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(yes its my art lmfaoo)

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(yes its my art lmfaoo)

"You've ever seen how long the needle is for horse vaccines?"


my unwavering eyes focused on the tiny screen of the nintendo switch before me, however i can only genuinely wonder wtf ben ten was on about.

"its like,, LONG. Like imagine a big long rod penetrating inside of u,"

 i said before Ben hit me with a shell and thats how i got 7th place in mario kart

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i said before Ben hit me with a shell and thats how i got 7th place in mario kart.

"boo! you distracted me with yo mouth!!" i yelled in the shortys face. Ben smirked mockingly at me, "thats what she said," he pointed a finger at me. I merely squinted, "you may have won the battle but i will win the war....."

Ben shrugged and I reached over for a fry before it was snatched by Toby. I scoffed, looking at the brunette in the eyes.

"Are y-you guys even l-listening?!" He exclaimed before aggressively shoving the rest of the fries inside his mouth. I watched with my mouth agape, peering into the left side of his cheek where the gaping hole was and watched as tiny pieces of fries escapes his mouth and fall onto the table.

francis: dang thats fucked up

juan: is hard for him to eat food? how long did it take to get used to it? HOW DOES HE DRINK FROM A WATTER BOTTLE?!?

"huh," i respond in thought, but suddenly a goddamn chicken bugget was thrown at my eye, "OW!" I flinched, not happy about the food going to waste. I immediately picked up the nugget from the floor and aggressively chewed it.

Toby looked done with my shit, "listen to me! FUCK!"

Both Ben and I decided to put down our controllers and leaned back to bestow our full attention on Tobs.

"Ben," Tobs started, "Did you at l-least bring money with you?" he stuttered, tryna remain calm.

Ben merely sniffed, a long pause surrounding us, ".....uh was i supposed to?" he rose a brow and Toby crashed his head onto the table. "Y-You brought your s-switch but not FUCKING MONEY?!" The brunette shouted, banging his head repeatedly on the table.

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