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it's hiding in the walls

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it's hiding in the walls

its teeth are razor sharp

there's no escape for me it wants my soul

it wants my heart

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

I milled around the claustrophobic thrift shop, it kinda be smellin like baby powder here ngl. I browse several really cheap objects, scattered toys, and books on the floor as well. Everything be cramped up so I had to make sum ninja moves to get around the isles and whatnot. While scouting the area I look up to see any cameras and saw only 2 of them one facing the cashier and another in the back of the store. I made note of it and went back to browsing the store.

I walk passed the cashier, who I felt eye me, and I simply glanced at the old lady there and smiled. I went to look at the random clothing rack within her line of vision and picked out two random shirts that were like 4$. "Can I try this on?" I politely asked.

Juan: Y/n be normal challenge

Francis: I think he's doing a good job so far, though I'm pretty sure the lady is still suspicious of us

Juan: no shit he looks like a heroin addict

I felt my eye twitch a bit from the bantering of my subconscious,


Francis: oh hi Y/n nice of u to join us

I noticed the lady nod, "Yes. Changing room in the back," She instructed with a strong Mexican accent. I felt my eyes lit up, "Gracias senora, mi gusta tu peinada. te miras hermosa!"

I saw her crack a smile, chuckling at me. I felt the lingering tension lift a bit as she waved me off, "oye, no juegues conmigo~ gracias pues," she finished and I nodded.

I proceeded to skrrt over to the dressing room and on the way there I made eye contact w tobs. I nod over to him signaling everything going smooth criminal and the lad merely rolled his eyes cos he's a mosquito, a mf FUN SUCKER. I twirl over and saw the dressing room was out of the camera's and the cashier's view so I ransack several other articles of clothing and throw them over my shoulder.

afterward, I strolled into the dressing room, with my backpack, and shut the door. SHOPPING MONTAGE!

juan: r u serious rn deadass bro?

francis: y/n we are in the middle of a robber--oh try that dress on!

juan: DUDE?!?!?

I scanned over the many pieces of clothes I brought and snatched an awesome-looking dress, "on it compadre"

I threw my backpack on the floor and put on the snazzy dress. I looked at the mirror and grinned twirling around like those sky dancer dolls from the 90s. "I look so sexy, yup id fuck myself."

francis: self-love is important, quoted by upper-middle-class wake up at 6 am white girls

juan: jesus, guys can we stop fucking around and get on with the main objective?!

francis: shut the fuck up fun sucker

y/n: you get me francis

I tried on several different shirts after and shoved my desired choices in my bag. Once I finished, I threw my backpack outside, to which toby was waiting near, and mf grabbed it and I came out with 2 shirts on hand. Toby nodded over to me to follow him and we both skrrted over near a small book section. we were basically hidden from the cameras and cashier.

"p-pay for the s-shit-- shirts and I'll leave the s-store as she's distracted," he ticked asf trying to suppress it as best as possible, making his physical ones worsen. I nodded and strutted my way over to the cashier as Tobs grabbed our bags and waited for me to distract the old lady.

I smiled once I went up to her, I almost felt bad for stealing. "es todo?" she questioned while grabbing the clothes and focused on scanning them, "si no mas un poco blusitas para mi trabajo," I chuckled watching her click away at her cashier. she smiled, "te ves cansado. no trabajes mucho, que Dios de bendiga."

I pursed my lips as she announced my total was 4.50$. I sniffed and dug into my pocket. I handed her the remaining 20$ bill I had stashed away. The lady looked up with soft eyes and I spoke before she could, "keep it, its a tip! que dios de bendiga tambien!" I chimed in English before taking my bagged clothes and smiling. The lady laughed and thanked me, I gestured her goodbye and left the store.

it wasn't much but it was all I had. plus toby didn't even know I had the 20$ to begin with so I didn't really lose much in the end. I strolled out the store w my plastic bag, swinging it around like a dumbass, "y/n" i jumped 5ft into the air and saw tobs standing against the wall looking at me like I'm stupid.

"jesus you scared me, tone it down muchacho." I tsked at him as he shook his head and brought me next to him, "there's a p-public bathroom n-nearby let's change and discard o-our musty ass cUNT--clothes..." he said and we both trotted over to the bathrooms next to the store.

I zoned out kina thinking about the lady. she reminded me of my mom suddenly making me insanely miss her. i sighed as i figured they couldnt be bothered to look for me all this time. Nothing I can do about it now. As I was about to trot in the bathroom, i caught a glimpse of something on a nearby cork board making me backtrack.

I walked over to the board, ignoring the several advertisements for jobs plastered on there, and stared at the big poster in the middle of it.

"MISSING PERSON" it read, with bold letters placed on the bottom of my own photo. I stared idly at it, empty sucken eyes glued to my once lively figure. i meekly went in the bathroom and into the stall w my backpack. i sat on the toilet as tears rushed down my face.

"why is this happening to me?" i whispered pathetically into the palms of my shaking hands.

juan: boohoo cry about it later

francis: juan shut the fuck up y/n is going thru some serious shit

juan: all he's doing is moping about it and wasting time!! get over it youre never going to see your family again!


i shrieked before immediately regretting it as i heard tobys voice from a nearby stall, "uh....you g-good bro?"

"uh yeah sorry. just...thinking." i awkwardly responded before quickly changing out my clothes.

i put on a big grey long sleeves and a worn out blue jeans. i took out a brown hoodie i manage to stuff in and put on on since it's cold as fuck. thankfully that freed up space in my bag so it dont look like im carrying around a mf camping bag.

"y'all didn't hear shit," i called out once more.

"sure." toby gruffly responded and and i sniffed putting my shit away and carrying my backpack out of the bathroom.

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