Chapter 1

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(Trigger Warning: Mention of abuse.  Please don't read if this will harm you in anyway)

(This is a short story that I wanted to share with you.  I hope you enjoy it.  Don't forget to comment and vote 😊)

Chapter 1

Ever since, I lost my parents in a car accident. I've been living in a kind of dreamlike state.  One it protects me from my cruel uncle. 

Who thinks his sole entertainment is to find new ways to torture me?  I have two weeks till my 18th and then I'm out of here. I walk down the school hallway on my way to my next class.  I have been feeling a little off, this last week or so and thought my last beating had probably done some internal damage.  

I go from feeling really hot that my skin feels as though it might burn off.   To being cold with tingles and the need to scratch at my skin. That was bad enough but I keep hearing this voice in my head. 

At first, I thought I'd made a split personality or something. This voice doesn't belong to a human persona. No! being the freak that I am this voice belongs to a dog a bloody dog. "Wolf" the voice said in my head. 

 "Yeah, okay wolf then" I mutter to myself.  I enter my English class "your late Ms. Stevens" Mr. Clark the English teacher says.  

I wag my finger and point to the bell just as it rings and I move to an empty seat.  Some of the kids are snickering but I ignore them.  

Not going to be here long enough to make friends now, so why bother. I throw my bag on top of the table and lay my head on it.  As I close my eyes, I can see my imaginary dog sniffing and running around in circles, shouting mate over and over.  

The door opens "sorry I'm late Mr. Clark.  I was in the office getting all the paperwork sorted" I deep male voice says.   I don't open my eyes even though the dog is begging me to.  

I keep them closed but a delicious smell greets me, a chocolate cookies and forest in spring kind of smell. "You must be the new transfer student.  Introduce yourself and go find an empty seat" Mr. Clark instructs. "Hi I'm Nate" the owner of the deep voice says. 

The air seems to change around me as though a storm is coming.  The dog has laid down on its back with its tongue sticking out to the side as though its grinning happily.  

I feel the chair move beside me.  Really, there where other empty seats.  Why the one next to me?  I keep my head down with my eyes closed.  Mr. Clark starts his boring lesson.  I nap, a little until I hear "Ms. Steven's can you come down and show us the correct way this text should be written?" Mr. Clark asks.  

I sigh and push myself up and walk down to the front and take the chalk he holds.  I read the text quickly then make the correct changes just as quick and give him his piece of chalk back.  He coughs and glare's at me "did you need me to do that because you didn't know? Or wanted to try and embarrass me?" I ask before walking back to my desk and picking up my bag. 

"Class is not over Ms. Stevens" Mr. Clark spits.  I wag my finger and point to the bell just as it rings.   Making my way out of class and on to my next, I feel rather than see the new kid following me. 

"So, how was your first class, in like years?" I hear another boy ask the new kid.  

"Shout up man, you'll be heard" he whispers back.  "Yeah! Sorry man" the other one apologises. 

I duck into my next class and watch as they pass the door "mate" the dog shout's "shut up" I mutter.  At lunch I take my sandwich over to the grassy hill that separates the main building from the football field and sit. 

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