Chapter 17

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 Nate deepens the kiss and I moan feeling the tingles take over my whole body. "I need you, Nate" I tell him. "I love you to Holly, more than I can say" he says. "Show me then" and he does in a slow loving way that has my body tingling and glowing as he shows me just how much he loves me.

"Nate, that was beautiful it really was, but I'm starving!" I tell him. He kisses me then freezes frowning "hell Holly, I didn't use anything are you on the pill?" he asks

My mind being a little starved and thoroughly loved is a little slow. "what didn't you use and why would I be on a pill?" I ask. 

"Well we've just made love and, on the plane, but we didn't use protection?" he says, I have to think for a moment "so, you're saying, I might be pregnant?" I say 

He nods and watches me closely "would you freak out if you became a Dad at 22?" I ask "you'll only be 18" he counters. 

I shrug  "I love kids and thought of having your kids make me and my wolf all fuzzy" I tell him.

Nate grins and kisses me again "I love you" he tells me again. "I'd love some food but, I do love you too" I say.  He laughs and then kisses me again before heading to the bathroom and then coming out with a cloth and towel. 

 He surprises me when he washes me down there. "I can do that myself" I tell him "I want to do it. Your legs will be a little jelly like for a little bit" he tells me. "Now you're just bragging" I laugh and he laughs with me. 

"What day is it today?" I ask "Wednesday, I think" he reaches over and checks his phone "Thursday" he says. 

"My birthday is on Monday.  Finals start Monday" I gasp.   "I don't mind the exams, what I hate is the drama that the people around you create.  Before and after is horrible I can't wait to get out and just breath in the fresh air" I tell Nate. 

"Mum told me that your GPA 4.0 Mr. Clark has tried to mark you down, but you had another teacher look at your work and he had to change it.  I was very impressed when I saw you correct the text so quickly" he tells me.  

I smile at him "I could talk to, over a sandwich or something?" I tell him.  

He laughs and takes the towel and cloth away before heading to the kitchen wearing just his boxes. I put the robe on again and he was correct my legs do feel like jelly.  I make it to the kitchen and sit on a stool. "You can be very proud of your stamina and sexual prowess. My legs are jelly" I tell him making him laugh. 

I suddenly remember something "we started to make out in front of your Mum" I groan.  

Nate just laughs "so nice to have the tables turned the amount of times, I've left the dinner table with my plate because my parents started to get it on" he rolls his eyes making me laugh. 

"I'm sure it happened once and you've never let them forget it" I say. 

"You'll see" is all he says to me. There is a light knock on the door and I go and answer it "Bobby nice to see you, come in" I tell the small boy.  He comes in clutching a piece of paper.  I sit at the table and tell him to sit to "I drew this but, I don't think it's good?" he says and passes the paper to me. 

I look at his drawing "hey this is good. I can tell it is of the play area and trees boarding it. I can also see this is your Mum and these are some of the other children" I tell him. 

"My first picture was meant to be a lady bug on a leaf.  Oh, I have a picture of it on my phone. Hang on" I say standing and going to get my phone, I come back flicking through my pictures until I find the one, I'm looking for. "Here it is" I say holding it out for him.  I see his lips twitch "its alright to laugh even I do, when I see it" I tell him and he giggles. 

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