Chapter 14

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 I slide into the back and gasp as Nate gets in, I say "it's nearly as big as the plane." Nate laughs and so does Mr. Strong. 

The driver gets in and we are on our way. "Are we going straight to the high council?" I ask the driver "yes Ms. Stevens" he answers. "Have you been here before Mr. Strong?" I ask 

"No, Holly I haven't" he tells me.  I lean back in the seat and try and calm my nerves.  Nate helps by rubbing the back of my hand.  We pull up to this very regal entrance and the driver opens my door.  I step out keeping a tight hold onto Nate's hand.  

He follows me out and Mr. Strong gets out the other side.  The door opens and I woman welcomes us inside "this way please" she says.  We follow her down a hallway with pictures of noble looking people on. 

"Please take a seat, someone will come get you in a minute."  We sit and the silence of the building is a little suffocating. "They could do with opening a window in here" I say to Nate over the link. "A bit oppressive isn't it" he replies.  

A door opens a little further down the hall and another woman comes out looking very much like the one that just walked away. 

"This way please" she smiles.  Mr. Strong walks in front of us and we go into a room that looks like an old court room.  The woman indicates some chairs behind a table and we sit. 

"Hello, Alpha Strong. Mr. Nate Strong and Ms. Holly Stevens. My name is Christopher Ruby, the gentleman on my right is Mr. Joseph Knowles and on my left is Mr. Rodger Gold.  Holly I'm sorry to hear of your hardships.  Your uncle is of no threat to you now.  We had sent someone to visit you, but sadly they encountered some difficulties.  We wish to know about your parents and where you're from?" he asks 

"Why?" I ask back.  He blinks and says "sorry?" "why do you need to know about my parents and where I'm from?" I clarify 

"We wish to see if what we think is true, is true?" he says. "What is true?" I ask "If you are who we think you are?" he says. 

"And who do you think I am?" I ask. "Holly if you can just answer the question?" he states. 

"I'm sorry, but there was a reason my parents kept moving me around.   I don't just bark when told to bark.  I need to know why?" I tell him.  

He looks at the other two gentlemen beside him. "If you came from the Anfield pack then we know who you are and your great grandfather was a member of this council" he says. 

"What does that have to do with now?" I ask "don't you want to know more about your family?" he asks 

"My parents would have told me about them if they thought it was important. Instead they thought me to be very careful when talking about my past. I then spent the last 7 years being a punching bag for a so called relative. No-one else stepped forward when my parents were killed" I tell them. 

I wait and Mr. Rodger Gold leans forward. "You should respect your elder's girl!" he says. 

"As I've just told you, I was beaten and abused by an elder. I give my respect, when someone has done something to earn it" I tell him clearly.   

The man in the middle holds the arm of Rodger.  Stopping him from saying anything else. 

"Holly we are sorry, that you've spent your teenage years being abused.  We have been looking for you?" he says "why?" I ask. 

"Your Grandfather was a member of this council until about five years back. He never gave up looking for you" he tells me. 

"Is he still alive?" I ask "sadly no" 

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