked my brain hard for all the possible answers. Was it Rose's power?

"The flame of life", I said, unsure. There was a long pause from the other side as if considering my answer. I let a huge breath of relief before it replied back again.

"Wrong. One more chance", it said, mockingly.

"Stupid tech", I cursed out loud. What could be the possible answer?. Only one trial I had now?... Only one. I started walking up and down the plain room, trying hard to concentrate on the problem I had before me. 'Strongest' 'power' I kept replaying these keywords again and again in my brain 'this planet' ...'This planet?'. My father is a very proud man. A kind of person who might consider himself as the strongest.

"The king of Dominos", I said, again unsure of my answer. I would have no other option than turning back if this didn't work.

"Correct", the ugly face declared, to my relief.

"Welcome", he announced. "How may I help you?", it asked me in a softer voice now.

"I want to know everything about the guard appointed to the Guardian Princess of the Dominos", I said hurriedly.

"Sure", it said and the ugly face disappeared into the smoke of darkness, only to return back in a few seconds.

"Mr. Greg Selvenova joined as the palace guard two years back. He was stationed at the main gate for the first five days of his duty. He was so efficient in his work that the King himself asked for him to be stationed at the private library personally. He secured the secret vault for several months before being appointed as the personal guard to the Guardian Princess Rose Eldar of Dominos", it briefed me.

"Do you have any details about his before life? Before he joined here?", I asked it, hoping for more details.

"None", It replied back.

"And no one asked about it?", I questioned it back again.

"No data about his before life has been made available to me", it simply replied.

I silently processed everything I just learned. Everything sounded wrong to me. Father was not a person who would appoint a new inexperienced guard to secure or guard something so valuable and secretive like a secret vault. Its own existence was unknown to many, there were very few trustworthy individuals who knew about it. It was implicative of how important and dangerous the secrets within would serve.

Him gaining father's trust so easily and so soon as in just five days, the way he gained Rose's trust too, in such a short span. It all indicated or made me think that maybe he had unique magic. A magic that has been helping him through all of this. If this was true, he is even more dangerous than we thought him to be. His motive over taking Rose might be something that hasn't even crossed our minds yet.


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