Chapter 4

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"Hey, Holly?" I focus on him as he stands by the bathroom door. 

"Breath" he says before turning and walking through the door.  My breath comes out in a big whoosh as I release it.  

I hear him chuckle and move my legs over the side of the bed and carefully stand up.  I walk over to the window and look out over the forest.  I can see tress and mountains in the distance but that is all.  For miles the trees stretch all around. My fingers itch and I go to my bag and drag a chair over to the window and start to draw, I don't hear Nate come out of the bathroom.   I just keep on drawing until I stop and look from the view out the window down to the sketch pad in my hands.  

I'm a little shocked to see Nate staring right back at me. 

"It's beautiful, thank you" Nate says from over my shoulder.  I jump and turn around and he is leaning against the glass in a pair of low waist jeans.  

I swallow as my eyes travel up his bare stomach and chest to his face. "How many hours do you workout?" I ask.  

He chuckles "not as many as you would think. Would you like some breakfast?" he asks.   I nod and he takes my hand, I stand and then look down to my bare legs "when did I take me jeans off?" I ask. 

"I did, I thought you'd be more comfortable without them on" he tells me. "I'm use to sleeping with them on" I say before I think.  

He squeezes my hand "now you can sleep with or without clothes." At his words I feel my panties damped and I want to squeeze my thighs together.  The dog is laying on her back again panting. 

We walk through the door that he told me leads to his room and here it is.  I look around it is a really masculine room.  The bed takes up most of the space by the window but it's a big room like mine.  We walk through that to a kitchen and small eating area. "Fancy ham and cheese omelette?" Nate asks, I nod my head and take a seat on one of the two bar stools.  

I watch as he prepares everything for the omelette.  "Where's your Mum?" I ask looking around there is a huge TV with a large sofa in front of it.  All the colours are dark blue's and black with just a few splashes of white so everything balances really well. 

"I like your room" I say before he can answer my question. "Thank you and Mum will be with Dad in their quarters" he tells me. 

"Is this like a condo's complex or something?" I ask "or something" he answers cryptically.  

The smell of the omelette has droll pooling at the sides of my mouth. 

"Mrs. Strong said she would ask her son to get me stuff.  Was that you?" I ask.   I see his jaw tighten "yeah, I got it. It's in your closet" he tells me. "Did you fetch the lock box too?" I ask hopefully. "Yeah, that's there too" he tells me. 

"Great that's all my tip money, I've saved to help when I go back to England" I tell him. 

"You want to go back to England? Why?" he asks turning around with the pan in his hand. 

I shrug "I wanted to get as far away from my uncle as I possibly can" I tell him honestly. 

"You don't have to worry about him any more" he says in such away I believe him.  

I smile at him a, full blown smile as the weight, I've been carrying around lifts from my shoulders.  He puts a plate with a fluffy cheese and ham omelette in front of me with a knife and fork. 

"Looks yummy" I tell him and start to eat. It, taste's delicious and as I eat my eyes sting with un-shed tears.  I bend my head and try and will the tears away.   

The first couple fall onto my plate.  I swallow trying really hard to stop them.  Nate pulls me into his arms and strokes my head and the dam breaks.

I sob I feel him lifting me then, I'm cradled in his lap as he strokes my head and back.  I just sob not knowing why I'm crying. 

"It's alright now Holly, you're with me and I will not let anyone hurt you" Nate soothes.  I don't know how long I cry for but I feel my eyes getting tired.  Sleep, mate keeps us safe" the dog says I smile "yes our new mate will keep us safe" I mutter just before I feel a light kiss on my head and then I'm asleep again.    

"Mum, she knows nothing about us? About her? What am I meant to tell her?" "Give her some time. I don't think it will be that long and she will shift and then she is really going to need you" I wake to whispers but they stop when, I stretch and groan when I feel my sore ribs they do feel better though. 

I stand up and go to the bathroom.  Once I've gone to the toilet, I strip unbind my ribs and step into the shower.  I groan as the hot spray hits my skin.  It is the first shower I've had in a long time. That I haven't had to rush.  I take my time washing my hair, I even use some of the conditioner and then let it sit in my hair while I wash my body then rinse the conditioner out and myself off. 

I turn the shower off and wrap myself in a big fluffy towel.  I wrap another one around my head.  I brush my teeth and feel better, I walk out of the bathroom and then stop when I see Nate sitting on the bed. 

"Sorry, the closet is through there.  Mum bought you some more clothes. She likes to shop" he says shrugging.  

I walk to the other door and pull it open then walk into the closet when I realise it's an actual closet not a wardrobe. I brush my hand over a pair of black jeans then stop when I feel how soft they are.  

I see a pair of panties and pull them on, then pull the pair of black jeans on.  They feel really nice next to my skin.  I pull a light blue t-shirt from a shelf and it to is really soft. I find a bra so, after I've put that on, I pull the t-shirt over my head. I look at myself through the long mirror.   

Not bad I think to myself. I walk back out and go to my bag and pull out the brush.  The door leading to Nate's room is open, I sit on the bed facing the window and start to untangle my hair. 

I feel Nate come back into the room and then the dip of the bed. He takes my brush from me and starts brushing my hair. 

"Thank you, for before. I hadn't realised how much I was holding in" I thank him. 

"You don't have to thank me honey" he says. 

I smile "there's something about you Nate. That makes me feel safe.  You seem to be able to calm the things that are going on inside me too" I tell him sincerely. 

"You have the same effect on me" he says back.  I laugh at that, but don't say anything. "Would you like your hair up, or should we leave it down?" he asks 

"I can leave it down now.  I'll leave it down" I say.  He kisses me on the cheek "you're a very tactile man aren't you Nate?" I say he chuckles 

"What can I say you bring it out in me." I laugh again and turn a little to look at him. 

"You have seen yourself? So, you don't need to say those things to me.  I know I'm not what people call beautiful" I say doing the quotes with my fingers. 

"You are beautiful, I've never seen anyone more beautiful than you" he states firmly while holding my shoulders.

"Really?" I question "really, hand on heart" he answers and I believe him. 

"Thank you, I believe you" and as if on its own accord.  My head moves forward and I kiss him just a quick kiss.  As I pull away again his hand comes to my neck and pulls me into another kiss, this kiss lights a fire in me.  I feel the heat growing and the dog is really excited.

Short chapter sorry.  It was the right place to break though.  Change is coming for Holly?

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