The Deepest Dark

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Here's to being human

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Here's to being human

All the pain and suffering

There's beauty in the bleeding

At least you feel something

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Although it may not seem like it, thoughts run rampant in my head. I can't properly solidify them often, not any more. Somewhere along the way i've managed to lose the ability to transfer it to words. I merely forget. I'm tongue tied.

What am I feeling? Are these experiences real? I feel everything in the most emptiest way possible. I've forgotten how to properly act, I depend on past experiences. How does it feel to feel like you belong? To feel normal?

There's nothing for me, for I am no longer human.

I stood outside, gazing blankly upon the paper plastered on the board. I started unblinkingly trying to push away the bubbling dread and sadnesses lingering in my stomach. I guess hopelessness was the best emotion to suit my state of being.

Soon, I felt a presence next to me. I didn't care to move an inch as we both simply gazed at the same thing. Without looking Toby began to speak, "You know, my own mother still tries looking for me,"

He blatantly states, still stuttering in his speech. I glanced at him while he continued, "After I killed my dad, it spread all over the news. My mom saw it. My mom saw the body. It's obvious I did it, yet she still tries looking for me and hopes for me to come home one day. Even though I continued the cycle, she refuses to believe I'm the culprit."

I analyzed his expression, it was solid. Not a speck of micro expressions indicating any emotion. He was blank similar to a lifeless doll, matching his nulled tone of voice. I wonder if that was my fate, to forget how to feel. To not connect anymore and become nothing but a pointless existence, how does Toby do it?

"Mothers are s-such strong people you know. While I d-don't feel a connection anymore, part of me wish I did. The emotional pain is gone making me feel h-hallow and sometimes I-I wonder if she even deserves closure. Wouldn't it be worse in knowing her son is the lowest of the low and deserves to rot in hell.." He trailed off, blankly looking ahead almost in thought.

I stared at him before looking back at the poster and ripping it off, "Well, no point in reminiscing on the past. I can't change it, so there's no point in trying to make me feel better," I shakily exhaled before throwing the crumpled paper in the nearby trash and walking off.

"Let's roll," I proceeded to dramatically strut off, causing Toby to stumble over to catch up to me. "Why do y-you do that?" He grunted as I slowed my pace. I looked over to him, "Do what?"

"Evade. In the most posi-posible dumbest way possible. You do the most stupidest shit in order to a-avoid actually dealing with problems seriously,"

We both stopped walking, I turned towards him, "FUCK U WANT ME TO DO?! CRY PISS MY PANTS?" i flailed my arms at him. Toby crossed his arms, "I'm— I'm just saying! It's hard to k-keep up with you sometimes!"

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