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I used a real name instead of Y/N because i felt like it would be prettier. I chose the name Audrey but you can replace it with your name instead! For some backstory on Audrey: she comes from Quebec and speaks French (not the fancy one- the Quebec one. I'm from there and trust me, it's not fancy.) She now lives in LA.

I hope you enjoy the book :)


I can't believe this is actually happening. Me, Audrey Williams, is going on my first tour! Sure, I'm not headlining but, opening for one of my favorite bands is definitely not bad. I am opening for Waterparks. It's weird that they picked me, we definitely don't have a similar genre. But I am not against it. I mean, How could I be?

I close my guitar case and pick everything up. I head outside and into the taxi I called a few minutes ago. I tell my driver my destination and give my apartment complex the last look I'll be giving it for a few months.

The ride was about half an hour long, and most of the time I looked outside. My driver talked to me a little, but the car was mostly filled with a comfortable silence. I was nervous, but extremely happy.

"We're here Miss." The driver says, making me come back to reality.

"Oh! Thank you."

I pay him and head out, struggling to hold everything. I set my guitar case on the ground, wave goodbye to the taxi driver, and open my phone to check the information Lucas, the tour manager, sent me. Since I was a one-man band, or, actually, not a band at all, Lucas told me it would be easier for everyone if I just stayed in their bus, since they had some spare space. He warned me before hand that it would probably get "wild" being on an all boys bus. I told him it didn't bother me, since I grew up with my brother and three crackhead boy cousins. So, I could say I'm used to it.

The message Lucas sent me says that the bus will be behind the venue, in a parking lot. And in a parking lot I am standing. I look around and spot the big bus easily. I put my phone in my pocket, try to shake the nervousness out of me, pick up my guitar and walk towards the bus.

I knock four times and hear someone inside yell something about someone getting the door. After a few seconds, a guy with a manbun, Lucas, opens the door.

"Hi!" I tell him.

"Audrey, right?"

"That's me. Nice to meet you." I smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Let me show you where to put your guitar, and then we'll get you a bunk. I had to remind the guys every two second to save two spares because they kept putting stuff in it."

"Haha, well thank you! I'm just happy I'm not sleeping on the floor." I giggle, making him laugh a little as well.

"I'd never make you sleep there. If someone has to sleep on the floor, it's going to be Awsten for sure."

"I'd feel bad about it, so I'd probably go on the floor too." I laugh.

He picks up my guitar and puts it with the other things that will only be needed on stage.

"Thank you." I say. He smiles.

Lucas looks at the time on his watch.

"Huh, you arrived earlier than I thought."

"I was there at the exact time you asked me to be there?" I question.

"Yea you're right on time! It's just that usually our openers arrive slightly late, so I'm now used to giving them the time a little earlier."

"Ohhh.." I nod.

"Anyways, how about we go in, you could meet the others and get settled in your bunk and all?"

"Sounds like a plan!" I smile and we head inside the bus.

We walk in and every head just turns in my direction. I was not expecting that.

"Alright guys, this is Audrey, our opener, be nice and polite, and don't walk around with your dick out." Lucas announces, which makes me chuckle.

"Audrey, that's Awsten, Geoff, Otto and Jawn." He says, pointing them one by one.

"Hi!" I say, with a smile.

"Welcome into our neat and clean tour bus! Enjoy it because it will not last three shows!" Otto says, with a welcoming smile.

I laugh.

"Oh yeah? I'll keep it clean for four whole shows. Just watch." Awsten says, turning to Otto.

"I doubt it will stay clean after today's show." Geoff says.

"Do you guys wanna bet about it? I say two shows." Jawn chimes in.

Lucas facepalms and I giggle.

"Alright. The losers pay pizza for the whole bus." Awsten says.

Geoff and Otto nod in agreement.

Awsten turns to me, just kinda stares, and I ask "What?"

"How long do you think the bus will stay clean?" He questions.

"Hm...." I hesitate. "I'd say three or four shows?"

"You can only pick one, or else it's not fair." Jawn says.

"Fine! Let's say four."

"See guys? We just met and she already believes in me.

I give an "I wouldn't be so sure about that" look, and the guys all laugh while awsten gives me a betrayed look.

"Anyways, Audrey if you follow me I'll show you your bunk and you can free yourself of your bags." Lucas says.

"Oh, yea, I forgot about those."

Lucas shows me to the bunks. I put my bag of clothes in the bottom one and the one with my computer and all that jazz in the bunk where I will sleep. He then tells me about how tonight and the following shows will happen, and gives me a few tips since it would be the first time I would go onstage and play, but also backstage and set up. He promises me that he will make sure to guide me through it, and if he's not available he can ask any of the other guys for help, and if they say no that he will kick their ass, which makes me laugh.

Once all of his explaining is done, we go back to the front and I sit on the couch and chill with the others. We get to know each other better and joke around.

I can't wait for tonight's show.

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