Chapter 3

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Natalie's P.O.V

A Few Days Later

 Chris and I had finally finished almost everything with the new house, we bought a ton of furniture, and unpacked all of our house hold utensils. The only thing we had to do now was unpack and clothes and bathroom items, and put them away in their designated places. 

Chris and I's bedroom was on the second floor of the house, and the bedroom we picked was absolutely huge, the bedroom was three times larger than my bedroom at the apartment, and the closet was close to the same size.

I made my way up the long staircase, taking a break every now and then, with a box full of bathroom materials that weighed about 25 pounds. I finally made it, and I walked down the corridor towards the bedroom, once inside I saw that Chris was surround by boxes, and was quickly separately all of our stuff. 

I stepped over him, and quickly made my way to the bathroom. As I was packing the soaps and shampoos under the large cabinet in the bathroom, I suddenly felt a hard pressure in my lower stomach. It soon went away but it scared me, so I made my way back into the bedroom, and sat down in the comfortable lounge chair we had bought for the bedroom. 

Chris looked at me with a questioning glance, and then turned back to his work, but then he looked back at me with a serious face, "Natalie, are you peeing?" Chris asked with a questioning, but serious tone to his voice.

"No...." I started, "Why?" I then asked.

"Because there is a huge pool of water underneath you." Chris replied, getting up out of the floor quickly.

"Oh my god, you're not serious are you?" I asked rhetorically.

"I'm serious, Natalie," Chris started, "You need to get your bag, and we need to get out of here." He then added.

I quickly got up, and grabbed the duffle bag that I had packed just in case of an emergency like this. Chris and I made our way down the stairs. We finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, and Chris and I went outside, and got into the Range Rover, turning the hazard lights on, starting driving the 18 miles to Boston. 

When we were 10 minutes away from the hospital, I called Brock and Lauren, Layne, my parents, and Hannah to inform them that my water had broke and we were on the way to the hospital. Once I had informed everyone I thought that should know, I looked at Chris with a weak smile, "I'm scared." I stated seriously.

"Don't be, everything will be okay." Chris replied with a reassuring smile, that I so desperately needed

"Should I call Doctor Wayland?" I asked.

"Yeah, you might want to inform her." Chris said with a smile.

After calling and informing Doctor Wayland, she said that she would meet me at the hospital and we would work from there. About 5 minutes later, Chris and I pulled into the hospital parking lot, we quickly got out the Range Rover, and walked briskly towards the front entrance. As we approached, I saw that everyone had made it there, except for my parents who lived an hour and a half away. Brock and Layne gave me tight hugs, and then we made our way inside, where I was relocated to a room. 

After 10 minutes of waiting for Doctor Wayland, and experiencing contractions that were 5 minutes apart, she finally walked into the room with a sigh, "I'm sorry I'm late, Mrs. Evans, I had to wrap up an appointment." Doctor Wayland said with a weak smile.

"It's okay, I just want to get them out of me now." I said with a laugh, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"Let me check how dilated you are, and then we will conclude whether you can have them naturally." Doctor Wayland stated with a smile, "Will everyone please step out of the room." She then added, and everyone obliged politely.

I watched as she checked, and came back up with a smile on her face, "You are 8 centimeters dilated, you should be able to have them naturally, I'll have them take you to a birthing room." Doctor Wayland said with a smile, "I'll be up there in 10 minutes."

Around 3 minutes later, I was sitting in the hospital bed waiting for Doctor Wayland, Chris held my hand tightly and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. My contractions were now 2 minutes apart and they only lasted 45 seconds instead of a whole minute now. 

Finally she came bursting into the room with 2 nurses at her side, "I'm going to check your dilation again." She stated, whilst checking it thoroughly.

"You're ready, Natalie." She then said with a reassuring smile on her face, "If you experience any pain I want you to squeeze Chris's hand tightly, okay?" She then stated more as a question.

I nodded, and then put my feet into the designated places, and waited for further instructions. Doctor Wayland counted to 3 and I pushed with all my might. When that didn't help, I pushed again, and this time, Doctor Wayland looked up at me, "Baby A is crowning, two more pushes and he'll be out." 

Just like she said, two pushes later I heard the loud cry of a baby. Chris gave my hand a squeeze and then gave me a cute grin, "It's a boy!" Doctor Wayland stated.

A few more pushes later another loud cry came, "It's a boy!" Doctor Wayland stated again, as she got up and made her way over to the sink in the room, where she washed her hands.

I looked at Chris with a smile, and we soon started the naming process.

Baby A- Elias Christopher Evans was born at 4:32 on October 26, 2014, he weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces, and was 21 inches long.

Baby B- Alexzander Percy Evans was born at 4:37 on October 26, 2014, he weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces, and was 18 inches long.

Finally the twins were here, and we could now begin our life as a family. 

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