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"Dude, the bed sheets look like we got our periods!" I yelled out, analyzing the various blood splotches on the bed, "That's it, you're banned from sleeping on the bed you fucking hasbulla lookin' ass!"

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"Dude, the bed sheets look like we got our periods!" I yelled out, analyzing the various blood splotches on the bed, "That's it, you're banned from sleeping on the bed you fucking hasbulla lookin' ass!"

"I DON'T EVEN LOOK LIKE HIM OH MY GOD-- NOT MY FAULT I CRY BLOOD 24/7. COPE." Ben retorted from the living room. I rolled my eyes yanking the bedsheets and tossing them across the room. I twirled a lil and made my way over to the dresser, looking at the various cologne bottles. I took them all and sprayed them on me.


Francis: I'm pretty sure everyone can smell you from a mile away, Y/N

I scoffed at my voice's commentary, merely strolling out of our shared room and standing in front of zelda. "Whatcha think, homie? Rate the fit 1-10," I smirked, doing some cholo ass poses. Ben merely side-eyed me, before setting his attention back on his gay ass Nintendo switch. "Well, you smell better that's for sure." He replied.

"Tch, cara de culo," I huffed, sitting down next to him with a loud thud. Ben raised a brow, "Dunno what that means but, mucho gracias." I chuckled, leaning my head against him and watching him play. It was silent for a couple of moments before Ben interjected, "So--uh the scars.."

I pulled away, staring at the mf with confusion, "UH huh?"

Ben awkwardly turned off his game and looked at me, "Did they hurt?"

I stared at him in silence. The blonde kinda started getting uncomfy given his awkward shift and avoiding eye contact, "Are you stupid?" I finally said causing Ben to suddenly exclaim, "I'M SORRY FUCK I KNOW THAT WAS DUMB BUT I JUST WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU'RE GOOD?"

My face twisted into a grimace, "Ummmmmm chat is this real?"

"Nah fuck you never mind." Ben turned away, clearly embarrassed as fuck. I snickered before crossing my arms, "Hmmm well, I got most of them from my time back in the pasta mansion. They got a lil too freaky and started cutting my up like we were playing fruit ninja or sumth--"

"omg...." Ben suddenly said, caressing my arm gently, "My little fruit ninja player..." he said dramatically, rubbing the scars. I pushed him away, "gtfo outta here!" we both laughed before suddenly locking in. "Ok continue, my bad," Ben nodded.

"WELL! almost everyday I was taken by EJ and LJ down to the basement so they could poke at me and collect blood samples and test how fast I heal blah blah blah, I mean you could prolly imagine that shit was painful given my blood-curdling screams," I obnoxiously laugh, but this time Ben stayed silent, "I mean I was so fucking loud the whole mansion heard! Didn't matter, cos why the fuck would it? LJ made it perfectly clear I was so worthless I was treated as less than human he used to taunt me every time and laugh in my face as I felt myself get ripped open and even gutted by the both of them. EJ never really said much, he said it was orders and yadada but I knew no ONE GAVE A FUCK ABOUT ME! IT WAS ALL ABOUT THEM, NO ONE CARED ABOUT THE COUNTLESS OF PEOPLE THAT WERE MASSACRED IN THE FUCKING BASEMENT LIKE IT WAS A GODDAMN SLAUGHTERHOUSE LIKE WE WERE ANIMALS COS, IN THE END, YOU ALL ARE JUST A BUNCH OF FUCKING MURDERERS!"

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