Chapter 12

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Natalie's P.O.V

4 Months Later- April 8th, 2015 Natalie's 29th Birthday.

I wake up to broad daylight streaming in through the curtains, covering the large windows in Chris and I's bedroom. My phone is buzzing incessantly, and I have no idea why. I pick it up and noticed that Chris had tweeted to me, and everyone was retweeting and favoriting it. I quickly got onto the app to see exactly what he had put on there. 

@ChrisEvans: I don't tweet a lot, but I would just like to say a very Happy Birthday to the best wife any guy could have, I hope you have a great day and I love you very much. @TheNatalieEvans

I smiled to myself as I read the heart felt tweet, and then reality sunk in. It was my birthday, and I was now 29 years old, right on the edge of 30. Where does time go? I mean, I'm 29 years old today, and the boys are a few weeks away from being 6 months old. Both Elias and Percy, have mastered rolling over, and Elias can sit up on his own. I'm pregnant again, 4 almost 5 months to be exact, and I get to find out the gender tomorrow. 

After making up with Chris, the paparazzi started a rumor that Chris and I were getting a divorce, and that Sandra Bullock was going to be the stepmother of my children. Which by no means, was not happening. Chris and I are celebrating my birthday and revealing the gender of the baby with my family tomorrow, because tonight we had a benefit to go to, and we were going to silence the divorce rumors once and for all.

Later That Day

I pulled into the long driveway of the house, I had just dropped the twins off at Brock's house, and now Chris and I had to get ready for the benefit. I got into the shower first, and then when I was finished I dried and curled my hair, and then I proceeded to put on my custom made Michael Kors dress, that had just arrived earlier in the mail. I put it on, and Chris zipped it. I waited downstairs, and finally Chris came down the stairs cleaned up, and ready to go to the benefit. 

Chris and I took his new Audi R8, which he had purchased as a Christmas gift for himself. Chris drove quickly down the interstate so we would get to the benefit on time, and about 30 minutes later we arrived. The valet opened my door, and then made their way over to Chris to get the keys to the car. 

Chris and I walked hand in hand, as we made our way down the red carpet of the event. I knew I would be stopped multiple times, and right when we reached the first interviewer, she quickly tried to get my attention, "Mrs. Evans are you pregnant again?" She asked, looking at me for an answer. 

"Yes, four months and a half months to be exact." I replied.

"Do you know the gender?" She inquired.

"I'm sorry, but that information is private at this point." I replied, and walked on down towards the end of the red carpet.

A few yards further down the red carpet, I was stopped again by another paparazzi, "Natalie, Mrs. Evans, are you and Chris getting a divorce?" The man asked.

This time, I had no time to answer, instead Chris answered for me, "Of course not, I'm in love with my wife, and Sandra and I are just friends, besides we have another bun in the oven." Chris replied, and gently rubbed my growing stomach. 

"Thanks," I whispered in his ear discreetly.

"No problem," He mumbled in reply, and we continued our walk down the red carpet.

After a few poses here and there, and some pictures with Chris and of course the designer of my dress, Micheal Kors, Chris and I were about to finally finish the walk, when I spotted Cooper and the girl he had been at the restaurant with. To avoid contact with him, I stopped to talk to a journalist for Clever News. The girl smiled at me, and began the interview, "How are you?" She asked slowly starting the interview.

"I'm great thanks for asking." I say giving the lady a smile.

"No problem, how far along are you?" She then inquired just like the first interviewer had asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm not pregnant," I started, with a laugh, "I'm kidding, I am 4 and a half months along, almost 5." I then added with another laugh.

"Do you know the gender at this point?" She asks giving me a smile.

"Not at this point, but I plan to keep it secret from the media for a while." I reply, and then excuse myself.

I caught up with Chris and we walked into the venue, and sat down at our designated table. A few minutes after we were seated, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I walked briskly and quickly to the bathroom, I had a bad feeling someone was following me. I entered the bathroom, and plopped down in the waiting chair, trying my best to calm my nerves. A second later, the woman who had accompanied Cooper to both the restaurant and this event walked into the bathroom. I tried my best not to draw attention, so I took my phone out of my clutch, and checked my twitter. The lady soon left the bathroom, and I let out a sigh of relief. I quickly used the restroom, washed my hands, and left the bathroom. 

As I exited a hand grabbed my wrist, and I refrained from screaming, because I knew who it had to be, "What do you want, Cooper?" I ask, turning around in his grip to look at him.

"I just want to talk to you." He replied nonchalantly, and I knew then that I had to try to indiscreetly get away from him. Cooper had only used that undertone, when he had tried to take advantage of me countless numbers of times. 

"You could've talked to me, when we were together." I said, and he released me wrist from his tight grip. I took that exact opportunity to make a run for it, hypothetically speaking. 

"You'll regret everything, Natalie, " He started as I walked quickly away from him, "I'll make your life a living hell." He finished.


Cliffhanger type thingy, but oh well. The next chapter should be up soon, and I have decided that this series of books will become a trilogy, because I will be making a third book as long as you readers are interested. I have also began writing the first chapter of my Aaron Taylor-Johnson FF, I hope you guys decide to read it. Also if you don't know who Aaron is.... please take a couple minutes and look him up, it's well worth it, and you've probably seen him if you've watched Godzilla or Anna Karenina. 

Thank you once again for all the lovely comments and votes, and if you guys have any suggestions feel free to message me or comment on the story!

Btw... I think that Blake looks so pretty pregnant, and I can't wait to see what the baby will look like.

-Xoxo, Nicole.

Being an Evans (Sequel to Sadly, I'm in Love with You)Where stories live. Discover now