Public pool

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"Nope not happening, I am not going to a public pool and let creeps stare at my half naked body." Mickey said crossing his arms at Mandy and his boyfriend, "come on Mick it'll be fun!" Ian said smiling at Mickey but Mickey just glared back. "What? Watching creepy strangers stare at your junk? Yeah, no" he said rolling his eyes. Ian just sighed, "You are the only one that can stare. If any one even gives me a seducing face I'll bash their head in" Ian said still smiling, "Uhm Ian you cannot do that" Mandy said giggling and Ian just chuckled back. Mickey stood there with his arms still crossed, Ian huffed "fine I'll just go with Mandy. We'll be back in an hour or two" Ian said walking off to get his bathing suit on, Mandy followed and went to her room to get changed as well. Mickey grumbled and followed after Ian, "fine I'll go" he said standing in the door way, avoiding Ian's eyes. Ian's lips curled into a smile that looked too big for his face, Mickey looked up and scoffed "Jesus Christ that's scary" Mickey said walking past Ian to his drawer. Ian just chuckled and followed Mickey.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Mandy whispered into Mickeys ear while Ian payed, Mickey just rolled his eyes. "Ok you guys are free to go" the lady at the front desk said, Ian and Mandy smiled and walked through the entrance to the dressing room and Mickey just rolled his eyes while following. "I can go into the woman's and I'll just meet you guys out there" Mandy said to which both boys nodded and headed into the men's. Instantly Mickey felt uncomfortable seeing other man staring at him and his boyfriend, he slightly hid behind Ian. "I hate this already" Mickey whispered when they reached a free locker, Ian just smiled at him before kissing his cheek. "You'll be ok baby" he said stripping off his shirt, Mickey slightly slapped him and took his shirt off as well "You're an ass" he said before chuckling and taking his shoes off. Ian did too and started walking to the showers with Mickey beside him, as soon as they reached them there were three men, one was around 50 or 60 another was in his teens or so and the last one seemed to be Mickey's age (24). He kept staring at Mickey with a smirk on his face, when Mickey turned around in the shower the man whistled and winked at Mickey when he faced him with a glare. Ian turned to where Mickey was glaring and the man just smiled, "nice ass, both of you" he said winking at Ian and Mickey. Ian snapped, "you ever say that to me or my boyfriend again I'll break both your fucking knee caps, got it?" Ian said glaring at the man. The man quickly nodded and rushed out of the showers and into the pool as quick as possible, the two other people had left too. Ian just chuckled and Mickeys face was flushed, "I love you Mickey" Ian said smiling and walking over to Mickey so that he could hold his face in his hands. Mickey just smiled and pecked Ian's lips, "love you too Gallagher" he said before suggesting to leave the changing room. Ian agreed and walked behind Mickey as he exited the showers and entered the pool area. Mandy stood there tapping her foot, "Jesus what took you so long? There was a man that left looking like he just saw a dead body" Mandy chuckled and walked to the pool with the boys behind. Ian just chuckled, "just had to show him what would happen if he kept staring" Ian said smiling proudly, Mickey just shook his head smiling and Mandy just laughed. Mandy had quickly dipped and stood back up with her black hair slick on her shoulders and back, Ian dunked quickly after while Mickey slowly stepped in. Ian motioned his hand, "come on mick. You'll be fine" Ian said, Mickey just sighed and caught up with his boyfriend. His head still dry, "Mandy is running away" Mickey said chuckling as his sister quickly swam into the deep end. There were so many people at the pool, woman and men and it made Mickey super uncomfortable. "I regret coming" Mickey said with his arms crossed in front of his chest while Ian swam deeper, "you gotta dip Mickey or the waves while get your head first" Ian said smirking. Mickeys face turned pale, "waves? You never told me this was a fucking wave pool!" Mickey yelled over the loud noises echoing through the place. Ian just laughed along with Mandy, "we will leave without you mick" Mandy said slowly backing up further and further with Ian following. Mickey just rolled his eyes and dunked under before emerging from the water and wiping at his eyes. Ian thought he looked beautiful so he just stood still and stared at the sight. Suddenly he got snapped out of his trance from Mandy flicking him, "Come on Mickeys right here" Mandy said pointing to her brother. Ian blinked a few times, he hadn't even noticed his boyfriend wasn't where he used to be and instead he was staring at this lady for like 30 seconds. He felt his face heat up and swam away with Mickey and Mandy.

