Chapter 8

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Natalie's P.O.V

After I left Chris's office, I made my way into the family room. I noticed that Percy and Elias were calm as cucumbers, and my mother was reading a book. As I sat down on the couch, she glanced my way, "How'd it go?" She asked a questioning look occupying her face.

"Surprisingly it went great." I replied a smile on my face.

"I'm glad, but I can't stay much longer the hospice are having trouble with your father." My mother said quickly getting up out of the lounge chair she had been sitting in, whilst putting the book inside her purse. 

I gave my mother a hug, and watched as she made her way to the door to leave, "Call me with updates if anything happens." I stated loudly enough so she could hear me.

"Sure thing." She replied and was out the door in mere seconds.

Later that night after feeding the twins, I made my way to the bedroom, changed into some pajamas, and then laid down in the bed. I picked up the magazine and began to silently read the articles. Around 11:30, Chris came into the bedroom script in hand, and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Is everything alright?" I asked with a serious tone to my voice.

"Yeah, but reading this script is very tiring." He replied as he laid the script on the bedside table, and rolled over towards me.

"Hmm..." I trailed off thoughtfully.

"Why don't we go get our romance on?" Chris asked trailing a finger down my leg.

"Chris, my hormones are already out of wack please don't make them worse, especially not tonight." I replied with a laugh.

Chris laughed, and gave me a smirk, "Alright, but as soon as I get back from California you'll owe me." 

I felt my face drop, and I gave him a questioning look, "California?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have a meeting there on Monday, and I'll be leaving tomorrow night." He replied.

Being an Evans (Sequel to Sadly, I'm in Love with You)Where stories live. Discover now