47. The devil😈

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Catherine's POV

It was about midnight now. Adrian has been away since the last time we met at the Headmistress office.

"I am packing few things, just in case you know", Clarke came and told us.

"Is Alicia still...", I trailed off for words. Your friend not supporting you in a situation like this hurts you deeply.

"Yes", Clarke answered nodding slowly.

I remained silent after that, not knowing what to say anything further. Sleep was far from embracing us. It has been hours since Adrian came to us with the news. Every second that passed ever since has been like an eternity. I knew that I had to stay calm and composed in a situation like this. That's what Rose would have been like. I needed to be strong like her. She has been right since the beginning. This wasn't the correct place for us. Me being adamant about staying here had cost our friendship first and now her.

"Why does this keep happening to us?", Merlin asked after a few moments.

"I don't know", Clarke observed, her face hung down. I suspected that she might be shedding few tears secretively.

I wanted to walk away from this for some time. I stepped out of the dorm room and saw Allen, who was standing against the wall silently reading something.

"What are you doing out here?", I questioned him.

"What are you doing here? Go inside", I said.

"Excuse me?", I arched a brow at him.

"Adrian told me to keep an eye on you guys. Especially you, he suspects Serena might also be behind all of this", he justified himself.

"Huh! You guys", I rolled my eyes "Stop being all brotherly. It doesn't suit you", I told him starting to walk ahead, he simply stayed beside me.

"Hey, you should be thankful to get such great friends, who care about you", he said, smiling a bit.

"Really?", I laughed Out loud. "You think...", I stopped mid-sentence as I saw something moving behind Allen. "Stay behind me", I told him, producing a ball of water in between my fingers. Allen was smart and he understood my command immediately. He pushed me behind him and woahhh! Shape-shifted himself into a wolf.

"You look so funny", I laughed hard.

He replied back with a loud GROWLLLLLL.

"Yes, this indeed looks very impressive", a husky voice came from behind. Adrenaline at its peak, I worked my hands instinctively. But it hit no one. The water ball I aimed at the unknown threat's face stopped frozen at the spot right before his face. His face. Yes! It was Greg, but he didn't look anything like the gentlemen like Greg we saw every day.

His eyes.. Were emitting pure evilness. The pupils were dilated and were red, he looked like a devil who came straight from the hell. His hair was set back neatly showing off his broad forehead which had a strange looking tattoo at the center. The tattoo was so distinct that I couldn't help myself from studying it for a few more moments. It was a bird, a bird enclosed around four circles. One circle being the largest of all. The bird's gaze was locked at that specific circle only. The tattoo looked too surreal.

"What are you gazing at Catherine?", he asked me. His words were like ice, sending chills through my spine. I couldn't move my arms nor my body. I was standing there frozen just like that small water ball.

"Where is Rose?", Allen managed out bravely. Wait! He could talk?

"I do not answer dogs", Greg said, letting out a loud laugh.

Allen growled at Greg, showing off his huge white canines. He tried to pounce at Greg, but couldn't move a bit.

"I have no work with you dog, so remain silent. Your friends are sleeping...shhh", he said, moving his finger to his lips, and then he shifted his gaze back on me. A small smile started spreading on his lips now, as he slowly started approaching me.

"I should agree that you are very smart Catherine", he said. "Or should I call you as Kat?", he asked me.

"Such a coward you are", I barked. "Release me, you idiot and then speak", I told him fiercely.

"Hmmmmm, you think I'm scared of you?", he asked, laughing at his own question later. "You both are the same. You both are impulsive, emotional fools, smart and Ahhhh! beautiful too", he said, coming closer and striking a thin finger through my cheeks. I flinched hard against his gentle yet disgusting touch.

"Do...not...touch...me", I shook hard with rising disgust. He smiled and then let go off me.

"I'm taking you very far Catherine, be ready for a long trip", he said laughing hard.

I tried hard to move, but I couldn't. I carefully assessed the situation I was put in. This magic petrification is either one-time thing, or he is either continuously shredding his magic in pieces to keep us from moving. If that's the case then producing a shield might work. I focused hard and tried hard to create a shield with my whole might.

I made it with ease, and I pushed my boundaries so I could get some place to move. That's what I wanted, a small window of opportunity. I created a small water ball and aimed at his face perfectly. But what I didn't expect was his quick reflexes. He missed the hit and tucked down, in a split second he was behind me, pinning he hard towards his chest making me completely immovable.

I kicked Allen, gesturing him to produce a shield too. He stood there like a stupid dog and was watching us as if like some movie scene.

"Idiot, produce a shield", I screamed out loud, giving up on him with understanding my silent gestures.

"Haahhhhhhaaa", Greg laughed. His chest vibrating hard. I was so close to him. Yuckss! I kicked Greg's foot with frustration. He didn't even flinch but.

By now Allen released himself and pounced on Greg. I bent down, as I already saw him approaching. Allen was definitely not a match to Greg. He was strong, so so strong. He patted Allen off like as if he was a fly.

"I've had enough entertainment. Shall we leave now Princess?", I heard him saying last, as I was taken into pitch darkness. Nausea started building within me and in a few seconds I blacked out completely.


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