Chapter 15

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I wake up in the morning alone in bed.  I hear Candy and Nate talking in the kitchen.  I use the bathroom then go out to find Candy watching Nate make breakfast. 

"I love a man that can cook" I tell them as I kiss Nate good morning.  "Did you sleep alright?" I ask Candy "Yes, the best. Thanks'" she answers.  

"Alpha Jack has talked to my Mum, she's coming back" she tells me. "That's great" I reply "if you can knock a grown man out why didn't you fight your uncle?" she asks 

I smile at her question "I didn't want to be put into the system. I made sure he couldn't get into my room and I tried to keep my eyes open around town, so he didn't spot me.   I only had two weeks to go and then I'd by 18 and could leave anyway" I explain. 

"I had thought about kicking his arse on my birthday but in the end thought he wasn't worth it" I add.  

We have breakfast then Candy tells us she is going to clean her place up, before her Mum gets back, she declined our offer to help.  My phone pings and I walk into the bedroom to see what it is.  I've gotten an email back from Sally's friend telling me she loves the ideas, I sent her and that she has put some money into my account.  

I open another email and see that the local bowling ally asked me to come up with an idea for a poster to promote the upcoming July the fourth event they are holding. I take my tablet and phone out to the sofa and sit down.  

I look at Nate standing on the balcony talking to one of his friends down below. I get an idea for the bowling ally and start to draw. 

I have to use google search too but in the end. I have seven pins with the heads of past presidents on and the wording for the promotion written down the bowling ally. I send it to the manager and then stretch "what were you drawing so quickly?" Nate asks coming from the bedroom. 

I was asked by the bowling ally to come up with an idea for the fourth of July.  I hold up the tablet and show him "you did that in an hour?" he asks "did it take me that long? I had to look up the faces of past presidents" I tell him. 

 "I showed my Mum the picture you did of me and my wolf.  She told me you are a very good artist" he says I snort then cover my mouth.  

Nate laughs and sits me in his lap. "My Mum and Dad would like to have lunch with us" Nate tells me. "Shit, I just remembered I went all Godzilla on your Dad" I moan into Nate's neck.    

"My Mum has told him he was wrong to discuss your business with just anybody especially as it could have been anyone calling" Nate says. 

"Great, he is going to hate me more now.   It wasn't your Dad that I was really mad at.   It was the fact that those three Stooge's made us fly in a tin can just so they could relieve their curiosity" I tell him.  He chuckle's "well we have time for a run before lunch."  

I smile and nod my head we walk down his outside stairs and into the woods. We stripe and Nate shifts while I stand there wondering how the wolf comes out.  "Just give me control sweet cakes" my wolf says.  So, I let her take over and I find myself as a wolf.   Nate nuzzles me and I nudge him with my shoulder then take off running.  

We run and chase each other for a good while.  Before heading back towards the pack house when we get to where we left our clothes.  My wolf lets me take over and I'm human again, "that is never going to get old" 

I tell Nate as we dress again. He laughs and takes my hand, I wave to Bobby as we make our way back up stairs.  He waves back with a big smile.  We get a shower and then I look in my closet for something lunch like to wear. I end up wearing a summer t-shirt dress a shade lighter than my eyes.  I slip on some sandals and I'm done.  I walk back to Nate's and catch him pulling on his t-shirt.

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