Chapter 21

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 "The first time you walked into English. You smelt of chocolate and spring forest then your looks had me tightening my thighs.  When I felt the tingles for the first time, I wondered what the hell was going on.   I thought my hormones were playing tricks on me. There was something about you though, I wanted to get to know you more and my wolf kept saying mate.  I thought she meant new friend" I laugh now and so does Nate. 

"Instead of just thinking of getting by.  I'm looking forward to our future now" I say. Nate hugs me to him "I love you, so much" he tells me. "I love you too." We come together and passions run hot again the cabin is filled with our moans and passionate cries as Nate fills me up.   We orgasm together and we our panting and have a fine sheen of sweat over our bodies.  I lay on top of Nate while I catch my breath. "I haven't shown you something out back. That you'd probably like about now?" Nate says.

I look at him "does it require, I move to outside because you've created the jelly leg effect again?" I ask. 

He chuckles and I feel him slip out of me a little more. "I'll carry you" he offers and helps me to sit up as he withdraws from me fully.  He scoops me up and carry's me straight to the back door and then through it.  I see a hot tub and groan, "you are right that looks like heaven." 

He lowers me into the hot tub and then climbs in himself.  He switches on the jets and I sink in deeper.   I open my eyes and look into his chocolate brown eyes. "I love your chocolate brown eyes and I love them when they are looking at me as you are now.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy" I tell him he smiles. 

"I love watching you, period" he states making me laugh. "I think we are going to enjoy growing old together!"

10 years on

"This is the last time I want to be pregnant and giving birth to twins!" I yell at Nate as another strong contraction hits and I push with all my might. 

"Just a little more Luna" the doctor encourages.  I pull in one more gulp of air before gritting my teeth and pushing.  "Another boy, Alpha" the doctor says.  I can't say anything as another contraction hits and I see the doctor quickly cut the cord and hand the baby over to a nurse.  I push and thankfully this baby is born a little easier than the first, as it was with the other twins.

"A baby girl, Luna" the doctor tells me happily. He has known I've wanted a little girl. "Thank goodness for that" I sigh laying back on the bed.  

I look up at Nate and he has tears rolling down his cheeks.  I smile up at him "all over now, can I see our children?" I ask him.  He wipes his eyes and coughs a little.   He brings over our son "what are we going to call him?" I ask 

"Well we have Arron, Brendan, Chase, Dillon, Ethan and Felix. How about Garth?" Nate asks. "Still going through the alphabet, I see. I am not giving birth to 24 kids. I Love you, really, but that is asking a bit too much." 

He laughs at me "I was grateful for Arron and Brendan" I roll my eyes at that and look down at little Garth. "Hi Garth welcome to the family you have 6 older brothers but you are the elder brother to your twin sister" I stroke his cheek and put him to my breast.  

He suckles on hungrily the nurse passes Nate our daughter. "Hello beautiful, your Mum has had to work hard to get you. I hope you appreciate it" Nate says. 

"What should we call her?" I ask "April" Nate says I smile liking the name and the fact he has stopped the alphabet.  The doctor leaves and the boys come in with their grandparent's. 

"A little boy and girl congratulations" Susan says. "We have a sister at last" Arron says.  As we get kisses from all the boys.  I ponder the reason why, I could never see the sex of our children.  I can't see anything about them until they are born.  Then I get to see glimpses.  Arron and his twin are 9 already I found out I was pregnant just a little over a month after my finals had finished. The fact that it was a twin pregnancy took us both by surprise.  

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