Y/N gets his ass owned by two huge cocks

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Y/N was causally walking thru the woods like a fucking normal chad. Did he have his weapon of choice clutched in his hands while looking for new victims to feel his wrath while having a face full of red liquids?

Well yes, but actually no.


He cursed as his last piece of pop tart escaped from his savage mouth and lands instead on the ground. Y/N sighs, while wiping the red strawberry jelly off of the corners of his mouth.

"Can I get a F in the chat and 1k likes for my homie, pop tart"

The amazingly hilarious Y/n said to himself while clutching his phone in grief.


This weapon of choice: phone-chan
Red liquids: wiped of his face
Victims: nonexistent

"They said these creepy pasta bitches be in the woods or some shit. Damn, did I read it wrong? Has my reliable Wikipedia failed me? Fuck I don't got signal here, yeah no shit uuuHggHhHh"

The said male sighed and turned off his phone while opening his backpack to fetch his water bottle. Taking a quick gulp he puts it back and starts walking back to where he came from.

'Damn was hoping I'll get murdered or something lol'

He thought, but then something happened. Something unexplainable.

"Go to sleep!"

Y/N screeched while attempting to run but was pulled back by a rough hand and stabbed in the arm. Y/N yelled a plethora of big brain words and completely gave in to his attacker.

The said attacker sat on him and pinned his arms with his spare one. Y/N dawned on how unbearably strong he was. Finally, after a while of hearing and feeling nothing, Y/n opened his eyes.

"Dude— holy shit you're fucking ugly. Damn, you're not a hot emo slut tis so sad."

Y/n said while deeply frowning and staring at the world wide famous 🅱️eff the 🅱️iller. Mr no eyelids stared at me with a blank expression while holding his bloodied knife in the air. Y/n raised a brow, fear clearly not present.

"Yo, you gonna kill me or something? You kinda suck at this I want a refund."

"Dude, I fucking stabbed you in the chest two times already."


Y/n looked at him for a sec, thinking about how he sounds like a grandpa who smokes bout 10 packs each second, and looks at his shirt where there is indeed a pool of blood. Suddenly a surge of pain hit you in the balls and you yelled.

"Ah shit the fuck—"

~time skip brought to you by Nickelback~

Y/n suddenly gasps loudly while sitting up.

"Now that was an epic gamer moment"

He mutters while looking around to see where he his. Then, he feels breathing on his neck and quickly turns around to face the owner, Y/N gasps.



"Oh you're ugly too."

Y/n quickly stands up and was about to insult this midget ass yee yee bitch, but was distracted by his surroundings. You examined the room, and concluded your ass was in a living room. It was quite spacious, really fucking dirty and stinks like expired milk, but was cozy nonetheless. Sike, there was shit cluttered every where, this place looks like a foster home. "Oh wait." Y/N said out loud to himself and looked back at the midget, who was staring at him this whole time like a weirdo.

"Are you guys the Creepy spaghetti?"

Emo link snorted and walked pass me, sitting on the couch.

"Unfortunately, yes."

He says and questions rise in my head. Isn't he like supposed to kill me? I walked over and sat next to him, staring at the controller in his hand. As I opened my mouth to say something, a stampede of foot steeps was heard from upstairs and 4 figures popped out. One of them being Beff the Slayer.

"Jeff, I swear to god stop fucking underage emo teenage girls with mental illnesses. That's illegal and fucked."

A masked man with a dirty brown jacket said. Goddammit, fuck describing these people for the sake of a book, I know all these motherfuckers from the creepypasta wiki.

Masky trudged through the living room while holding a teenage girl by the wrist. She lacked clothes and had makeup that resembles a fucking clown. He opened the doors and pushed her out of it, slamming it shut. I pointed at him,


I yell while he looks at me with an undetected emotion because of his ugly ass mask. Speaking of which, he took off and stared at me.

"Who are you?"
"I don't know"

Beff looked over at me and greeted me, which I returned with an awkward wave. I flinched when Zelda starting raging over his game and then averted my attention to the other two figures.

Toby casually sat in the kitchen table eating a hot pocket and watching YouTube videos while Hoodie was watching Jeff playing the gay ass knife game. I let out a "huh" and see Masky walking towards me and sitting down in the space besides me.

"Why are you here, how did you get here— don't tell me you're a fanboy or something."

He questioned while crossing his arms. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Bro honestly, I know just as much as you. My homie Mr. Yellow teeth stabbed me and then i blacked out, I'm pretty sure I saw ms obama as my life flashed before my eyes. anyways so like apparently he stabbed me like 2 times maybe 3 so i dunno how I'm still alive. I might be the anti christ, might take over the world later idk."

Masky looked at me, unamused, and sighed. I frowned, and spoke words from the Bible itself,

Masky shook his head and dipped to rid himself of my presence

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Masky shook his head and dipped to rid himself of my presence. Ben snickered and I smirked.

"Hate that bitch."

He says as we both fist bump.

"So like, where Slendy-Chan?"

"D A W G"

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