Chapter 18

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Natalie's P.O.V

The Next Day

Chris and I awoke early, and began working on the final touches of the boy's 1st birthday party. I straightened and cleaned the house, whilst Chris went out to collect all the food for the party. Once I was finished cleaning, I headed up the stairs and quickly jumped into the shower. When I stepped out of the shower, the baby monitor lit up, and crying began to pour out of the speakers. I put on my bathrobe, and rushed to go get them. 

When I finally entered their nursery, their crying diminished and they immediately stuck their hands through the cribs, asking for me to get them out. I collected both boys from their cribs, and grabbed their hands, letting them toddle down the hall towards mine and Chris' bedroom. Once we reached the bedroom, I put the boys into their playpen, and turned on the T.V, turning it to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to keep them occupied. 

The boys were soon content, so I proceeded to continue to get ready for the long day ahead of me. I grabbed my sweater dress, leggings, and Ugg boots from the closet, and sat them down in the bathroom.  I quickly brushed my teeth, and applied my makeup. When I was finished, I dried my hair, and curled it, leaving it in the long ringlets. 

Next, I had to bathe the boys and get them into their first birthday outfits. I entered back into the bedroom, and picked the boys up, taking them into the bathroom, and fixing them some warm bath water. Once I was happy with the water temperature, I took the pajamas off of them, and sat them down into the water. After lathering both their hair, and bodies I rinsed them off, and grabbed them both a towel from the cabinet behind me.

After I had their hair and bodies dried, and they were both diapered, I led them back to their nursery, where I proceeded to dress them in their outfits. The outfits were the same, and they wore jeans with the adjoining top, which was white with what looked like black with white polka dot suspenders, with a tie in the middle that had their name on it. 

Not to long after both the boys and I got ready, I heard the garage door open and then close. I put the boys in their playroom, and walked into the kitchen, opening the garage door for Chris in the process. I helped Chris carry the cakes, cupcakes, and candy bags inside the house. 

Once all the food was inside of the house, Chris and I sat them down in a pretty order on the designated table for food. The final touches of the party were finished, so Chris went upstairs and got dressed for the party, whilst I joined the boys in their playroom. 

A Few Hours Later

It was finally time for the party, and people had began to pull into our driveway. The first people to arrive were my parents and my grandma, followed by Layne and Ally, and then Brock and Lauren. The celebrity quests that Chris had invited had yet to begin to show up, but I knew from all the rsvp's that there would be plenty of them here. 

About 20 minutes, after my family had shown up, Chris' family began to show up, Lisa and Bob were the first to show up, and a few minutes later Scott, Shana, and of course Carly. Although, she wasn't any of Chris' family Hannah showed up.

A few minutes after Chris' family joined the party, Scarlett Johansson showed up with her beautiful daughter Rose and Robert and Susan arrived with both Exton and Avri. Sebastian Stan and Aaron Taylor-Johnson came as friends of Chris. I was surprised when Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa showed up with their twin boys Tristian and Sasha along with their daughter India, and they were followed by the last quests that showed up which were Chris Pratt and Anna Faris who brought their son, Jack.

By the time all of the quests had arrived, and every one was situated eating cake and other food, I noticed that the boys' gift table was absolutely full. 

Soon after everyone was done eating, the boys, with the help of Chris and I blew their candles out on their cakes, and we took them to open their gifts in the family room. 

It took the boys, Chris and I at least an hour to open all the presents from the generous quests at their party. After the festivities had died out and diminished, we thanked everyone for all the gifts and of course for joining us in the celebration of Elias and Percy's 1st Birthday. 

Not to long after the party had ended, Chris and I, along with the help of Scarlett, Brock and Lauren cleaned up all the trash, and put away all of the gifts the boys had received. We once again thanked them for helping and soon after we finished they all left. 

Chris and I put the boys into their cribs, and soon climbed into our own bed, obviously exhausted from all the party preparations, soon falling asleep. 


One more chapter and epilogue until Being an Evans is finally complete. Thank you all for all the devoted support you've shown me, and I just hope that you continue to read this series until the third and final book is also complete!

Keep up the votes and comments!

Love you all!

-xoxo, Nicole.

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