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Audrey' P.O.V

Third show tonight! I'm more excited than nervous this time (thankfully). We are 15 minutes away from the venue. Apparently this one is bigger than the last two, which is a little nerve wrecking but I'll live through it.
"What are you up to now, bully?" Awsten says as he sits down next to me.
"Writing. What about you, loser?" I reply, with a smirk.
"I don't know. Nothing."
"Seems boring."
"Kinda is, actually. Perhaps you're down for a Mario kart championship?" He asks.
"Sorry, I feel very inspired to write right now, and it's been a while since I was so I'm taking full advantage of it."
"Oh. I'll ask Geoff then." He pouts.
He gets up and comes back with Geoff a few seconds later.
"So, what are you writing, exactly?" Awsten questions.
"Music. Songs. Stuff like that."
"Cool. When will we get to hear it?"
"Uhhh... when it's... done..?"
"Makes sense!"
I giggle as I type on my computer some more. That should conclude the lyrics.
"I'll be right back." I say as I take my computer and phone and enter the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I pull out my phone and open the voice memos app, starting to record what the song would sound like as I quietly sang out the lyrics. I remake it a few times, trying new melodies every time. I do this process about 6 times and head back to the lounge room.
"Why were you in the bathroom with your computer..?" Geoff asks.
"Oh, I just wanted to myself a few ideas for the sound, so I recorded myself singing it a bunch of times." I answer.
"Can we hear?" Awsten says, way too excited.
"What? No! I told you already, you'll hear it when it's done."
He fake pouts. Or real pouts. It's a pout either way.
"Fine." He sighs.
I plug my earbuds in my computer and I start making a few sounds.

"Alright Audrey, you're on for soundcheck." A crew member says.
I get up and leave the green room, finally hearing a bit of peace and quiet, even if it didn't last long. The boys were yelling so much while playing whatever they were playing on the venue's Nintendo Switch. Or was it Geoff's? I don't remember. Maybe it was Geoff's. Someone hands me my guitar and I walk on stage. I walk up to the mic and just say "what up sound guy!", the sound guy saying "what's up" back. Thankfully soundcheck wasn't too long, I didn't know what to do. The boys followed right after.

As I get out of the bathroom, I get stopped by a crew member.
"Hope I'm not bothering, but we accidentally messed up the acoustic guitar settings and we need to soundcheck it again, yet we can't find Awsten anywhere. Could you do it?" He says, very quickly.
"Um, um, yes?" I manage to reply.
"Great, thanks!" He smiles and hands me the guitar. He's kinda cute. Kinda. Maybe. The thought of him being cute made me slightly blush.
I walk out on stage again. "Hey sound guy, I'm back!" I wave to him, and he waves back. Since it was Awsten's guitar, I thought it would only be right to play 21 questions. Halfway in, the guy gives me a thumbs up, so I stop and walk offstage. I hand the guitar back to the kinda cute crew guy, and as I turn to head back to the green room, I bump into Awsten.
"Hey-" I begin, but he cuts me off.
"Was that you?"
"Was that me..?
"Playing 21q?"
"Oh, yeah. They couldn't find you and on their way to the green room, the dude bumped into me and asked me to play since they fucked the settings accidentally."
He looks at me silently.
"Um, I uh, decided to play 21q because since it was your guitar I was like 'hey, that'd be funny' or something." I said, trying to break the silence and feeling a little awkward with his stare still burning into me.
"What?" I awkwardly giggle.
"It was really good."
"Oh uh, thanks?"
He smiles and walks away. I stand there for a few seconds, dumbfounded. That was a weird interaction.

"Ahhhh I'm so tired!" I say as I let myself fall onto the bus couch.
"Same, ugh." Otto spreads himself across the couch, resting his legs on my thighs.
"Pussies!" Awsten screams as he walks on the bus.
I lift my head up, give him a shut the fuck up look and throw my head back again. I let out a long sigh, finally relaxing a little, especially since tomorrow was an off day.
"Oh, Audrey, I got a few pics for you if you want them once I edit them!" Jawn tells me.
"Thank you! Yea, I'd love to have some. Thank you sooo much!" I answer, happy I got more pictures, especially good ones this time (sorry not sorry, Awsten). Jawn smiles and heads towards his bunk.

"Mario kart?" Geoff asks me.

"No thank you. I'm so tired, I feel like you could bury me in my grave and I'd be fine with sleeping forever. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure!" He smiles.

"If you are sooooo tired, why don't you go to sleep?" Awsten questions.

"I don't know."

"This is definitely the smartest answer ever."

"Shut up, smelly."

"What? How do you know I'm smelly?"

"Oh, please. I've been to concerts."

"Well, you're not wrong, I guess."

"See? I'm going to bed. To bunk? To bunk bed. Goodnight!"

Awsten, Lucas and Otto wish me goodnight.

Hopefully it will be.

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