Chapter 10

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 Nate smiles at me and takes my hands and plays with my fingers. "You can leave when your ready" I hear in my head. "We are going to the mall before we go back" I hear Nate say.

"Rodger" comes the answer.  Nate puts his hand up letting the waiter know we are ready for our check. "Let me get this?" I say. "No, this is our first real date. This is on me" he states. The waiter comes over with the check and debit machine.  Nate pays and we stand up. 

I see the three men move out the corner of my eye. "Leaving from the side door" Nate says over the link.  We weave are way through the restaurant and Nate holds the door open for me and I walk through.  As Nate comes out a fist moves towards his face, he ducks and kicks out with his feet.  The guy goes down with a grunt and Nate kicks him in the head hard.  The guy is out cold "what the hell, guys" Nate shouts over the link.  

He takes my hand and we walk towards the mall. "Sorry Nate, he got through" someone apologises. 

"What the hell did, I send you there for?" Mr. Strong growls over the link. "I didn't know you could shout or growl over the link" I tell Nate in a whisper.  He squeezes my hand a man begging on the street tries to grab my hand. "Spare some change?" he asks "you shouldn't try and grab people" I tell him and carry on walking up the street. "Guy sitting on corner begging is one of theirs he's wearing shoes that cost over $300" Nate says over link.  

We get in the mall and look on the map for the printers.  We have to go up to the second floor so make our way up to the elevator. 

"Nate, how are you doing?" A woman calls.  I feel Nate stiffen slightly and look towards the woman.  She is blond with fake boobs and lips that look as though they are about to explode.

"You've got to be kidding me" I mutter.  "Hello lover boy" she says and goes to kiss him until she looks at me.  She blinks then leans in a little closer "try touching him and your fake boobs will be ripped out and stuffed down your throat!" I state ever so sweetly. 

She leans back "I see you have a possessive one, call me when your free?" she says. 

"I won't be calling, this is my girlfriend" Nate says. 

"That is disappointing, but we all know you like them big honey" she says. 

I let go of his hand and head to the elevator, Nate catches up and tries to hold my hand again.  I move it and cross my arms over my chest. 

"Holly" he starts to say. "Don't, I don't want to hear it" I tell him walking into the elevator when the door opens. "I" he tries again. I turn to him "I just told you not too" I state.  I ignore the pained looked that crosses his face.  

I think of the guys face who sat next to Nate.  "Have you caught them all now?" I ask "two have slipped by us" I'm told.   

We exist the elevator and walk to the printers. "Nate, I haven't seen you in a while" another female calls out.  Nate groans "deal with your female, I'll go print out the picture" I tell him.   I pull out my phone just as someone grabs my hand, I don't think about it. I throw a punch and hit them in the throat, then follow through with a kick to the groin. The guy goes down and Nate is beside in a flash.

"Shit, do your bloody jobs properly.  Holly has just taken one out, second floor outside the printers."  Nate leans over the guy and hits him hard knocking him out. 

"I've called my friend he's a doctor" he tells the people now coming to see what the problem is.  A guy runs up to us "Pete, I think you need to take him to the hospital" Nate says and Pete picks him up fireman style and walks away with him.  

Nate takes my hand and we go into the printers.  I take my hand back and push the buttons needed to print out the picture. "Is it just the one?" I ask he nods and I then wait for him to send the picture to the machine.   A number of pictures come up a good number of them him with different women.  

I tap the one we want then tap print.  I tap in my account number, I have with the store and then we wait. "Holly" Nate says I look at him with a raised eyebrow "I think I'm to inexperienced for you.  So, I will go sow my oats and then come back when I've got a phone full of pictures with guys" I say.  

He grows and then stops when he sees my raised eyebrow.  The picture comes out the machine and I take it and take an envelope of the right size for it.  I wave the print while, I walk to leave the store.  I see the man that was sitting begging standing off to the side and walk up to him.  I lean in as though to whisper something and knee him in the stomach hard.  Then knee him in the head as he bends down.  

I then just walk away "Holly, please you can be angry, but stay with me" Nate says.   

I push the button for the elevator and see another guy pick's the one, I've just knocked out, up. 

Once we are on the ground floor again the doors open and we walk out.   I put the print in the envelope and give it to Nate. 

"We have them all" a voice says over the link. "We'll see about that" I say before Nate can say anything.  We walk back towards the car and I see a guy watching me closely.  I sigh as he moves towards us.   Nate sees him and as we walk past a deep doorway he grabs him and pulls him inside.  

I feel I sting like I've been bitten but I look down at my thigh and see a pink feathered dart sticking out my leg.  I pull it out as the numbness spreads up my leg. "Nate" I call as I crumple to the floor everything goes black.  

Just a short one sorry.  Why are they after Holly? Please comment and don't forget to vote, thank you😊 

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