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"Bruh y'all got c O RNN FLAKK?"

"Nah em flakes only."

"How the fuck you get flakes only."

"You tAke the corn out."

Y/n was currently discussing this important topic with Ben, who was now chilling on the couch scrolling thru shit on his phone. Y/n furrowed his eyebrows,

"Link, i haven't eaten in a week, feed me please I am in need of nutrients or I will die— for the love of god."

"Dude get up and find something in the kitchen."

"This ain't my house and I still don't know why I'm here. Cmon man be my guide stop being a cretin."

🅱️en Ten only ignored Y/n's pleads and stayed glued to his phone like a fucking millennial (BOOMER) You look around and see everyone has left except for Momo. You sigh and mutter a fuck you to Emo Link and sit next to Momo, who was sitting on the kitchen chair. No words were exchanged as you watch him apply some white ass makeup onto his god awful onion skin. You cringe as he continues paying no mind to you.

"Why bother even trying to cover that shit up, you ugly."

🅱️eff elbows you in the throat and you wheeze out in pain. The stinging sensation lingered onto ur skin as you held your neck in pain.

"I will eat you."

He replied and you only nodded and fake cried.

"sorry Jesus Christ I just wanted fuckinf cORK FLAK you know where that is?"


"damn, none y'all bitches helpful"

Y/n stands up bitterly and waltz over to the kitchen of horrors. He looks around and opens a random cabinet. The bitch's practically D E A D except for half empty boxes of cheezits, coco puffs, and crackers.


You open the cabinet next to it and lord and behold there stood KO RN FLA KES in all its sexy glory. Y/n snatches the relic and opens the fridge to get malk. However, You were displeased to see that shit also empty and sum red shit that smells like G A R BA G E emits from the bottom storage. You gulp as curiosity entices you and you hesitantly open it.

There, stood something utterly horrific. Your muscles churns and your stomach squelched. You wanted to turn away, cry. Cry and shit your pants, cum maybe, but alas— with hard work — you didn't. Anyways, it was the most gruesome thing your eyes had ever witnessed.

"Oh god!"

You scream and you stumble back, gripping your CC ORN FLEK in your sweaty palms.

There stood, a whole ass slab of chicken. Raw and cut. HORRIFICALLY CUT BITCH THE FUCK—

You take the god awful raw meat as ur homie blue mask 🅱️aby comes down to see who the fuck was screaming.

He turns to face you, but before he can even utter a word you give the juicy chicken a quick slap.


No ojos only stares at you as Jeff tells Y/n to shut the fuck up. You stare at each other in silence for what seems like an eternity. Finally, in one swift movement, Ejactulation Jack takes one hand and lifts you up by the throat— successfully pinning you on the wall behind. You wheeze, but stay brave. So brave you probably pissed ur pants a lil

HOWEVER that doesn't matter. As quickly as the fear came, it left once EJ brought his masked face closer to you. You can hear his breathing, leaving you to wonder how his voice sounded like. All thoughts left your head as you stayed motionless against his grip, not bothering to struggle free but instead embrace death.

His face was right next to your ear. You felt the ridges of his blue mask against your cheek, it was cold and disgustingly wet. You stared blankly ahead, no one payed attention to you.

"don't touch my fleshlight."

And with that, Blue face baby let you fall to the ground, as you wheezed and inhaled a shit ton of air. no eyes brandy grabbed the said chicken and ran off back upstairs.

Once you recovered you sat there thinking; replaying his words in your head.


You yelled. Your throat still gutted but you thought it was worth it as you stood back up from the grimy floor. 'His voice isn't even that deep what a turn off' you think. You heard 🅱️eff snicker and you flip him off.

"I stg y'all fucking nasty, can't believe 13 yr olds salivate to you bitches."

Y/n says in clear disgust while opening the fridge once more.

"Me either man."

Ben reply's from the couch and you sigh, focusing back on your previous task. You eye the sad contents in the fridge and ur feeble eyes lay upon orange juice. Staring at it for a minute, you quickly pick it up and open it to sniff it.

"smells good"

you confirm and sit the juice next to the cereal box. You snatched a bowl and a spoon from the cabinets (saying a thank you to water sheep for not having to fucking search the entire house for it) and sat down across Jiff, who's now putting away his probably expired makeup. You felt eyes boring into your soul as you pour the orange juice first and then poured ur CORNN FLAEKS in.


You say happily as you pick up your spoon.

"LJ used that for heroin—"


You take your hand and dunk in ur bowl, grabbing the cereal in the process. Then, you shove that shit in ur mouth enjoying the bittersweet taste.

"Taste like fucking shit"

"Taste like fucking shit"

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