Chapter 19

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 We go up to Nate's room and I take my sketch pad and pencils and curl my legs beneath me on the sofa as I start to draw. I draw my parents as I remember them.  

I then open up my emails again and read the first one for a, small jewellers that want to start up lessons for people to learn about jewellery making.   I go on their web site and see the type of things they sell and make. 

I think of what they want to convey and the product they wish to make.  I draw a table with a mother and her children sitting around the table and with different kinds of beads and charms on the table. One child is trying to thread a string through a bead.  Another is holding up some earring's to look at and show her Mum. 

The mother is making a key chain from beads. I write the class details and phone number on the wall behind one child. I look at it and change a few things then look at it again.  I'm pleased with that and send it to them. 

Nate comes and sits down and rubs my feet.  I turn my tablet round for him to see my latest effort. "I took a picture of my parents wolves" he opens his phone and shows me. 

"I saw your Dad's wolf but he was fierce looking at the time. This is much better, thank you. Can you tell me what is was like growing up in the pack knowing you would shift?" I ask. I listen to his stories of growing up here. I hear the love he has for his parents and the pack.  

As he talks, I draw his parents with Mrs. Strong sitting on Mr. Strong's lap and then their wolves over their shoulder. Just the heads of their wolves. I make sure I get the colours right and the life you can see in their eyes. 

I don't make a back ground, I fade out the drawing around the edger's so it's circular.  I hold it in front of me and then turn it round for Nate to see. "It is beautiful Holly, are you going to add colour?" he asks I nod "yes, I'll add colour."

I'm getting use to living here in the pack house and getting to know more people. "I'm being officially introduced to the pack as Nate's mate. I'm just choosing what to wear.  I think I'll wear something that will show my beautiful mark. So, I wear a spaghetti strap dress in a moss green colour as this shows off my blue eyes.  

I brush my hair till it shines and the do a side bride that keeps my hair away from my mark. I leave the rest down, Nate walks in and I love how his eyes darken when he takes in what I look like. 

"You are beautiful, thank you for showing my mark" he comes and kisses me then he kisses my mark. "Ready?" I nod and take his hand.  We walk out to a clearing and there is a natural rise in the ground producing a natural stage. 

Everybody seems to be here already. We join Mr. and Mrs. Strong who are standing on the natural stage. "We are here to welcome Nate's mate. Holly has already shown how she helped the pack and fought with us, not so long ago. I hope you are as happy, as we are that Nate has found a good mate. Let's us show her our welcome to the pack?" 

They start to cheer and clap, I get a quick flash of an image and grab Mr. Strong and turn us side ways just as a bullet sinks into the tree beside us. "It was Candy's Mum" I whisper the pack look a little shocked. The guards move in and take Andrea away "thank you, Holly" Mr. Strong says. I nod and move back to Nate's side he puts his arm around me and holds me close. 

"It's alright now, there has been some among us that has wanted to see if they could take over the pack. They have now been stopped, so let's enjoy the rest of the evening and our time together" Mr. Strong says. 

They move around the clearing sitting in groups with the children running around and playing. Nate and I mingle talking and getting to know the pack members. Food is brought out and we eat and laugh. Then some start playing instruments and people start to dance. Nate takes my hand and leads me to the dancing. 

"I have never danced before, ever" I warn him. He puts my arms around his neck then runs his hands down my sides to my waist.  He just leads me slowly around the area.  When the music changes to a quicker beat he shows me how to move.  

I see Bobby watching and call him over and we all dance together.  The night wears on and people start heading back. "Did you have a good time?" Nate asks "I did, it was lovely" I tell him walking and leaning into his side.

"Tomorrow I have to start my finals" I moan. "The week will go quickly. Then your free to do what you want" Nate says. I smile "yes if I survive the drama" I agree. 

I set my alarm "how am I getting to school tomorrow?" I ask as we get ready for bed. "I'll take you and be there when you finish is it two or one exam?" Nate asks "two English and my favourite physics" I answer pulling a face. 

 "What time does it start tomorrow 9?" "Yes" I snuggle into him and try and not think about the drama that will be filling the school halls.

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