Chapter 2

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Natalie's P.O.V

Last night was a rough one, the twins kicked all night, and I couldn't sleep because of the thought of someone in my apartment. Around 4 in the morning, I awoke with a thirst for some water, so I slowly and quietly creeped out of the bed, and out the bedroom door, walking down the stairs.

Once I got to the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, and sat down at the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen. As I sat there and drunk the bottle of water, thoughts ran rampant throughout my head. Minutes later, I heard feet coming down the stairs. I looked up and noticed that it was Chris, "Hey, what're you doing up?" Chris asked with a questioning tone to his voice.

"Nothing, I just came to get some water." I replied nonchalantly, trying to hide the fact that I was clearly troubled.

"Natalie, I know when you're lying to me." Chris stated whilst leaning over the island in front of me.

"I just...." I started trailing off, "I just wanna know who was in the apartment that's all." I finished with a frown.

"Do you think you would sleep better, if we went to check the place out?" Chris asked with a questioning glance.

"Sure, I would just like to know." I replied.

Soon we arrived outside the apartment, and this time the light that I had seen was off, so Chris decided to go inside and check it out.

Minutes later Chris came back outside with a smile upon his face, "I know who was in your apartment." Chris said with a laugh.

"Who?" I asked with a questioning glance.

"Well you can only guess..." Chris said trailing off, as he handed me a set of Red Sox onsies with the last name Holt and number 26 on them. 

"Brock." I said with a relieved laugh, "I didn't know he still had a key to my apartment." I then added.

"You really need to keep track of the keys you give out." Chris said with a laugh.

"I know," I replied, "It was my mistake."

The next morning around 10, I got up and fixed breakfast. Minutes after I started frying the bacon, Chris came trudging down the stairs in pair of Nike sweatpants, and a plain white tee. "Good morning." He said with a husky morning voice, as he gave me a hug from behind. 

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