Chapter 12

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I see one small boy sitting on his own.  I let go of Nate's hand and go to the boy. I sit down next to him and get my phone out.  I open up the drawing app and with my cell's pen I start to draw a wolf kicking a football and as it runs forward the wolf changes into a boy kicking a ball. I hold it out and squint at it. 

The young boy leans in and looks at it too. "There's something, I'm missing" I mutter.  The young boy giggles and points to the boy's nose. "I forgot to change the wolfs nose to the boy's nose.  Good job" I say without looking at him. 

"A parrot" the young boy says. "Might work" I say and start to draw a boy that changes into a parrot.  I hold it out again "not again" I say.  

The boy laughs "it's feet" he says "you're right the parrot has feet not claws.  Your really good at finding what's wrong" I tell him. 

"I love where's Wally" I open another app and where's Wally comes on.  I move so the young boy can see the screen to. "It takes my eyes a little bit before I can start to spot him" I tell him.

"Bobby" the young boy says "you spotted Bobby? Where?" I ask he laughs "no, my name is Bobby" he says "Sorry Bobby, I was in the Wally Zone" I say he laughs harder. 

"Did I say something funny?" I ask "you said you where in the Wally Zone" I start to laugh with him. 

"That does sound funny doesn't it. Here's Holly in the Wally Zone" I say and we laugh harder.  

I wipe my eyes and then hold out my hand "Bobby, you're my very first friend here, nice to meet you." He shakes my hand "wow you have a strong grip, I like that, means you'll grow up, top of the tree, or leader board, ladder you name it you'll be up there" I tell him. 

He smiles "your funny" he says. "I hear that a lot and I don't even know what I've done" I tell him with an innocent expression. 

"I remember once, I had a whole bus stop full of people laughing.  I really needed to pee so my Mum told me to go around this corner that was an ally.  So, I pulled down my jeans and pants and I couldn't help a groan escape because I really needed to go. Then as I pulled my pants and jeans back up, I heard a giggle so, I turned around and saw a bus stop full of people looking at me and a couple of young kids laughing.  I was that shocked that, I hadn't checked to see if there was anyone around that I hit my forehead hard with my hand.  Well I nearly fell into my pee, but I managed to cartwheel my arms and stay up.   

What I hadn't done was fasten my jeans so, they fell down making me grab them.  By this time, people are laughing so hard they are holding their stomach's.  I grabbed my jeans and tried to run which is really hard to do when your pants are fulling down.  I ran around the corner and pulled my pants up and fastened them.  My Mum wanted to know if, I'd done a number two as I took so long" I finish and Bobby and a number of other kids are laughing. 

I look around "is it really that funny?" I ask they nod their heads.  I catch Nate watching and he winks at me. 

"How about a game of hide and seek you can only hide here in the back yard" I say they all say yes.  Thus, I start to count with my head in my hands "coming ready or not" I play with the children for an hour and get to know some of the others. I wave goodbye to them having promised Bobby that I will teach him how to draw. 

 "You're great with the kids, they love you" Nate tells me. "I felt for Bobby, sitting on his own" I say. "Bobbies been having a difficult time.  He is a very bright kid and gets picked on a little by some of the others" Nate tells me. 

"He's a funny kid" I reply. "How did you get him talking so fast?" he wants to know. I take out my phone and show him the drawings I did.  He laughs "he would have found it hard to not mention that" he agrees with me.   

We stroll around the front and he points out a couple of buildings to me. "You have your own medical centre and day-care?" I say impressed

"It's easier as we don't want to keep explaining why we have claw cuts and bite marks. Sometimes we can be to weak to shift right away and so need medical help until we are strong enough to shift again. 

"When the kids first shift, they can't always shift again until the next full moon. But get cut when rough housing with their friends" he explains. 

We walk through the front door and the wonderful smell of grilled cheese sandwiches hits us. Nate leads me to the kitchen and introduces me to some of the kitchen people.  I say hi and they make us some sandwiches.  

We take the sandwiches back out to the main room and bump into Mr. Strong "I'm just going out to welcome our guest. They want to talk to you Holly" he tells me. 

I nod and we take a seat on a sofa and eat our sandwiches quickly.  I'm just wiping my mouth when he comes back in with a man of average height and appearance there is really nothing that stands out on him.  Except his small eyes, "reminds me of a pig," I think and see Nate hide his smile behind his hand.  

Mr. Strong nods at me and we stand up the man says something to Mr. Strong. "Nate you can wait out here" Mr. Strong says.  I take his hand "no, he stays with me" I say leaving no argument for discussion.  

I see small eyes look at me a moment then follows Mr. Strong to his office.   Nate squeezes my hand and we follow them. We sit on the sofa as small eyes has sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.  Mr. Strong is sitting behind the desk. 

"Holly, I would like to know" I interrupt "you haven't even told me your name yet?" I say I see Mr. Strong look at him.  

"Sorry my name is Mr. Albright" he says "now can" I interrupt again "can I see some ID please?"

He stares at me and I stare back.  He finds a card and gives it to me "Now if we" I interrupt again "photo ID?" I ask "really I have never" "can you show it or not?" Mr. Strong says and a twitch has started in the corner of this man's eye.

Who if this man?  Please comment and don't forget to vote, thank you  😊

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