Chapter 11

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Natalie's P.O.V

Chris had called too many times to count, but I didn't have the desire to answer the phone. Just like I had told him, the next day the boys and I along with my grandmother and aunt flew back to Hyannis Port, and I drove to my parents house. My mother was surprised to see me, but she didn't question my motives, which I was very thankful for because I didn't feel like being interrogated. Although, I didn't want to talk to Chris on the phone, I wanted to talk to him in person. As much as I was disappointed in him for what he had done, I longed to hear his voice. I caught myself almost answering the phone multiple times throughout the week, but I restrained and ignored the calls. 

It was Tuesday evening, around 7, when Chris finally showed up at my parent's house, and honestly I was scared to even lay eyes on him. Elias and Percy were asleep in the recliner with their grandpa, when he rung the doorbell. My mother had left to get groceries, so I assumed it was her. When I opened the door, boy was I wrong. As soon as I laid eyes on him, my worst thoughts came true. I knew I would break down and cry, and I did. Tears were flowing down my cheeks, and smearing my mascara as they flowed. 

I stepped to the side, and allowed him to come in, without a word shared between us. Chris began to observe and look around aimlessly, and I gave him a sad smile wiping my tears away, "The boys are asleep," I started with a short tone to my voice, which made me instantly regret saying it, "But, they've missed you." I added, trying to patch things over.

"Have you missed me?" Chris asked.

"What do you think?" I replied rhetorically.

Chris just slightly smiled, and I led him to my dad's study upstairs to talk privately. I sat down on the couch, and Chris sat down beside of me. I glanced at him, and he began to speak, "I regret not telling you that Sandra and I were having dinner after the cast meeting, " Chris started, "It was an honest mistake, and I didn't mean to hurt you in any way." He finished, a frown occupying his face. 

"It's not that it didn't hurt me, it did," I started looking him in the eyes, "But, people fight over the same things, until it eventually breaks them apart, I don't want that for us, or our children." I finished, and looked down at my stomach, which was starting to grow and beginning to round.

Chris put his finger under my chin and lifted my head, so I could look into his eyes, "I just want you to know that Sandra and I are only friends, and yes, as a kid I had a huge crush on her, but nothing will happen between us, because I have you and the boys, and you're all I need." He stated seriously, never once taking his eyes off me. I may have been mad at him seconds before, but after the speech he had made I was so moved, I had no choice but to kiss him. We kissed passionately, until we were breathless and had to pull away from each other.

"I meant to ask before, but why are you wearing a suit?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh you know, I knew someone had a soft spot for men in suits, so I thought if my speech didn't work, then the suit would." Chris replied, now having a laugh of his own.

Not to long after Chris and I had made our amends, I heard the shrill cry of a baby and the sound of my father trying to sooth him. "I'll be back, " I said as I got up from the office couch, and made my way out of the office to get the boys. Elias was crying loudly, and Percy was giving him the funniest look. I laughed as I grabbed them, and made my way upstairs to the office. 

When I entered the office, Chris got a look on his face as if he were a kid on Christmas morning. I handed him Elias whom he wanted to take, and he instantly stood up mumbling sweet nothings, and smiled at him trying his best to get him to stop crying. Minutes later, Chris had finally soothed Elias, and he was cooing and laughing in his father's arms. 

I smiled at them, as I watched them intently. I was so glad that Chris and I had the type of relationship where we could forgive and forget, I hated seeing babies and small children with divorced parents, it absolutely broke my heart. Fortunately, Chris and I never had to experience anything like that, and our families were both very close knit. 

After feeding the boys their bottle, we put them into their carseats, and I packed the stuff I had at my parent's house. Around 8:30, Chris and I got into the car, and made our way home to Brookline. The boys slept the entire hour and a half drive home, and when we arrived at the house, I changed them into their pajamas, and laid them down in their cribs. Once I had kissed them both goodnight, I made my way to Chris and I's bedroom. 

I quickly showered, and completed my nightly routine. Once I was finished, and comfortably settled in my pajamas, I got into bed. About 30 minutes later, I was awoken when Chris got into bed, "I thought we were supposed to get our romance on?" Chris asked, "But, look you've already fell asleep on me." Chris added with a laugh.

I laughed, "Can you wait until tomorrow?" I asked, with a pouty look.

"Sure." He replied and turned over, laughing to himself. 

"I love you, Chris."

"Then show me..." He said trailing off.

Let's just say I obliged, and I didn't regret it.

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