Chapter 9

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"Its my parent's anniversary soon, could you draw them and we can frame it and give it to them" Nate asks. 

"Sure, do you have any pictures of their wolves?" I ask, he thinks for a moment then snaps his fingers "my Dad has a picture of them in his office." Snap it with your phone then, I will think of away to draw them. "Can I have my tablet because, I want to get this idea, I have down" I ask. 

He stands and works over to the table by the sofa and picks up my tablet. He gives it to me and I help clear up after breakfast then take my tablet and sit on his sofa and begin to draw.  

I draw Nate with just his underwear on standing next to his wolf.  I draw his wolf sitting beside him with all the shades of grey, I can remember seeing in his wolf.  I'm concentrating on their eyes when Nate comes and sits down and moves my legs so they are over his lap. I give him a smile before going back to my drawing.  

Just then an image of Candy talking with a, dark skinned man pops into my head. 

I blink and hear Nate "bloody Ash" I look up and see him looking down at my legs.  He looks back up and smiles at me.

"I've just told my Dad, what you've just seen" he tells me.  I smile at him look down at my tablet then turn it around for him to see "that is beautiful.   We have to photo shop our wolves in if we want a picture with them" he says. 

"I'm going to add the trees and mountains in.  Are you alright with me doing this?" I ask

"I like watching you draw. The tip of your tongue peeks between your lips in different places and your nose will scrunch up when I bit doesn't look right" he tells me. 

"So, much more entertaining than your 72" TV" I joke. 

"It is really" he says I snort then cover my mouth. "I don't know how I make that noise" I tell him.

He laughs "it sounds sort of cute." I snort again and then look at him as he laughs more. 

"I'm going to go back to my drawing now" I tell him bending my head and trying to remember the place we stopped at yesterday.  I start to draw and get engrossed in what I am doing, until I hear a soft snore. I look up and Nate is asleep with his head resting on the back of the sofa and his hands on my legs. I quickly save my work then start to draw him as he sleeps. I finish that and then go back to finish the one I saved.

I don't stop till it is very nearly done and my stomach growls. "How can you be hungry again. You just had a ton of pancakes?" I mutter at it. 

I hear Nate chuckle "did it, wake you up?" I ask 

He laughs out loud "no, I've been awake for a bit. It didn't grumble that loudly" he says. "Do you fancy getting out? We could go and get some lunch" he suggests. 

"Let me just check my bank?" I say opening up the app on my tablet and checking my account.

"Holly Moley, Sally gave me $1500 for my wages" I gasp. "She would have had to spend a lot more if she had gone to a professional" Nate says. 

I go to snort and stop it midway causing Nate to laugh again. "I'm going to stop making the pig noises I swear." 

Nate shakes his head at me and puts my legs down as he stands up and holds out his hand. I turn my tablet so he can see my drawing.   He takes it off me and looks at it, "can I print this out?" he asks. 

"Of course," I hold out my hand and he give's it back to me. "What's you number?" I ask he tells me his number and I sent it to his phone. 

He looks at it then holds out his hand to help me up.  I take it and I run to get some shoes on before grabbing my phone.  We walk down the stairs with Nate holding me hand.  

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