49. The journey

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Adrian's POV

There were still four hours left for the sun to rise. We decided on leaving the school as it was dark itself. We sneaked out into the hallway silently.

"What are you doing here?", Clarke questioned someone. I turned around to find Alicia, who was standing against the wall dressed up as if going for some action-packed adventure.

" Waiting for you guys", she replied back coolly, as a matter of fact.

"Why?", Merlin asked her furiously. " Didn't you say that you weren't going to get involved?", she spits out angrily.

There was a momentarily pause from her side. "Sorry", she said, looking resentful. " I didn't think straight back then", she said fixing her gaze on each one of us alternatively. "I wanted to know what was happening...So", she paused.

" So you were present inside the room with us", I completed what she meant to say. I suspected her presence as soon as I entered as I felt a slight brushing down my knee. And the second time I felt her presence was when we were having that small final speech when I heard a soft 'Together' whispering. She swore to stick together with us.

"You...?", Clarke asked her wide-eyed.

"Listen, Alicia, we will not stop you from coming because they are your friends too. But you should remember that we are risking everything and going. If you are not ready for this, then I suggest you stay back", Clarke told her. I couldn't ignore the harshness in her tone and so I gave her a questioned look.

" I..am ready for it", she told us...after a small pause. "I'm great to go", she said with a small smile. A smile I observed wasn't returned back by the others.

We entered the school fields and walked off till the gate.

" You think the gates would be open?", Clarke asked, as soon as we reached the gates.

"The gates are sealed", Merlin said, " How did Greg enter in then?", she questioned back puzzled.

"That guy is a big mystery", Allen commented.

"I have brought something along with me", I said stepping ahead and producing them with the magic disruption device from the small backpack that I carried. The Dominos Research station had various researches going on and one of the latest research products was this. A magic disrupter that weakened any forms of magic temporarily.

I set the disrupter on the gate and the entire magical barrier which has been invisible to us came into our vision. We could see a huge dome-shaped translucent barrier formed around the school grounds.

"Wowww cool", Alicia observed.

"We don't have time", I said, as the gate started opening "Get out fast", I instructed, as one by one they started slipping out into the dark road outside. I was the last one and I slipped out just in time as the gate started closing back again. The translucent visible barrier slowly started fading out and once again became invisible to us.

"How are we reaching there?", Merlin questioned me.

"By a portal", I answered her back, digging in through my backpack again.

"Portal?", they all asked collectively.

"When did you learn to produce one Adrian?", Allen asked me.

"I don't know how to produce one, but...this can help us", I told them, displaying a small square-shaped box. "This is an artificial portal producer. I got this from Dominos...thought it would be helpful", I explained.

"That's so cool. So many cool gadgets you are carrying in that bag", Allen laughed out loud.

"Not many but some", I corrected him, letting a small smile spread through my face at the thought of how I managed to steal all of those cool gadgets. They'd be so mad when they come to know that these are missing.

"Now I don't know if this works, because It was still undergoing testing", I explained it to them.

"Why would someone give you, something that is not...", Alicia started.

"They didn't give me. I stole it from them", I said letting out a small chuckle.

"You are a Prince", Clarke pointed out laughing.

"Yes, I know", I said admitting the sad truth. "Let's give it a try now", I said, trying to focus on the situation we had in front of us now. "I have to click this switch on and tell this in detail, where I wanted to go", I explained it to them.

I clicked the switch on. A bright purple color started filling the darkness around us. "Stansia, The Sun tower", I said loudly.

The purple light got brighter now and it blinded us momentarily. The intensity made it impossible for us to see anything for a few more moments, after which my vision finally recovered back. We were standing in a huge green meadow under a brightly shining sun.

" Did we reach?", Allen asked us.

"I have no idea", I answered back.

" I cannot see the Sun Tower", Alicia said, after surveying the entire place.

"I feared this", Merlin voiced her thoughts. " This doesn't work", she said pointing at the small device that was still brightly shining on my hands.

"I do not think so", Clarke observed.

" What do you mean?", I asked her. Her confidence was making me inquisitive.

"The Sun tower's magic was so unique that when the council meddled with it, it was completely broken. The magic that covered the tower was also broken. People say that the Sun tower doesn't stay in one location now, it's location keeps changing quite often", she explained to me.

" I do not think that's true. I believe that it is just one of the many stories that surround the tower", Alicia added.

"What makes you believe so? Do you have any proof?", Merlin asked her.

" No, but it's just so illogical", she argued back.

"Why would you...", Merlin started.

" Will you guys stop this bickering?", I said vexedly. "We need to focus right now. If you are going to keep fighting like this then we would be stuck here forever without a solution", I told them. " I knew that you guys are pissed with Alicia for her behavior, but she is our friend too. Just let the past go away and be friends again, okay", I said, my pitch being high, I thought I would have been louder than I meant to be. They were all quiet for a moment, exchanging silent glances between them.

"Sorry", Merlin said first.

" Sorry", Alicia replied back.

"Sorry", Clarke added.

They all exchanged a small smile.

" That's better", I added, letting myself smile a bit. I was really getting worried now, by not knowing how to reach this Mysterious Sun tower we were stranded alone in an unknown place.


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