Chapter 8

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I wake up wearing just my panties and an arm around my middle.  I smile as I think of the night before, we made our thread a lot thicker. "Nate, I need the bathroom" I say taping his arm and trying to turn my head so, I can see him.  

He loosens his arm and I throw back the cover and get off the bed.  I go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face, before walking back into the bedroom. 

"Why are you naked?" I ask last night he was wearing boxes.  I climb back into bed and pull the blanket over us.  Keeping my eyes above his waist.  Nate cracks open one eye and looks at me, he reaches his arm out and snags my waist and pulls me towards him. 

"Your naked?" I squeal.  He ignores me and pulls me tight into him again.  "I'm so glad I'm wearing girl boxes,"  I think and hear him chuckle. 

I close the link and sigh, "my life is forever changed" I mutter.  "Our mate is dreamy" my wolf says "dreamy" I ask "what?" Nate asks

"My wolf called you dreamy" I tell him he chuckles "what's wrong with that?" he asks

"Nothing, but there is a lot more words that describe you other than dreamy" I state. 

"Thank you, Love" he says and kisses. 

"OH! I forgot school" I say and try to get up "relax Holly, it's Saturday" Nate says.  

I relax again "why did you miss so much of school?" I ask turning around in his arms so I'm facing him. "I finished school four years ago" he tells me. 

"Are you a genius or something?" I ask 

"No, I went to school to meet you. I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you in Sally's. I was there just to get to know you" he tells me.

"I'm flattered, really I am. Err, how old are you?" I ask. He's going to tell me he's like 400 years old or something, I think to myself. 

"I'm going to be 22 soon" he says. "Few 22, I can handle, so we age normally then?" I say 

"Well not really, once we hit 21 our ageing slows down" he says. 

"Really, how much slower?" "about 1 to 10" he tells me. 

"That's kind of cool so, we will look 21 for 10 years" I give him a big smile. 

Until remember something "why did that wolf try and attack me?" I ask.   Nate rubs the back of his neck, "we hooked up last summer once and she kind of went a little crazy telling people, I was hers." 

"So, why didn't she try and attack you" I wonder.  

She tried to confront you, its like a challenge. Get your hands off he's mine. She got the message she won't challenge you again" he tells me. 

"No, she will probable pay to have me kidnapped and thrown into the sea wearing concrete boots" I say 

"My Dad has talked to her" Nate says "great, he is probably ready to helping her out" I pout. 

Nate laughs and kisses the end of my nose. "Go shower, I'll make breakfast" I jump up from the bed and then turn around and say "pancakes?" 

"Sure" I blow him a kiss, then head to my bathroom to shower. I stand under the spray just thinking about what has happened these last couple of days.  When suddenly, I see some blonde girl holding a gun at me. When Nate jumps in front of me and gets shot.  I gasp as the image fades.

"What the hell was that?" Nate says through our link and then comes into the bathroom and into the shower. 

"Holly?" he asks, I hold him to me "since I was little, I've had these images come to me. They are always of the future never more than two weeks away" I tell him.  

He switches off the shower and wraps me in a towel.  He carry's me to the bed and sits there rocking me.  My heart feels as though it will shatter into a thousand pieces if I lose Nate. 

"It's alright Holly we will take precautions" Nate reassures me. There's a knock on the door then Nate's parents walk into the room. "Holly gets premonitions has done since she was little.  She has just had one of Candy pointing a gun at her.  I jumped in front of her and got shot instead" he finishes. 

"They have never been more that two weeks until they happen" he adds. 

"I'll make sure this doesn't happen Holly, don't worry we will never let anything happen to you or our Son" Mr. Strong says. 

"Thank you, Mr. Strong sorry for calling you small minded" I say

He chuckles "I'm sorry for giving you the Alpha's bite without asking if it was alright to do so" he says. 

"If we get mates, surely Candy knows Nate is not hers. So why would she go so far?" I ask 

"I don't know it might have something to do with him being the next Alpha. Some are a little power crazy "Mr. Strong says. 

"Well that spot is taken now so she had better watch her back. I might get more information as the time gets closer" I tell them. 

"I'll have people watch her" Mr. Strong says. 

Mrs. Strong smiles at me "was your Mother a seer too?" she asks 

"I don't know she never told me, if she was. We just moved around a lot" I tell them. 

"Some really like the idea of a seer being part of their pack or group. She might have been moving around to protect you" she tells me. 

"We were in a car accident and they both died, the police found me wondering down the road with blood pouring from my head. I don't really remember that time much" I tell her. 

"We'll see you later" she says and they leave. "You should have let me kill her" I mutter. 

Then look up "I didn't mean that, I think that was my wolf, she is a snarling and pacing inside my head at the moment" I tell him. 

"It's alright Holly, my wolf is agitated, as well" Nate tells me. "Get dressed, I'll cook the pancakes" Nate says. 

I nod and keeping the towel wrapped around me and walk into the closet.  As I get dressed, I think about Nate, if he is going to be 22 soon does that mean he's really 32? "As if you care, he's hot?" my wolf says. 

"Your right I got myself a real hot tom-olley" I tell her.  I pull on some shorts and a tank top over a sports bra. I walk out and walk into Nate's room, the smell of pancakes making my mouth water.

"They smell good" I tell him. "Pour some orange juice out for us and the cutlery is in that draw" he says nodding his head towards a draw. 

I do as he asks and soon, we are sitting at the table eating a stack of pancakes and fruit. "Has Sally finished with my tablet?" I ask 

"Sorry, I have it here" he tells me. "Good, I can do some drawing" I reply. "You are very good at it" Nate tells me. "Thank you, it helps get me out of my head" I tell him. 

What does Candy have planned for Holly? Please comment and don't forget to vote, thank you 😊

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