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what the fuck bitch the fucking shit hell what the actual fucking fuck?? I've been waiting for 20 minutes already. Tell me why the fuck this bitch NINA THE KILLER hasn't came out of the bitchass bathroom. I swear to god I'm going to shit myself.

I bang my hand on the door,


No response. I groaned and looked at the time on my phone. It's 5am. I wanted to get up early cos there's only like 3 bathrooms in this whole godforesaken mansion. ONLY T H R E E. So, being the big brained boy I am, I decided to try to take a shower extra early since it's always filled up. You know now that I'm thinking about it, how are they paying for their--

"Dude just break the door down."

I see Ben waltz next to me and fucking obliterate the bathroom.


I hear someone call out, but we both ignored it and I peeked inside the bathroom. There I saw clown ass mf Nina sprawled across the ground. Stomach gutted open. Blood everywhere. So much blood it was almost comical. It was comical, this was insane.

(My art lol)

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(My art lol)

During my stay, I never actually seen a dead body. Ironically, the only fucked up I've seen these guys doing is killing animals to eat or some shit.

"Oh my fucking god she fucking dead"

Ben walked into the bathroom, unfazed, and squatted next to Nina's body. It looked fairly fresh, barely any flies around her. The blood was still a decent red color, only browning in her clothes.

"Damn, never liked that depressed slut anyways."

"Wait was this a murder or suicide I can't tell--"

"Bro does it even matter? She's dead, it's irrelevant. Shit like this happens all the time. Only bad thing is cleaning it up."

For some reason after he said that, a row of goosebumps ran up my body. That's when I finally realized that I was in deep shit. I was in deep deep horse shit.

I can't die, so not really afraid of that. In this situation, death is comforting. I don't know why I'm here and I don't know why they want me here. During my stay they made it abundantly clear at this point they don't want me to leave. I remember what Slenderman said about leaving, but when I tried the ugly ass smile dog forced me back. How? BY FUCKING ATTACKING ME!

I haven't showered in 4 days. The lack of proper food has left my body malnourished and i'm constantly dizzy and light headed. I can't fucking sleep without having nightmares, so I mostly don't sleep at all. I feel like my subconscious has separated from me and I'm viewing through tunnel vision. I don't feel like im in my body, I don't really feel anything. There's this thing that's been happening recently, gaps in my memories. I could be in the living room chilling, and the next minute I blink and I'm in the closet of my room.

What the fuck man? Has anyone looked for me? Am I going to stay here forever?

"Uh..Dude. You gon use the bathroom?"

Ben waves a hand over my face. I snap out of my daze and scrunch my nose in disgust.

"bro, the toilet is covered with her coochie blood fuck that I'm going to the one in Ej's room. I know that penishole dont like me but bitch im about to shit all over this mf floor."

I did a quick salute and scurried off. As i was walking down stairs and into Ejs room, i dazed off, thinking about my impending death. Shivers went down my spine and i slowed my pace. I stood outside ejs door and for the first time in this god foresaken book, i was scared. I feared death, even if i couldnt die. That was scarier. Being tortured endlessly.Not dying. Feels like i am but im not. I stared at the withered door and settled in not going, ill stink for another day, another fucking week even. I'll just shit outside or something.

Once i stepped back, out came ej. I flinched rlly bad and looked at him. Damn these fuckers could probably smell fear no cap.

"what are you doing here?"

"...bathroom..i need to shit."


I saw his head tilt and i gulped. I think he noticed im actually lowkey scared. He rested his thumb on his chin and stepped closer to me. I stood my guard, trying to look unfazed.

"K dont take long, im heading out to take that Nina chick's kidneys n what not. Don't fuck anything up or i will literally rob you."

He said before walking away. I just kinda stood there, stunned.

"Guess he forgot about that chicken incident lmao"

"Guess he forgot about that chicken incident lmao"

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