Chapter 14

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Natalie's P.O.V

The next day, we got on the road early and made our way back to Brookline. I listened as the boys made noises at each other, and spoke to each other through their inexplicable twin language. My thoughts of what the boys might be saying to each other were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, I sorted through the items in my purse to find it. When I plucked the phone out of my purse, I looked at the caller- Id, and noticed it was an unknown caller. I hesitated, but then decided to answer it, "Hello?" I say questioningly into the phone.

"Natalie?" I knew immediately when he said my name, who it was.

"Why are you calling me, Cooper?" I asked, this caught Chris's attention, and he glanced at me.

"I want you to meet me for coffee at the Thinking Cup, 4:00 pm." He said in a stern tone.

I sighed, "What happens if I say, I can't?" I ask.

"Then I'll have no choice but to hunt you down...." Cooper replied, trailing off and then going eerily quiet, "Take your pick." He added, and then hung up.

I looked at Chris and frowned, Chris looked at me questioningly, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just empty threats." I replied, and gave kiss a reassuring smile, followed by a gentle kiss on the cheek. 

Thankfully, Chris dropped the conversation about Cooper, and we soon pulled into our driveway. Chris pressed the automatic garage opener, and parked the Range Rover in between my Infinity Q60 and his new Audi R8. Once Chris had turned the car off, I got out and grabbed Percy's car seat, whilst Chris grabbed Elias's. 

When we got settled, I went upstairs and gave the boys a bath, and then laid them down for their nap. I changed clothes, and made my way towards Chris's office, where he was looking over some mail. I sat down in front of him, and braced myself for the lie I was about to tell him. 

Whilst he finished reading a letter, I played with the Newton's cradle that set as a decorative piece on his desk. Just as the balls finished clinking together, Chris looked up at me with a questioning look upon his face, "What's up?" He asked, leaning back in his desk chair.

"I was wondering if you could watch the boys, so I can go meet Hannah for lunch at Wahlburgers?" I asked, hoping that he would believe the lie I had just let come out of my mouth.

"Sure, when are you leaving?" He asked in reply.

"In about 15 minutes, Elias and Percy just went to sleep, so you shouldn't have any problems with them, they probably won't wake up for an hour or two." I answer, a reassuring look upon my face.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Chris says, as I get up and make my way to the office door.

"I love you." I say, whilst opening the door and leaving the office. 

"I love you too." Chris replies, as I close the door.

Being an Evans (Sequel to Sadly, I'm in Love with You)Where stories live. Discover now