Horrible nights sleep

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"Goodnight Yev. Love you" Ian and Mickey said to their son. Ian pulled the covers over the 13-year-old boy and kissed his forehead before walking out the room with his boyfriend. "Goodnight" Yevgeny said back before his dads walked out and into their own room. Ian and Mickey stripped down to their boxers and laid down on their bed after a long day. Mickey sighed and smiled, "What?" Ian asked when he wrapped his arms around Mickey from behind and entangled their legs together. "Nothin' just nice to relax after such a long day." Mickey said closing his eyes and scooting even closer into Ian's grip which Ian accepted. Ian nuzzled his face into Mickeys hair and took a whiff of his boyfriends stench. It wasn't a bad stench neither was it necessarily 'good' but it was Mickey. It smelt like his beautiful boyfriend and that boyfriend from so many years ago he used to be . It reminded Ian of all the bad memories along with so many good. It made Ian feel like he was home. Home with his boyfriend and child. Ian smiled and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, Mickey was just on the brink of falling asleep but he felt his boyfriends soft lips trailing down the back of his neck. He found his sweet spot behind his ear and sucked a mark. "I love you" Ian said quietly but continued to kiss everywhere on Mickeys neck. Mickey breathed out, "I love you too" he kept his eyes closed. "You sure?" Ian said trying to tease his boyfriend, "Yeah m' sure" Mickey said grabbing at Ian's hand and linking his fingers between Ian's. "Really?" Ian said trying to draw Mickeys attention, "Yes Ian, I do love you believe it or not" Mickey said slowing opening his eyes. Ian smiled and pulled their linked hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of Mickeys hand before putting their hands back down. Mickey shuffled a bit and laid comfortably before Ian had to disturb and flip his boyfriend onto his back. Their lips were inches away. Ian had his hands on either side of Mickeys head, they kept him stable and he straddled Mickeys hips with his knees. Ian leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Mickeys lips. Mickey smiled into the kiss and looked happily at Ian when he pulled away. Ian smiled and grabbed one of Mickeys hands and connected his hand to his. He placed their hands on the pillow that laid beside Mickeys head. Ian leaned down again and kissed Mickey passionately making Mickeys dick twitch in his boxers. Mickey lifted his free hand up and grabbed the back of Ian's neck and made the kiss a little more heated before he pulled back. Their lips lingered a little before Ian kept pecking Mickeys lips.

In the other room, Yevgeny heard everything unfold and just waited for more to come because he knew it was going to. At first he shuffled in his bed, "I love you" Yevgeny heard what seemed to be Ian say. It was distant but still he could hear him talk. After he heard Ian seem to grab Mickeys sleepy attention, he heard more talking. He heard a quite loud peck come from the other room which made Yev shift in his bed. Yevgeny eventually heard more pecks and movement. Loud movement, like they moved around in bed. Yevgeny just shut his eyes tight and focused on falling asleep. He heard them talking but it was faint and really he didn't care. So the 13-year-old shuffled more and kept his mind on his sleep but he couldn't when he eventually heard the quiet moans. Then there was the faint panting and soon everything became louder and the bed frame lightly banged on the wall. Yevgeny became frustrated and shoved his pillow against his ears but it didn't make the noises stop so he rolled over and shoved his face under the pillows. It didn't work that well when he noticed to slowly start to suffocate so he pulled his head out from underneath and panted heavily trying to get fresh air. Yevgeny sat up and rubbed his eyes but suddenly stopped when he heard a loud moan and he heard his dad panting his other's dads name. "Ian, fuck right there" he heard his dad moan out. He cringed and sat out of bed. He closed his door and turned his fan on, trying to block out any noise. Yevgeny laid back down and shoved a pillow over his ears again. He sighed and closed his eyes again. At least the noise kind of disappeared enough so he could sleep. He was glad that tomorrow was the weekend because otherwise he would be screwed.

The next morning, Yevgeny walked out of his room and rubbed at his eyes. He walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror to see dark bags under his eyes. Great. Just great. Yev used the washroom before exiting the bathroom and seeing his dads share a quick kiss in the kitchen before Mickey walked over to Yev and smiled. "Morning buddy!" He said cheery. I mean of course he was cheery because of all the dick he got last night.  Yevgeny may have only been 13 but he knew almost everything and he knew that his dad got it up the ass last night. Yevgeny forced a smile, "Morning" was all he said before he sat at the table. He laid his head on the table and crossed his arms in front of his head. "Breakfast!" He heard his dad, Ian, say. He slowly lifted his head to see eggs, toast and bacon placed in front of him. His dads sat on the opposite side of the table from Yev. Yevgeny pushed a strand of blonde hair out his face and grabbed some food along with his dads grabbing theirs. "So Yev? How was your sleep?" Ian said cheery at his son, Yevgeny just rolled his eyes. "Fuckin' fantastic" Yevgeny said as he took a bite of his food. Mickey lifted his eyebrows, "you being sarcastic at your dad huh?" Mickey said getting angry but Yevgeny didn't care. "What the fuck do you think?" Yevgeny growled at Mickey, Mickey pointed his tattooed finger at Yevgeny. "You better watch your god damn mouth or you will get sent to your room" Mickey said sternly, Ian just placed his hand on Mickeys shoulder and whispered a quiet "Hey" in his ear to calm him. Mickey loosened a little and just took an angry bite from his food. Yevgeny just rolled his eyes and placed his plate in the sink after he finished before sitting on the couch. Mickey just grumbled at his son but Ian just placed his hand on his back and scratched up and down his back before placing a peck on his cheek. "Fuckin teens" Mickey growled, "mick you were probably just like that when you were that age. I mean he is your son" Ian said chuckling. "Whatever" Mickey said before pulling Ian into a proper kiss.

Later on the little family of three sat on the couch watching tv. Yevgeny was still salty about his shitty sleep. "Hey Yev what's up?" Ian finally asked the ticked off teenager, "hmm i don't know dad? It might of been hearing my dad take it up the ass and yell your name out like a mother fucking chanting game or that I'm actually find and dandy? I don't know dad you think" Yevgeny said sarcastically making Ian sit there shocked. Mickey listened to his son talk and felt rage through his body but it was also overcome with embarrassment. "What are you guys so shocked about? The fact you think I wouldn't hear you fucking or that I'm actually saying all of this?" Yevgeny said and sat up, "where are you going?" Mickey finally said something. "I'm not sure yet but somewhere that I don't have to listen to you guys fuck" Yevgeny said before grabbing his jacket and pulling his shoes on. "See you later! I have my phone if you even have time to text without jizzing first!" Yevgeny said smiling sarcastically before heading out the door. "Holy shit" Ian finally said, Mickey just looked at Ian before laughing, "that kid has nerve, fuck" he said before he smashed his lips into Ian's. He pulled back and Ian looked at him, "what are you doing?" Ian said questionably, "well he gave us time to fuck so?" Mickey said smirking. It only made Ian horny and smirk before pulling Mickey back to his lips.

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