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srry for spelling mistakes, i don't revise this disaster of a book

"the fuck u mean u want me 2 run over to the store and get u tampons?"

im currently standing at genderbend jeff the killers doorway, looking at her owlishly. Jane crosses her arm as I blink my eyes rapidly.

"Be fucking useful dumbass, you're the newbie and Clockwork won't talk to me cos I gave Toby a blowjob last night. I'll pay u back, promise."

and with that she shut the door. I pursed my lips and sighed, deeply disappointed I wasn't gonna get any of that goth coochie. I bet her clit is pierced.

"Wait a minute is there a store around here? Do tampons come in sizes? Jade wHATS YOUR PUSSY SIZE—"

"Do you ever shut up?"


I look over and see Toby eyeing me annoyingly or should I say, checking me out. I know I'm irresistible, but there's no time for that right now. I skrrt over to my boy 🅱️oby. Hearing him sigh, I take that as a que to start talking.

"Bro u got cash?"


"What the fuck u got stashed in ur back pocket? I know u ain't that thick homie."

"Dude just leave me alone."

After that I grabbed my homies arm and forcefully dragged him downstairs and towards the front door.

"Jane sucked ur dick bro, u know her better than anyone else so ur helping me"

"Dude she sucked everyones dick!"

"dont care didn't ask, plus ur white. now vamos amigo!"

Finally, after some finesse, i got Toby on board with me. Mostly cos he wanted to get paid too I guess, whatever. While walking outside I realized I had no idea where the fuck am i and how the fuck i was gonna leave. I turned around to ask Tick Tock where the FucK am i supposed to go.

"Uh we can use maskys car. you drive— I still don't know how.."


I snort and Toby hits my head with the handle of his axe.


I yelled and held my head in pain. I shut my eyes for a sec before opening them to see my vision spinning. I shake my head and adjust to see more clearly. Once I successfully stop seeing doubles of everything, I see Toby far ahead of me and i immediately start running to catch up.

~time skip to Walgreens~

"ight, I actually don't know how much money I got."

I said as Toby and I stand infront of what i Can assume diapers for when girls have blood coming out of their vagina. i shove my hands in every pocket of my pants, taking out whatever was lost inside of them. I held out my hand while Toby eyes me, clearly done with my bullshit.

"Let's see I got, a mento..uh a coupon, parking ticket, 5 cents, and oh shit a fucked up blunt? Damn why the fuck I put that there?"

Toby's eyes lit up clearly seeing what was left of the said blunt.

"U smoke weed?"

"Hell yeah man—"

"Who's ur dealer?"


Toby stares at you with an undetected emotion and you can't do anything but stare back

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Toby stares at you with an undetected emotion and you can't do anything but stare back. After what seemed like a shit long, u stuff the shit back, "medical card"
You say and Toby nods muttering a cool.

"So whAt did she say she wanted? Tampax?"



You look at the colorful array of feminine products and rub ur nonexistent chin hair, well u got a little sad stubble—You hum and stare intently, having a mega brain blast.

"u look like ur constipated"

"yeah i think I bursted a brain cell from thinking so hard"

Toby decided to grab whatever was cheapest and looked nice and we both nodded in approval. Next, we scurried over to the snack section. We both counted up our money and concluded we had $10.05. We got chips and energy drinks. Finally after all that hard work, we went over to the cash register confidently sure we did not have enough to pay for that.

Once we set our high blood pressure continents down, I took our $2 and my 5 cents. Smoothly, I dropped the money over the cashier and gasped dramatically.

"My bad bromie"

I looked up at the intimidating man, he looked at me unfazed and scrunched his face. I smirked and Toby snorted. The dude took Tobys beer and threw it to the ground smashing it to oblivion. Me and Toby glanced at each other before grabbing the tampons and blasting out of the store. I can hear the dude yelling but bitch fuck that.


~back to store~

i burst into Jades room and stomp inside, Toby following soon after. Jade looked up from her bed and opens her mouth to yell, before Toby yeeted her box of Tampons at her face.


Toby yelled and I t-posed.

"I demand CASH"

I also yelled as Jane fucking punched my face. I screeched and Toby dipped right as Jane fucking took her pocket knife and stabbed me in the neck, "DONT FUCKING HIT ME YOU FUCKING BITCH" she says as she kicks me in the stomach and smirks. "Guess u won't be getting ur money huh newbie?"

I stumble against the wall and slip down, wheezing while gripping my neck.

"These hoes really ain't loyal manKGUGHAUCRAEGGEGSV"

Blood spurs from my throat and out of my mouth as i feel tears forming in my eyes from how much pain I'm feeling rn. After a hot minute, Jane sighed and walked over to see if I died but guess what I lived bitch and I took a big phat gasp of air. Jane jumped back and I wobbly stood up.

" it's either an orgy or cash."

I croaked and Jane looked at me with wide eyes before groaning. She walked over and took her wallet, handing me $20.

"Get out and never come in my room retard ."

"So no Head?"


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