*beep* a loud buzzer went off and Mandy jumped up and down in the water making it splash up into Mickeys face. Mickey shoved her and wiped at his face "asshole" he said angrily but Mandy just smiled. "The waves are coming" she said looking at Ian who also smiled. The waves slowly started and became more aggressive until they stayed strong making everyone in the area begin loud chatter and screams. Mickey just mentally rolled his eyes, why the fuck did he agree to this shit? "Isn't this fun?" Ian yelled over the noise, smiling at Mickey but Mickey couldn't reply. Instead he a got a mouthful of fucking pool water, nasty! Ian just laughed also almost drowning at how much water he inhaled but Mickey just glared and started walking out of the pool. Ian went to tell Mandy but she was already talking to a dude so he didn't bother and followed Mickey. He grasped his arm, "Hey wait don't leave. We only just got here" he said frowning but Mickey just chuckled. "I ain't leaving I'm just going to the hot tub. You joining? It seems like Mandy already found someone new" Mickey said chuckling while looking over at his sister flirting in the distance. Ian just nodded and followed Mickey up the ladder that connected to the side of the pool. Ian smirked when Mickeys ass was shoved right in his face, "nice ass mick" he said chuckling when Mickey slapped him across the arm. "Fuck off, Gallagher" he said walking down the tiles and reached the hot tub, thankful that no one was in there. Mickey fully emerged into the hot water, "ah fuck that feels nice" Mickey said sitting on the edge that was underwater and rested his arms on the edge that his back rested on. Ian slowly got in, he just sat on the edge across from Mickey with only his Calfs in. "This is nice." Mickey said closing his eyes, Ian just nodded and slowly got in letting out a moan at how nice it felt. "Orgasm much?" Mickey said chuckling, Ian just rolled his eyes "I wish" he mumbled. Mickey heard and just giggled, "I could make you orgasm" he said suddenly bringing a challenge. Ian just grinned and sat beside Mickey, Mickey just smirked and rubbed up Ian's thigh teasing him. He was so close to Ian's dick but then he rubbed his hand back down making Ian shuffle a bit. He rubbed up again and this time palmed him on the outside of his swim shorts, Ian let out a quiet gasp and closed his eyes when suddenly Mandy came into the hot tub with the guy she met earlier. "Hey guys! This is Ethan" she said smiling, Ian and Mickey gave a quick wave but Mickey kept his hand on Ian's crouch. Mickey slowly reached down Ian's shorts and grasped Ian's cock making him jerk his head back, Mandy and Ethan quirked an eyebrow, "you good Ian?" Mandy said chuckling when Ian nodded rapidly while Mickey slowly jerked his dick. "Fucking fantastic" he said in a weird tone when Mickey swiped his thumb over his slit. Mandy looked over at Mickey who looked at Ian seductively and bit his lip. Suddenly Mandy knew what was happening when Ian gripped the edge of the hot tub rough and bit his lip. "Eww omfg. I'm going, let's go Ethan" she said grabbing Ethan's hand and quickly rushing out of there. Mickey just smirked, "give me a second" he said before Ian could answer he dunked his head. Ian soon felt his mouth around his dick and he moaned loudly but it was too loud in the pool area that no one would hear, "Jesus fuck" he groaned when Mickey grazed his teeth on his cock. Ian grabbed his hair but Mickey soon had to breath and came back up gasping for air. "Keep going mick ah fuck!" He jerked his head back again when Mickey started rapidly jerking him off. Quickly Mickey  made sure no one was around and slotted his mouth with Ian's, lazily making out with him while jerking him off. It didn't take long until Ian's sperm was let off into the hot tub. "Fuck" he groaned when his legs stopped shaking and Mickey emerged his hand from the water. "Okay maybe the pool isn't that bad" Mickey said chuckling, pecking Ian's lips. Ian just laughed, "Yeah because you didn't swim and instead watched me struggle to be quiet" Ian said. Mickey shrugged, "what can I say?" He said and Ian just rolled his eyes.

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