14. An unexpected test

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"Guardian Princess", Greg called me out, from a distance.

" Yes?"

"Forgive me, as I forgot to inform you that the king will be meeting up with you tomorrow", he informed me.

" What? father is coming here?", Adrian asked him wide-eyed. "Why didn't he tell me anything?", Adrian mumbled furiously and walked off tapping on his phone.

"Yes, my...", Greg stopped mid-sentenced as Adrian walked off already. Which left to only me and Greg there alone in the hallway. I did not know what to say, and so there was an awkward silence hung around us, which I didn't care to break. I started walking towards the dining hall and he silently followed me from behind. I hated him tailing me, but I just couldn't do anything. I had to continuously keep telling myself to stop overthinking about it.

I entered the dining hall and started searching for my friends, but they were to be found nowhere. I started turning back, assuming that they might be still in the dorms, and that's when I saw them walking towards me.

"Don't you guys get bored with all the romance you do?", Allen teased me "Early Morning you guys start", he said laughing, to which I just rolled my eyes and gave him a slight punch on his arm.

"So where is he now?", Kat asked me chuckling along with others. "Gone, to argue with his father I think", I told her shrugging.

" Why, what happened?", Clarke asked me, arching a brow.

"The thing standing behind me happened", I whispered. And so they all collectively took a glance at Greg who was gravely looking ahead.

"Is he the guy?", Merlin asked me, trying to maintain a straight face around Allen.

"Yes", I said softly. "He arrived just now", I told them shrinking.

"He is one heck of a beauty", Alicia observed, surreptitiously studying him "Wow, look at those muscles", she said dreamily.

"Come on, he is not that handsome", Allen said, jealous by how Merlin was studying him discreetly.

"Rose are you fine?", Kat asked me, ignoring others bickering.

"I don't know Kat, I don't want him tailing me everywhere I go", I told her.

"You know what?", Clarke asked, moving forward and bending slightly ahead to whisper "Thy will be done", she said smirking.

"What are you saying?", Alicia asked her confused.

"Think about this, how about...we torture him so much. That he himself pleads to the king, asking the king to reassign him?", she asked us, still not losing that smirk on her face.

"You think, it will work?", Kat asked eagerly.

"The hell, it will", Allen said smiling broadly. Of course, he would enjoy all this, this was his department after all. I couldn't resist the excitement flurrying between my friends now, it was highly contagious.

"Let's start right now", Clarke said, giggling "Rose, call him here and give him a direct order", she told me.

"What? Will, I ask him to do?", I asked her wide-eyed.

" I don't know, just give him a command", she told me disappointed.

"Yeah, you should be lucky...to get a personal guard Rose", Allen said chuckling.

"Okay, I'll try", I told her nervously. " Greg", I called him, to which he instantly responded and in a flash arrived before me. "Can you... Can please get me my book, from my room upstairs?", I asked him softly with a smile.

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