Chapter 3

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We turn on to a road that is lined with trees and with nothing else. I look around me and can't see anything but trees and this single road.  Great Holly, you get in a car with a person you've just met.  You deserve to get murdered.  

"Stupid! Mate wouldn't hurt us" the dog tells me.  "Really? You just want to hump his leg" I mutter "you wait and see you'll jump him before long.  Our mate is hot!" the dog says.  

"Did you say something?" Nate asks.  "Just telling my self off.  For getting into a strangers car" I tell him.  

"We are not strangers Holly.  You'll see" he says.  The road takes a sharp right turn and I gasp at the size of the house well, it looks more like a huge mansion or housing complex if the kids running around outside are anything to go on it. 

I look out my side window and I'm sure I just saw a number of huge dogs running through the trees. "I've slipped down the rabbit hole" I mutter.  

I glance at Nate and he is smiling like the Cheshire cat.  

He parks up and gets out and walks around the car and opens my door then leans in and unfastens my seat belt.   I go to tell him could have done that but keep my mouth shut, as all I was doing it staring out the front window.

He picks me up again though "I can walk" I tell him.  He just smiles as kids shout hi to him, I hear a really loud growl come from the trees and wrap my arms more tightly around his neck.  

He looks at little angry "sorry I didn't mean to hold on so tight" I apologise.  He smiles at me "you can hold me as tight as you want darlin'" he says and I feel my heart skip a beat before going at twice the speed. 

"You really need a public health warning, your lethal to one's heart" I say before thinking. 

His smile grows to a full out grin and I blink up at him stunned by his beauty. "I need a pencil and paper" I say to myself. "I'll get you some once I've got you settled" he says and it's only now that I'm aware he is climbing the stairs still carrying me as if its nothing.  

I move a hand to his forehead a little warm but not sweaty at all. "You're a beast" I say thinking he must be, to not break a sweat carrying me all this way.   

He barks out a laugh and I find myself smiling. "What's so funny?" I ask "you" he answers simply.  

He opens up a door and he stride's, into a beautiful room that is so much bigger than my bedroom it could  fit in it about four times. 

"The closet is that door the other door is a bathroom" he says nodding his head at two doors on the same wall. Across from the bed.  I look around and see another door by the bed. "What's through there?" I ask as he puts me down on the bed. "My room, I'll go and get you something to eat" and with that he leaves having put my bag by the side of the bed. 

"His room?" I say to myself "mate's room" the dog says "we aren't even friends yet so I don't think I can call him a mate yet" I tell the dog I hear a chuckle and then Nate walks into the room with a tray. 

"That was quick?" I say "there's always food prepared around here" he says.  

My stomach growls loudly as the smell of meatballs hits my nose. "Thank you, I love meatballs" I tell him happily as I tuck in.  

I do pause a little when he sits down on the side of the bed next to me. I hear some shouting or yelling more like it and Nate gets up and closes the door.  I hear a low deep growl but shake my head probably the dog again.  

I finish the meat balls in no time and then take big gulps from the glass of milk. 

"Where are your parents?" Nate asks. 

"They died seven years ago" I tell him. He looks angry again and I push myself further into the top of the bed. 

He takes a deep breath and then lets it out, before looking at me with no trace of anger on his face. "Thank you for the meatballs but, I told Mrs. Strong I would stay with her for a little while" I stop as I look at Nate really look at him.

I put my hand to my mouth "you're her son" I gasp. He nods "so this is Mrs. Strong's house?" I say more to myself. 

"You can call her Susan or Mrs. S is fine too" he smiles. 

"How long have you been her son? I, I  mean how come, I haven't seen you in school before?" I stutter

"I, ur, left then came back" he nods his head as though to say yes that will do.  I frown and shrug my shoulders now, I've stuffed myself, I feel my eye lids closing again.  

I feel the tingles return to the side of my head and snuggle into them. They leave but they come back to my back and along the back of my legs then I feel them around my waist and stomach. I hold onto the ones that are around me and snuggle in. 

"Sleep well Princess" I think I hear before sleep really takes me under.

 I blink at the bright light filling the room, "where am I?" I ask panic hitting me. I go to sit up but the arm around me tightens and a warm breath hits my neck and ear as a voice says "Shh! Sleep a bit longer" 

I freeze and lay there trying to remember everything? "mate" the dog says happily. 

Then I let out the breath, I was holding and relax a little until, I remember that Nate has his arm around me and is holding me tight to him.  I feel something really hard against my butt, "please don't tell me that is morning wood?" I whisper.  

Nate chuckles "sorry sweet cakes, your rather hard to resist." I gasp as I realise one, he heard and second, that it really is a woody. 

"It feels big" I say then hit my mouth a couple of times until Nate grabs my wrist and stops me.

"Sorry I have a habit of talking out loud to myself" I apologise. 

"I like it" he tells me. I feel myself blush and I groan at myself.  

Nate leans up on his elbow and looks over my shoulder. I don't turn my head because I don't want him to see my blush.  

"Morning" he says in his sleepy sexy voice. "I did not just think sexy?" I say to myself then turn my head quickly at Nate's laugh and groan

"I need a filter or for my lips to be sealed shut" I tell him.  He grins and kisses my cheek before moving from the bed.  I've frozen again with my hand to the cheek he kissed.  "Why are you in bed with me?" I ask holding my breath at the sight of him.

Another chapter done.  Let me know what you think and don't forget to vote😊😊  

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