Chapter 13 (R)

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Warning sex scene (R)

Chapter 13

 "I have never in all" 

Mr. Strong picks up his phone and dials a number "could you please give me a description of a Mr. Albright please" he asks.  

The twitch is really going now and he is glancing towards the door.  "Try it?" Nate states in a very strong deep voice.  The man swallows and then two guards come in and stand either side of him.

"Thank you, yes I'm glad he's not seriously hurt" Mr. Strong puts down the phone with a bang and small eyes jumps. 

"Take him to the cells and chain him" Mr. Strong orders.  The two guards drag him away "sorry Holly I should have asked to see ID.  Why did you?" he asks 

"There was nothing special about him, I thought the high council would be people with ability and presence but he had none" I explain.  Mr. Strong nods "Well the high council would like you to go there as people seem to be aware of their movements" he says. 

"Where is it and do they know, I have finals to sit?" I ask. Mr. Strong covers his mouth to hide his smile "it is in New York and they say, we can use the private plane waiting at a local airport.  I don't think it will take to long" he tells me.   

"Can you and Nate come with me?" I ask he looks surprised but nods his head "if it would make you feel better, yes" he agrees. 

"Will being away from Mrs. Strong be difficult?" I ask not wanting to course him distress. "It's alright Holly, we have been mated for a very long time a few days won't be to hard" he assures me.   

I look at Nate and he smiles "we haven't mated yet so, I find it hard to leave you for to long around other non mated wolves" he explains. 

"They wouldn't want to hump my leg, would they?" I ask shocked at the thought.  Mr. Strong barks out a laugh and Nate bites his bottom lip trying to not laugh. 

"No! But they might try chatting you up or touching you" Nate explains. 

"I don't think I've been chatted up before and I'd bite their hand off if they try and touch me!" I say lifting my hands over my breasts. 

Mr. Strong splutters and Nate smiles and then says "good, best to be on the safe side than have someone touch you inappropriately." I nod my agreement "right pack for a night, I doubt it will take longer than that" Mr. Strong instructs. 

 "We're leaving now?" I ask "yes" he answers.

"I don't really like flying the flight over here was not pleasant on a number of levels. I know I was planning on going back to England but I hadn't committed to flying. I was thinking boat, bus, train or a combination" I swallow as I finish and tighten my lips so I don't start to babble again.

"It's all good Holly, I'll be with you every step of the way" Nate assures me. I nod my head as I still don't trust my mouth.  He stands up and helps me to me feet I sway a little until I lock my shaking knees together.  

Nate looks at his Dad and nods while I try a smile but fail.  We walk from the room and I just think about putting one foot in front of the other. 

"You won't keep him you know?" Candy sneers and I just thump her as we pass because really, I can't deal with all this shit.  

Nate helps me up the first flight of stairs then picks me up and runs with me up the next flight only stopping once we are in his room.  He puts me down and kisses me.  By the time he leans away from me I'm breathless and worked up in a totally different way.  

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