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Awsten's P.O.V

Today is december 31st. Can't believe this year is already over. It went by so fast. Well, not really. We say that every year but it never really goes by that fast.
I want to spend this new year with Audrey. I already know I'll get a new year's kiss out of it if we are together when the clock hits 12. I grab my phone.

Hello milady. Any new year's plans?

Hello good sir. No, no plans. You?

I have plans

Oh really? What are you doing?

Watching fireworks with you :)!

Sounds fun! When and where? :D

7, I'll pick you up and we can go eat, then find a spot to watch the show

Alright I'll be ready!! See u tonight <3

A heart? Well done Awsten. You have stepped up your game. Now think. Where are you going to eat, where are you going to watch fireworks? Tonight needs to be perfect!
I fidget with the ring around my finger. Maybe we could go on a roof. Perhaps my appartement's roof? Hm, not very romantic huh. Ugh, what should I do!
"Argh, fuck it." I mumble to myself.
I'll just bring her to my roof. I'm sure she won't mind. We'll have a great view on the fireworks. I'll bring her to eat somewhere fancy to compensate.

I stop my car in front of her building and exit the vehicle. I walk up to the gate and press the doorbell next to her appartement number.
"Hello?" I hear Audrey say through the speaker.
"Your ride is here, ma'am." I answer.
"Ma'am? You make it sound like I'm 35 or something."
"Sorry. Your ride is here, m'lady."
"Better. I'm coming down!" She giggles.
I walk back towards my car and wait for her. The door to her building opens and there she is, in a pretty dress, radiant as always. She smiles and walks towards me.
"Hi." She says.
"Hello. You look beautiful."
I slightly bend down and give her a little kiss.
"Thank you, you're quite handsome as well."
I smile and walk around the car to open the door for her.
"Thank you."
I walk back to the driver's side and hop in.
"So, where are we going to eat?" She asks.
"Somewhere fancy." I reply.
"Ooo, mysterious. I like that." She giggles.

We finished our dinner, paid and left. Currently, we're in the car.
"So, where to now?" She questions, curious.
"To the best spot to watch the fireworks!" I answer.
"Oh yea? And where's the best spot?" She crosses her arms, doubting me.
"My appartement building's roof, obviously."
"Guess we'll have to see about that." She shrugs and laughs. "I'll believe it when I see it."
"Fair enough." I chuckle.

We get there and there's nobody else on the roof. Hopefully it'll stay this way. We walk up to the railing and lean on it, waiting for the fireworks to start. It was only 10 by now, so they probably won't start for a while.
Audrey and I decide to sit down for now. We just chat and look at stuff on our phones for an hour and a half, waiting for the fireworks to start.
We hear a loud noise and turn around. The fireworks were starting! Audrey and I get up and lean once again against the railing, watching as bright coloured lights fill up the sky.
"Holy shit. You were right." Audrey tells me.
"About what?"
"This is the best spot." She smiles.
I smile back.
We continue watching the fireworks, but I'm distracted.
Should I do it?
It would be the perfect time.
Come on Awsten.

Just ask her.

Do it.

"Audrey?" I turn to her.
"Yea?" She looks at me.

I can see the reflection of the fireworks in her eyes. It makes them even prettier.

I take a deep breath and work up all my courage.


"Audrey, will you be my girlfriend?"

Her smile widens.
She grabs my hand.


"Yes. 1000 times yes."

I smile.
I did it.

I take her face between my hands and guide her lips to mine.


"I love you, Audrey Williams."

"I love you more, Awsten Knight."

The end.

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