Chapter 4

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Natalie's P.O.V

It's been a week since we got to leave the hospital, and everything is going absolutely great. Chris and I have not only fell head over heels in love, but also head over heels in love with the two bundle of joys we were able to bring home. Today, People Magazine is coming to shoot a spread over Chris and I, and of course the twins, who they were ecstatic to hear about.

I had just got done bathing Elias, and now I was on to bathing Alexzander, who we called Percy most of the time. I sat him down into the bathing seat filled with luke-warm water and watched as his little eyes filled with tears, "Percy....,"I said in a soothing manner, "Please don't cry on Momma." I added giving him a smile.

Apparently, my soothing tone didn't help too much, because he soon burst out into tears. Percy wailed as I gently cleaned him from head to toe. I was about to call Chris, when he walked briskly into the room with Elias dressed in the Ralph Lauren outfit that we had picked out earlier this morning, "Let me finish." Chris stated with a smile, as he got down into the tile floor, and continued washing the wailing baby.

I stepped out of the bathroom for a breather with Elias, and when I returned the sight that I saw warmed my heart to the max. Inside the bathroom Chris was wrapping Percy into a towel and singing Pooh's corner by Kenny Loggins, a song that my Mother used to sing to me when I was little, "Christopher Robin and I walked along under branches lit up by the moon," The door creaked, and Chris immediately quit singing.

"Oh, I'm sorry don't stop." I stated as I watched Percy tear up once again.

Chris quickly dressed Percy, and we made our way downstairs. Once we made it to the family room, I left Chris with Percy and Elias and I made my way towards the kitchen to make two bottles. I heated the bottles, and I walked quickly back to Chris, and handed him a bottle in exchange for a baby.

I took Percy, and fed him the bottle, gently burping him between ounces. When the boys were finished we laid them down for a quick nap, and Chris and I proceeded to get ready for the spread. We all wore white for the spread and our outfits were perfectly coordinated, Chris along with Elias and Percy wore Ralph Lauren outfits consisting of khakis and white polos, and I wore a white Ralph Lauren dress, but then again I had the feeling that the boys would be naked most of the time, and we wouldn't necessarily match as well.

It wasn't long before People Magazine finally showed up, they weren't intrusive during the photoshoot, and were not at all the way I thought they would be. Within minutes of them starting to take pictures, the photographers Jolene and Michael had Elias and Percy smiling and cackling in the cutest way.

As I looked through the finished results, I fell completely in love. The pictures were gorgeous, and they made us seem like the happy family we really were, which was exactly the way I wanted it. I didn't want everyone in the world to think that Chris and I were unhappy with our marriage or the twins, because we weren't and some magazines make it seem that way.

The day was soon ending, and I laid Elias and Percy down in the nursery, and made my way to Chris and I's bedroom. After turning on the baby monitor, and proceeding to finish my nightly routine, I heard a meek cry come from the baby monitor, I chose to ignore it for a second, and suddenly I heard one of the boys burst into a screaming fit. I quickly wiped my mouth, and put my toothbrush into the toothbrush holder, and rushed to them.

When I entered the room, I concluded that the baby that was having a crying fit was Elias, which was odd because he had never cried this hard. I gently picked him up out of the crib, and laid him on my shoulder, covering him with a warm blanket, and sat down into the rocking chair. I hummed Your Song by Elton John, until I heard Elias breath a deep sigh, and succumb to the sleep he had been fighting minutes earlier. I turned the lamp in the boys room off, and made my way back down the hall to our bedroom.

When I walked into the room Chris was laying in bed reading Sports Illustrated, "What's going on in sports this week?" I asked with a questioning tone to my voice.

"Nothing much," Chris chuckled, "Just a bunch of World Series junk." He then added.

"World Series junk, " I stated with a questioning tone, "I thought you liked baseball, and I'll remind you that we met at a World Series game." I added with a laugh.

"I know, I do but I don't like neither teams in this year's World Series." Chris replied with a frown.

"Aww, poor baby Chris," I stated and rolled over, "I love you though." I added with a laugh.

"I love you too, Nat." Chris replied, and we soon both drifted off to sleep.

***** A Few Days Later

I had finally gotten the pictures from People Magazine, and a copy of the article the had written to go along with the spread. The article was short and sweet, and went as follows:

The Evans family is finally whole, that is for now..... Recently, newlyweds Chris and Natalie Evans welcomed two adorable twin boys. Because of the feedback Natalie was afraid of getting, she quietly and cunningly kept a large pregnant belly hidden for months upon months. Upon the arrival of the twin boys Natalie and Chris, along with uncle Brock Holt who is a Baseball player for the notorious Boston Red Sox, were ecstatic to welcome not only one but two baby boys. 

Concluding, I along with the staff at People Magazine hope that the adorable twins have a wonderful and joy filled life. 

I cried at the very end at the very touching statement, but soon had to wipe my eyes because uncle Brock was here to see the babies......

Being an Evans (Sequel to Sadly, I'm in Love with You)Where stories live. Discover now