Chapter 5

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  Nate holds me away from him as I start to shake. "Shit! Holly I don't want you to freak out. Just relax and let the change come naturally" he says. 

Change, I got my first period when I was 13. What the hell is he talking about. I feel as though my skin in moving and my bones are shifting. 

"Holly, let me take over it won't hurt as much" the dog says and I nod for once agreeing with her.

I let her leap over me and then the pain is gone even my ribs don't hurt.  I look out of eyes that don't really seem like my own.  Nate strokes my back "you're beautiful Holly, you feel so soft" Nate says. 

Say what? I look down at his hand and see fur under his hand. I see paws and then I cross my eyes and see a snout. 

"Your wolf is really beautiful" Nate says 

"Wolf?"  I think I said it but didn't hear the actual words.  I try and stand but fall back on the bed.

 Nate stands to give me room, I get to my feet slowly, well paws. What the hell am I saying. I think as I manage to stand. I look from the bed to the floor and then think what the hell just jump. I jump and land a little awkwardly but manage to stay up on three of my legs. Three legs, Shit, I think.  Nate opens up the closet door and I just manage to get in brushing the sides of the door frame. I walk to the mirror and look into it and staring right back at me is a wolf that is far bigger than any wolves, I've seen.  Her fur is golden brown but the eyes are all mine, my dark blue eyes stare back at me. I sit with a bit of a thump on my romp and watch as my tongue falls to the side of my mouth.  What the hell? 

Until Nate strokes my head, "Do you want to go for a run?" Nate asks. "Run I can barely walk. I'm a friggin' dog," I think. "Wolf" the wolf says. "Yeah sure then wolf, still doesn't change the fact that I have fur, four legs and bloody tail," I think to myself again. 

"Let's go for a run and I'll show you how good it can be" the wolf says. Fine, I nod my head and he lead's us out through his room when we get to the stair's, I look at them then Nate "I'll pick you up, just don't snap at me" he says.

Have you seen the size of this wolf.  Then watch as he picks the wolf up as though it isn't a big fury beast and walks down the outside stairs to the edge of the forest.  He put's me down again and I teeter but manage to stay upright. 

"Stay close to me alright" I nod my head in answer. Nate starts to strip and I do mean to look away, I really do, but he has a body that people would kill for.  I do swallow, when I get a brief look at his third leg and believe me. I now know why they are sometimes referred to as a third leg. 

Right before my eyes he shifts into a wolf bigger than me.  He comes over and muzzles my nose and licks me. "Mate" the wolf thinks. "Yes alright" 

I lick him and the feeling of us being one grows bigger.  We walk into the trees and he nudges my side and then takes off running.  I start to run before, I can panic about not knowing how.  I catch up with him and we run through the woods.  It feels great with the wind rushing past us.  

Nate pulls up short when we come upon a small pond or water hole.  I don't stop quick enough and end up face first in the water.  I shake my head as I come up and Nate chuckles well his wolf does.   

I walk back out and shake the water off me and all over Nate, I laugh now and he pounces on me.  I manage to wiggle out from him and run with him chasing me.  I hear a growl and stop running to look in the direction of the growl.  Another brown wolf is there and Nate stands in front of me and growls a very fierce growl.  

The other wolf growls back and I somehow know that she is there to threaten me.  Well bring it on bitch, I think. I run around Nate and snarl back at her, this seems to take both of them by surprise. 

The she-wolf snarls back and crouches.  I move off to the side snarling and gnashing my teeth. I see her spring and jump up and close my mouth over her neck.  I taste blood as we fall to the floor.  But I don't let go, the wolf under me tries to scratch me with her paws.   

I don't let go of her neck, I sink my teeth in a bit more and put one of my large paws on her stomach holding her there. She whines and goes limp.  I growl with my mouth still around her neck. 

"Holly babe, she's learnt her lesson, let go of her now honey, please" I hear Nate say.  

I unlock my jaw and withdraw my teeth from her neck and give her a warning snarl.   She whines with her head to the side. 

"That's it, Holly" Nate praises he strokes my back and I turn into his touch and take my paw off the wolf. 

"Leave us, I'll deal with you later" Nate says to the other wolf and I turn my head showing my teeth. 

She slinks away into the trees. "You were fantastic, Holly" Nate says. I rub my head into his chest liking the feeling of the tingles and his closeness. 

He is naked and I would really like to take my fill of him, but I feel my eyes getting heavy and close them curling into Nate. "I've got you, Love" I hear him say before once again sleep takes me.  

Who is the other wolf?  Holly did well on four legs for her first time out.  Please comment and don't forget to vote, thank you 😊

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