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"So what you're saying is

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"So what you're saying is..?"

"Im moving out."

Here i sat, ass on the grimy ass wooden chair, eating leftovers of some expired mac n cheese i found in the barely functioning fridge.


I yelled and stood up, making the table jolt. Toby just looked up at me and grinned.

"Yeah man, im tired of living here. I dont wanna be associated with these bitches ya kno?"

He cackled as i slumped in my chair and crossed my arms.

"damn ur leaving the creepypasta fandom?"


I pursed my lips and stared at the brown haired male in silence. He hummed to himself while cleaning his piss colored goggles he always wore. I squinted my eyes in thought

Let's analyze my current situation!

Y/n Character Stats:

HUNGER: Barely getting by


ENERGY: nonexistent, on verge of passing out

SOCIAL: only talks to the same 4 ppl each day cos all these bitches dont like me

HYGIENE: greasy dog

FUN: what the FUCK is that?

"Let me come with you."


Toby stopped and looked up at me. Suddenly he cracked his neck and i scrunched my face in fake disgust.

"No can do~"


It was Toby's turn to stand up and walk over to me. I stared at him, fuming. He stood over me, staring down at me mockingly.

"Slender doesn't want you going anywhere~"

I stood up and he looked up at me. Yes bitch im fucking taller. Anxiety welled inside my chest as i looked at him in desperation.

"Dude, please. Look at me I can barely stand up. We're homies right? I can help you, just please PLEASE take me with you."

I gripped his shoulders as he stared at me blankly. His redden eyes bore into my own, not moving to look anywhere else. After a while, he shoved me off and i looked at him in disbelief.

"Its out of my hands."

I chuckled lowly as bangs covered my eyes, casting a dark shadow over them. I brought my hand into a fist and clutched my heart.

"I thought u were bae..."

Tears spilled from my eyes,


I got fucking punched in the jaw and i stumbled back, crashing into the table. Toby walked over and grabbed the collar of my shirt. He pulled my face close to his,

"Don't ever call me fam again."

"What kinda homie doesn't help another out?"

"I could die if i helped you escape."

"Fam it is."

"You're lucky im not afraid to die."

Tears went down my cheeks as Toby let me go and we fist bumped.


I cried and he saluted. We then went in for a manly hug before the door busted open. I screeched and Toby hit me in the head. I looked over and saw it was BJ i mean EJ standing at the entrance.

"Y/n, it's time for your weekly surgery at Slenderman's request."

"Yes, honey.."

I mumbled, dread washing over me. I slumped and Toby sighed and patted my back.


I hear a new voice inquire and i look up to see a ugly ass monochromatic clown poke his head through.

"What is this nonsense?"

He cooed and i dragged my feet over to EJ, who fucking hit me in the head too, and i stared up at the TALL ASS MF CLOWN JESUS.

"Wow guess i aint the only clown here, huh?"

Ej pushed me outside the kitchen and led me into the basement, LJ trailing behind.

"Shut up and let's go."

Blue mask bitch said and i whined, heart beat accelerating.

"Y/n, do you like candy?"

Everything seemed to slowdown as my thoughts raced. Everyone around me turned into a dull grey as their figures barely moved, my own body following pursuit. I focused all my attention on my thoughts as I subconsciously suck myself in them.

They don't know me, but I know them!
I know LJ gives out poisonous candy and shit, If i accept i doubt Ej would bat a fucking eye since he doesnt care what happens to me.

I can save the candy for later...how can i save it without causing suspicion? Im pretty sure LJ would want me to eat it right away...

What about..

"Yeah bro"

Everything went back to normal and i turned to look at da clown. He had a wide grin and slowly held out his big ass hands that had candy in them.

"Take one."

He said and i smirked, "oh yeah sure thanks!"
I heard Ej groan as i took the two treats and ACCIDENTALLY tripped. LJ busted out laughing and Ej only kicked me up as I stumbled up and foward while shoving the candies into my pocket. I whined

"Jack why u gotta be a bitch?"

"I dont have time for your idiocy."

I pouted and Ej pushed me into the basement. It stunk of rotting meat, but it unfazed me at this point. Only thing i can think of is my stomach getting cut open and watching Jack analyze me as i slowly heal back up because of this bitchass shit he injects into me. I really don't want to go through this today.

I can help you escape.

Can you?

I can.

"Get on the seat."

"Why is LJ still here?"

"Body guard."

I timidly look back as see Lj already staring at me. I look at Ej who is setting up his stuff. My heart beat quickens, it feels like its going to explode. My hands clam and i start sweating.

I can help you.

I step back.

Can you?

"Y/n, come here. Hurry up."

Jack snarls and I flinch.


I whisper as I close my eyes.

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