Chapter 7

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 "I didn't know how to tell her about the whole pack telegraph.  I also didn't like the idea of Dad biting her, if I'm being honest" I hear Nate say.  

"He said he'd protect me, stand beside me. But he'd let his Dad bite me. Have you seen the size of him, he could probable swallow my whole head," I think to myself?  I hear a chuckle and then Nate is laughing.  "What is so bloody funny, I like my head where it is thank you very much," I think again.  

"I would never bite such a pretty head off.  That and my son would try to rip me to shreds" I hear the giant say.   I crack my eye open, I'm kind of laying on Nate's legs. 

"I'm sorry I hadn't realised I said that out loud" I apologise. 

"You didn't you thought it" the giant says again. "I am a little on the large side, but my name is Jack" he tells me. 

"Hello Mr. Strong nice to meet you Sir" I say he holds his hand out again and I move mine to shake it and then fell pain in my shoulder. 

"Sorry it won't hurt for long" he tells me.  I pull down my t-shirt and see faint looking teeth marks "you bit me?" I ask 

"Sorry I thought it was best just to do it while you were passed out" Mr. Strong says. 

"Well as along as you thought is was alright, then I suppose its alright to bite a person while they are out cold from.  I passed out from the panic attack, from the very thought you were going to bite me" I rant. 

"I'm the Alpha" he doesn't say anymore because Mrs. Strong has hit him over his head. 

"What Jack, was trying to say is sorry that he took that decision away from you.   I think he thought as our son made such a mess of explaining it to you.  It would be best if he just did it and you could see what it means to be part of the pack" she explains. 

"So, all my thoughts are out there for everyone to hear?" I ask not pleased at all. 

"No dear, its up to you if you allow people to hear you or even if you listen to them.  Jack here can break through your door for won't of a better word but he only does that when he really needs you to listen to something important" she finishes explaining.   

I nod my head "so a bit like a telegraph or CB radio in my head?" I say. 

"It's the magic that allows us to shift to wolves" she says. 

"Alright, but I would appreciate it if you didn't take my freedom to choose away in future?" I say to Mr. Strong.  

Nate smiles, while his Father frowns "you've got your hands full Son. We'll leave you alone" Mr. Strong says and turns to leave the room. 

"So, he's not big on apologises then" I say to Nate.  Mrs. Strong pats her husbands back and they leave with a smile towards me and Nate. 

"He doesn't like it, when my Mum hits him over the head in front of the pack" Nate says. 

"He should apologise before. Then she wouldn't have to hit up side his head" I say

Nate chuckles but I hear a growl as well. "So, tell me how I turn this thing off?" I ask 

"You just think about turning it off and its off" he says. "Can we practise?" I ask he nods "right I'm talking to you over our link that is what we call it" he says in my head. "Your voice sounds just a sexy in my head as it does outside it" I think I say in my head. "Thank" I don't hear the rest because I turned him off. 

"You did very well" he tells me. "Thank you, now does the whole pack listen to our conversations?" I ask. 

"No, not if you don't want them to at the moment it is just you and me.  You think of the person you want to talk to, then talk and if they haven't shut it off, they should answer you" he tells me.

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