Chapter 6

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"Mum, she is beautiful.  When Candy tried to challenge her, Holly went total she-wolf on her ass. Candy had no chance. She submitted nearly straight away. I did have to shift and calm Holly down so she didn't kill her.  Holly listened to me though" Nate says. 

"I bet Candy, will think twice before she goes around telling everyone your hers" I hear Mrs. Strong say.  

I snarl when I hear the last bit, "you're awake" Nate says.  I open my eyes and see Nate and Mrs. Strong looking down at me.  

I sit up and then grab the sheet when I realise, I'm naked.  I feel my cheeks heat up "so, that wasn't a dream then?" I say 

"No, dear you really are a wolf shifter" Mrs. Strong assures me. I look at her then Nate "are you all wolves?" I ask they nod and smile at me. 

"Did I get bitten or something?" I ask, Nate sits on the bed. He shakes his head and takes my hand "you were born a wolf, for some reason you didn't shift until now" he says. 

"We normally shift when we are 13" Mrs. Strong adds.   

"I got my period early" I say before thinking about what I'm saying. 

Mrs. Strong, nods her head trying to hide a smile. "The two things aren't related. One being your human self and the other your wolf"

I nod my head as a few things finally start falling into place. "My uncle I think he knew I was a wolf. He started to hit me and when he was really drunk, he'd hit me saying come out, come out wherever you are" I tell them. 

Mrs. Strong crosses her arms over her chest and her lips tighten. "The high council have him now so, don't worry about him anymore" Nate says. 

"High council?" I question. "Like the human police" Nate clarifies.  I nod my head "I'm going to have to learn a lot and with finals upon us" I smile a little hysterically. 

Nate squeezes my hand and rubs his thumb over my knuckles and it calms me. "You have a very calming effect on me" I tell him. 

"Well that's my cue to leave. If you need anything Holly, I'm just down the hall" Mrs. Strong says.

"Thank you" I say and she leaves.  I look at Nate and he looks a little apprehensive "are you alright?" I ask.   

He swallows then looks into my eyes "I'm your mate, that's why I can calm you and you can calm me. The Goddess makes a mate, that will walk beside us, help give us strength, calmness and love. Once our wolves have found their mate. They will always protect them and be there for them" he explains. 

"So, when the dog, er, sorry wolf said mate, she wasn't referring to mate as in friend.  Where I come from, we say alright mate, as a type of greeting to a friend?" I ask 

"No, it means intended one.  Once we are fully mated, we will be able to feel if we are needed or if there is danger" he stops to take a breath. 

"Fully mated?" I question Nate blushes and coughs "when we come together sexually and I mark you and you mark me. Then we are fully bonded to each other" 

"Sexually?" I squeak, I actually squeak. "Let's get freaky with our mate" my wolf says happily.

"Oh! Shit you don't mean you have to mount me while, I'm a wolf?" I say moving up the bed so I'm leaning on the headboard. 

Nate follows keeping a hold of my hand. He chuckles a bit until he can see I'm being serious "no, we make love" he says moving a finger to indicate him and me. 

"Phew, because being a wolf is one thing, you getting on top and dipping your shallong into my wolf. That is something else" I say then realise what I've just said and begin back peddling "not that I'm saying welcome, come do me." 

Nate laughs out loud and I can't help but smile, I don't really know why he's laughing, but it makes me happy to see him laughing. "Holly the why you say things just cracks me up. I love it" he says still laughing.  

He stops and then looks at me "I can wait till your ready to take that step Holly" he tells me.

"Thanks' it's not as though, I held the V card close or anything. Its just been kind of getting by each day until I was 18 and could leave. You know?" I tell him.  

He stops stroking my hand with his thumb "your saying you're a virgin?" he asks. 

I blush "again, I wasn't saving it for the perfect man or anything its just my life kind of got in the way of the whole boy, girl thing" I mutter looking down at the hand holding the sheet up.  

He moves closer and lifts my chin up with a finger.  He waits till I look into his eyes "I'm so happy, that if, I was wolf right now, I'd be howling.   My wolf is in my head" he tells me I can see the truth in his eyes and blush again.  

He leans in and kisses me. This kiss is all sugar and promises, I get lost in the feel of him and taste of him.  The tingles grow and I feel that thread that connects us thicken.  I pull him closer and I feel my head begin to spin.   

We pull apart and we are both panting, he bends his head down and then he lets out a groan.

"You are so beautiful Holly" he says as he brushes a thumb up the side of my breast. I suck in a breath and then realise I'm naked and pull the sheet up again. 

"I forgot I'm naked" I tell him 

"What happened to my clothes?" I ask "I managed to pull your jeans off, the rest got shredded" he replies. "Good I like those jeans. I don't remember the wolf shredding the rest though?" I say.

He chuckles "no when you shifted the clothes you had on got stretched to bursting." 

I nod "Can I go and put some clothes on please?" I ask "sorry, please" he says.  

I look at him and wait "alright I'll leave, it was worth a try" he holds his hands up and smiles at me.  I laugh as I watch him leave the room.  

He leaves the door open but I don't mind that. I get up and see my jeans folded on the dresser.  I grab them and go into the closet get dressed and then walk back out and walk through the connecting door.  

I find Nate sitting on the sofa "how many people live here?" I ask "at the moment we have 150 but the pack is much bigger" he answers. "Wow, that's a lot of people" I say. 

 "Holly, I need to tell you something else about being a wolf?" he says, I turn my body towards him "okay" I wait for him to continue. 

"When your born into a pack you have it already.  When you join the pack as I'm hoping you'll join this one and be my mate. You have to get it from the Alpha.  He is my Dad by the way" he says and I smile not really sure if he's explained what he's trying to get at. 

"If we mated fully then you'd have it too.  As we are going to wait, then you will have to get it from my Dad" he says "What is it?" I ask 

"Urm, we can speak to each other and other pack members whenever we want" he says. 

"I'm not allowed to talk to pack members. Until I've got the membership from the Alpha?" I question. 

"The membership is a given because you're my mate" he tells me. 

"So, what do I need to get from the Alpha?" I ask still not really sure what he is trying to say. 

"The bite" he says "the bite? Say What? What bite? Why would he bite me?" I say my breath hitching. 

"So, you can talk to the pack?" he tells me. "Do they talk in a foreign language? So, I won't be able to understand them until the Alpha bites me. Inserting something so, I can understand them?" I say its getting harder to breath. 

His door bursts open and there is Mrs. Strong and a giant of a man. They walk up to us and the giant man sticks out his hand "I'm Jack Strong Alpha of this pack" I squeak and put my hands to my neck and everything goes black.  

Holly was taking being a wolf well, until Nate tries to explain things better?  Please comment, and don't forget to vote, Thank you 😊

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