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my eyes flutter open, "what the fuck?"

I sit up, squinting in the darkness, straining to make out the source of the sound.

Juan groaned: awh no MAMES they're fucking!!

Francis: walls so thin u can probably just tap on it and the neighbors could hear you.

I groaned, sitting up, and glancing next to me, Toby snores quietly. stiff as a log. Bro did not even fucking stir awake, he was balls deep in eepyvile.

i sniffed in annoyance, the sound of the bed creaking only growing louder. "this is fucked man." i mutter, rolling outta bed and yawning, walking out towards the living room. I looked around and didn't see Ben Ten in sight, weird. wonder that the elf midget is doing?

Francis: he's prob getting high somewhere

Juan: without us?! WTF IS THIS?! These foos fake as fuck!!

I shook my head. I sank into the couch, turning on the TV. The news channel came on, and my finger hovered over the remote button, but something held me back from changing the channel.

"We'll now show a list of recent missing persons cases. If you have any information about these individuals, please contact local authorities immediately."

Names and faces flashed across the screen, each one depicting a real person with a whole life ahead of them, suddenly vanishing:

Marie Garcia

John Hancock

Lily Rojas

Then, like a punch to the gut, I saw it again:


My own face stared back at me, but it felt like looking at a stranger. That person in the photo - vibrant, hopeful, alive - seemed a world away from who I'd become.

Once more, my own face mocks me. The life that got ripped away from me, felt false. Was I ever that person to begin with? Why don't I feel the need to return back, to see my family?

I feel shame, fear, guilt.

It was all my fault this happened to me.

Juan's voice cut through my thoughts: "Don't tell me you're gonna start whining again?"

Francis chimed in: "He's struggling to process this, Juan. Give him a break."

"Boo hoo, you gonna cry?" Juan taunted.

I hunched over, gripping my head as their voices echoed louder. "Shut up, both of you!" I hissed, but their bickering only intensified, filling my skull with a cacophony of conflicting emotions.

COCK BLOOD! | CREEPYPASTA CRACKFICWhere stories live. Discover now