Chapter 11

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I come too, feeling groggy and my head hurts.  I crack my eyes open and find myself in Nate's bed.  I groan as I sit up and lean heavily against the headboard. 

"You're awake?  I'm sorry I didn't protect you and neither did the pack" Nate says loudly.  

"My head is thumping, if you go dial back the volume please" I groan putting my head in my hands. 

"Sorry Holly, I've been beside myself, these last 32 hours" Nate tells me. 

"You'd think if,  I've been out so long my head wouldn't hurt so much" I say.  

"They hit you with a heavy tranquilliser" Nate tells me.  I reach for the glass of water beside the bed and take a sip. 

"Who are they?" I ask "they belong to a pack from England" Nate tells me.  I look up and hold my hand up against the sunlight coming from the window. 

"England, I wonder if that is who my parents were running from?" I ponder. "The high council are looking into it.  They are sending someone to talk to you" Nate tells me. 

"Great, I don't remember much about that time" I tell him. "Holly, I'm sorry about the women.  They don't mean anything" he tells me.

"I'm sure they would be really happy to hear you say that" I reply. 

"I've deleted all their pictures from my phone.  I didn't have sex with all of them" he tells me. "I know you've had a life before me. It just hurt a lot seeing the type of women you went for. Nothing like me" I tell him.  

He hangs his head and I rub my temples and close my eyes.  Nate moves to sit beside me and takes over rubbing my temples.  Even with the tingles it soothes and I feel the deep throbbing ease.  I sit back and relax while he rubs my temples. "Thank you" I say when it becomes just a dull ache. 

"Holly, you're beautiful, talented, brave as hell, and clever. Once I saw you in Sally's all girls paled compared to you" Nate says quietly. 

"Thank you" I say again.  I move down the bed again and close my eyes. "Holly, can I lay with you?" Nate asks. "Sure" I say turning on my side and letting sleep take me.

"Son, I know your upset" Mr. Strong says before getting cut off by Nate "upset, is when someone steals your sandwich from the fridge Dad. They are trained to stop the bad guys from hurting our pack, four fucking guys they let slip through their defences." 

"I've talked to them.  They didn't spot two of them.  They know they've made a mistake" Mr. Strong tries again. 

"Well that's real helpful, ask them how they'd feel if it was their mate?" Nate state. 

"Right, I'll leave you to calm down and be with your mate" Mr. Strong says. I hear a door open and close "shit" Nate spits.  

I feel the bed dip and he lay's down next to me and holds me tight.  I hear a sniffle and turn around in his arms and hold him tight "I'm here and everything is fine" I tell him. 

"You've been through enough, Holly" he says thickly.   I rub his back and hold him.  My head feels better so it doesn't hurt to think or talk.  

Nate leans away a little "how's your head?" he asks "better" I give him a smile. "Do you think you can eat something you haven't had anything for a while?" he asks 

"Something light, like soup or cereal it fine" I reply. "I don't have soup up here, but I have cereal" he offers "do you have any Frosties?" I ask he smiles and nods.  

He kisses the end of my nose and then moves from the bed. "I'll bring it to you" he says.  He leaves and I swing my legs from the bed and go to the washroom.  I wash my face, brush my teeth and then go back to the bed.  I climb on just in time as Nate walks in with a tray with two bowls on and two glasses of milk. 

"I have chocolate and strawberry syrup if you'd like some?" he asks as he sets the tray down.

"Milk straight is just fine, thank you" I say taking a bowl of Frosties. "This is my, go to when feeling ill or down" I tell him as I start to crunch a mouthful of Frosties. 

We are silent while we eat our frosted flakes.  I feel better once, I've finished and drank the milk.

 An image comes of Candy talking to one of the guards, I saw picking up one of the guys up. I look at Nate and he looks like he could kill.   

"Nate, we don't know what that was about?" I try and reason. "Your visions do they occur when its nothing?" he asks back. 

I shake my head "thought not" I see him stare at the tray and guess he's talking to his Dad. He looks up and smiles at me. "Dad will look into it" he tells me.  

I nod and go to move "what do you want I'll get it?" he asks. "My sketch pad and pencils please" I tell him.  

He walks into my room and comes back with them.  I take them and then close my eyes.  I see the picture, I want to draw and then start drawing. Nate comes and sits next to me with a book and reads while I draw. 

I see it taking shape and continue shading and drawing until a get the effect I want. Trying to draw the moon shinning in pencil is hard but after some time I get it the way I want.  I hold the drawing out at arms length and look at it.  I fix a few things and then hold it out again. 

"What do you think of this idea for your parents drawing?" I ask and show Nate the drawing. "You can really tell that those two is you and me even though it is just a shadow and the wolves, they are our wolves.  I like that it's a full moon it is very special to us and we feel stronger come a full moon" he says. 

"Would this kind of drawing do for your parents though?" I ask "I think they'd love it" he says.

I nod and put the pad down, Nate picks it up and takes a picture of it with his phone. He flips through the drawing's in the pad. 

There is one of Sally and Mrs. Strong to. "You are really talented. That reminds me Sally said she sent you an email a friend saw the menu's you made and wanted to ask you about something for her shop" he tells me.  

I pick up my phone from the beside table and open my emails. There is a picture of an old add for a clothes shop. That appeared in the coffee news a free paper left in local cafes and fast food places. 

I open her web site and see some of the clothes she sells.  I see one top that I feel will be popular and start to sketch a basic idea. It can't be to busy as the print needs to be seen. I think of another idea and sketch that of a graffiti artist wearing the top, I saw and spray painting the details of the shop on the wall. I take pictures of both ideas and send them on to the shop owner.  

Nate picks up the pad again "you've done that so fast and it looks great" he says looking at the second one I drew. "I like that idea more. but I also did a conservative one as well." He flips the page and nods "yeah this would probably appeal to the older customers" he agrees with me. 

"I need some fresh air" I say stretching. "We can go out, but Dad wants us to stay close to the house" he says. "What am I suppose to do run circles around the house" my wolf says. 

I smile at the image as we walk down the stairs to the side of the house. "Show me around a little" I suggest.  He takes my hand and leads me to the back of the house. There is a number of young children playing there with their Mums looking on. They greet Nate and they nod to me. 

I wonder what the high council will ask? Hope your enjoying the story please comment and don't forget to vote, thank you  😊

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