Chapter 20

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 I wake with a start as my alarm goes off, I groggily get out of bed and feel a little more human after my shower. Nate has got up and made me breakfast. We head off to school once we've eaten "what will you do today?" I ask "my Mum has asked if I'll help her clear the classroom she uses" he tells me. 

"So, we can lunch together?" I ask "yes my mate, we will" he gives me a sexy smile. I groan as school comes into view "look it's already started" as we can see a girl crying and being surrounded by her friends. 

Nate pats my knee and opens my door and then slings his arm around my shoulders. I smile if ever someone was saying she belongs to me this is it. "You don't have to worry you know. I don't think, I've ever talked to anyone here" I assure him. 

"You don't see, how the guys look at you" he says. "Okay, I don't mind" I say leaning in and kissing him. 

"Hey Nate, you haven't called me once" a girl says "that should tell you something then" I say.

She glares at me and I can't hide my smile. "I'll see you later" I tell him and kiss him before going into the hall where the English exam is being held. Mr. Clark sitting up in front with two other teachers moving between the tables. I take out my two pens and place them on the table. 

We are told about the length of the exam and what sections we have to answer. Then we start, I answer all the essay questions first then go back to multiple choice and grammar.  I walk to the front when, I've finished and hand in the exam. 

"I've taken pictures of my answers" I warn Mr. Clark and head to the art room. "Come on Nate, you can't be serious about that oddball?" I hear a girl say. 

"I am deadly serious. I'm trying to help my Mum out here will you get lost" he tells her. I hear the footsteps walking to the door.  I walk in just as she reaches the door "move" she yells. 

I cross my arms over my chest instead, she makes the mistake of trying to push past me and falls on her butt when, I don't move even a bit. "Aww, she cries did you see that Nate she pushed me?" she tries "you tried to push her and failed miserably" Nate tells her. 

She gets up and glares at me till, I lean towards her and say "boo" she leaves the classroom stamping her feet. "Finished already?" Nate says "its English" I answer.  

I help him take down the pictures and paintings. I see the pad I used and flick through some of my art. "Did you see this finished?" I ask. 

Nate walks up behind me and puts his arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder.

"Wow, we need to take that home and have it framed" he says. "We are going to have a lot of drawings of you around the place. If you say that about each one" I say. 

Mrs. Strong walks in and comes to have a look as well. "I really like this one Holly, I wanted to talk to you about entering a drawing competition that is being held over the summer" she says

"I don't know, I feel as though, I have enough eyes on me at the moment" I tell her honestly. 

She pats my arm "think about it once this week is over" she says. "We are going to grab some lunch Mum before Holly's next exam" Nate says. 

We leave the room hand in hand and walk to the cafeteria. There are more girls crying and boys swearing and being loud. We grab what we want then head outside, we are just starting to eat when Mr. Clark comes out and walks towards me. 

"This can't be good" I mutter. "Ms. Stevens, I'd like you to enter the English competition" I interrupt him before he can go on "no, thank you Mr. Clark" I say. 

"It will be very beneficial to you" he says. "My answer is still no. I'd like to have my lunch before my next exam please" I say. 

He glares at me and stomps off.  I open my sandwich and take a bite enjoying it.   All to soon we have to go in so, I can take my next exam. I kiss Nate and head in, this is my least favourite subject.  I answer the questions that I know and then try and remember the ones that I missed. 

I hand it in and leave to find Nate. "Ms. Stevens, I can write you a reference to help you get into university" I interrupt him again "my GPA speaks for itself thank you, Mr. Clark" I move off down the hallway and find Nate waiting at my locker. 

I open it and clear everything in it out.  I take one of my wet wipes and wipe it down then take a picture of it. I go to the office and tell them my locker is cleared and cleaned showing Gladys the picture she smiles at me. "Always done the first day of finals thank you" "have a good summer" I say and leave the office. 

I put my arm around Nate's waist and we head to his car. He doesn't take me to the pack house he drives into the mountains to a cabin he has organised for my birthday.  There is a warm meal and candle's, with a log fire roaring in the fireplace. "This is lovely, my birthdays have not been celebrated over the last years. So, this is really beautiful thank you" I tell him.  

Nate leads me to the table and pulls out my chair. I sit and looking around trying to remember this so, I can draw it later.  I take out my phone and snap some pictures as Nate brings me a cold soda and puts the lasagne on the table with bake potato and salad. 

"When did you have the time to get this all ready?" I ask "you've been busy with finals and your part time jobs. I had lots of free time" he tells me. We enjoy the meal and talk about what we'd like to do in the future.  

Nate explains that he will have to take over the pack when his Dad retires and to do that, he has been taking some online business courses as well as training with his Dad following him around talking about things they can change and improve on.   

After dinner we go for a run in our wolf form.  We get back to the cabin laughing and I feel as though this is where I belong.  We sit in front of the fire with ice cream and cookies. Nate gives me a wrapped box. 

I smile as I haven't gotten a present since my Mum and Dad died. I open it carefully and then gasp it's an apple mac book with the latest drawing soft ware installed on it. 

"Nate this is to much!" I say "no, its not you seem to be getting more work for your art work, so this will help with that. It will be useful when planning art classes for the kids to" he assures me.

I kiss him and thank him for the great present and for bring me to the cabin. We make love in front of the fire, and relish in our bond growing ever stronger.  I'm snuggled into him laying on a blanket with another over us, I lean up from his chest. "I would never believe that two weeks ago I would be here with my own hunk, a place that I now think of as home and an extended family that I love and will do anything to protect.   I have you to thank for all of it" I kiss him on the lips and smile down at him.

"When I first walked into Sally's and your scent hit me, my wolf started to chant mate. Then you looked up and I looked into your eyes and I knew you where my mate.  I thought I was the luckiest man alive, even with your hair net on and apron you were beautiful.  Your eyes are the deepest blue and when you smiled at one of the elderly customers it had my cock going hard.  Sally told me you had no idea that you were a shifter and so I had to think about how to get to know you" he leans up and kisses me stroking my back.

"I followed you and when I saw you going to the school my Mum worked at. I knew I was going to go back to school, so I could get to know you. Even though you kept to yourself you weren't some mousy little thing.  You held your head up and would tell people straight, if they were wrong.  I just started to like you more and more.   I'm so happy you gave us a chance and didn't go running for the hills" he tells me. 

Only one chapter left.  I hope you have enjoyed Holly and Nate's journey.   😊

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