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Audrey's P.O.V

I'm still sitting down in the small backstage backroom, my head against my knees. I don't hear music anymore, so I suppose the boys finished their set. I think I heard my name a few times coming from outside. I left my phone in the green room, so I can't check the time. I hear a knock at the door.
"Audrey?" I hear Otto say. I sniffle.
"Yea?" I answer.
"Are you ok? We're leaving soon, everyone's looking for you." He slightly chuckles.
"Yea, I'm... I'm alright. I'll be there in a minute." I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I am a mess.
"You don't sound ok... can I come in?"
I hesitate. He would ask me questions. I unlock the door and he opens it slightly.
"Oh god, why are you crying?" He gently holds my arm, closing the door. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, though." He smiles.
"It's, um. It's dumb. Its just that I saw my ex in the crowd." I giggle.
"Awe, poor you. Come here." He pulls me into a hug.
We stay like this for about a minute.
"Alright, we have to go now." He smiles.
"Alright." I open the sink and splash a bit of water on my face, trying to make the tears strains disappear.
We walk to the green room and I pick up my stuff.
"Otto? Did you- Oh! There she is." Geoff says, walking in. "We've been looking for you everywhere!"
I chuckle. "Sorry, I didn't see the time go by."
"Doesn't matter. Got your stuff?" I nod. "Alright, let's go. Your equipment is already packed and in the bus."
"Thank you." I smile.
"Awsten, Jawn, Lucas! Audrey's here, let's go!"
A purple head, a red head and a blonde head appear.
"Finally! Where were you?" Awsten asks.
"I was in the bathroom, but I fell in the toilet and got stuck." I say, with a serious face (and a small smile).
"Seriously?" He says, not fully buying it.
"That's a secret I'll never tell." I wink. "You know you love me! Xoxo, this bitch."
He rolls his eyes, with a grin on his face. We pick up the last of our things and get out, walking towards the bus. Because of my disappearance, no fans were around, so it was pretty calm.
"Audrey!" Did I speak too soon?
I turn around and see the one person I've been dreading to meet.
"Jason." I say.
"You know him?" Jawn asks.
"Mhm. Ex-boyfriend."
"Uh oh." He says.
"Can we talk?" Ja-fucking-son asks.
"Let me think about it... no. We've got to go anyways." I answer.
"Please, I'll make it quick." He begs.
I look at the guys around me and sigh.
"Alright." I turn the boys. "Just wait for me inside." They nod and head in the bus.
Maybe I should've asked one of them to stay with me. You never know what crazy shit the man will pull.
"What do you want?"
"You. I miss you so bad, please."
"Baby, I love you." He says, taking a few steps closer.
"Stay back, Jason. I will yell if I have to." I say, making him stop in his tracks.
"Fine, but please, give me a second chance..." he begs. Does he ever stop begging?
"No, Jason. You've treated me like shit. There is no way in hell I am going back with someone that made me want to die."
"You didn't seem like you wanted to die. You looked like you were having a good time."
"I'm a great pretender, I'll let you know."
"Please. I'm so, so sorry. I'll treat you well. I even came to your show, see?" He fakes a smile.
"Oh, please. You don't even like my music."
"I... I do now!"
I shake my head. "As if I was going to believe that. Just, stay away from me, dude. Have a terrible night." I say, walking backwards towards the bus.
As I turn my back, he starts rushing towards me. He grabs my wrists in an extremely firm grasp.
"Let me go!" I yell.
"Not until you say you love me. I know you do, Audrey. Just say it. Say it."
"No! I don't!" I yell louder.
"Baby, if you don't-" he doesn't finish as I hear the bus door slam open.
I close my eyes and try to pull myself away as much as I can until I feel him letting go. He got pushed.
"What the fuck dude?" Jason raises his voice.
"I should be the one asking you that! Scram! I definitely don't mind getting the security from the venue!" Awsten yells.
Otto, who is now standing next to me, asks me if I'm alright, but I can't speak. Words won't come out. I don't understand. I see the rest of the guys standing by the door, watching.
"You alright? Did he hurt you?" Awsten turns to me, taking my hands and checking my wrists.
I open my mouth, and once again nothing comes out, so I just shake my head.
"I'm so sorry this happened." He tells me, looking into my eyes, then back at my wrists. "I think those will bruise a bit."
Otto is gently rubbing my back as Awsten gives me a sad smile.
"C'mon, let's get inside."

2:26 am. I'm the only one still up, obviously. I can't stop thinking about what would've happened, if the guys didn't hear me yelling. He could've kidnapped me, or something. Thank god we're already on the road to the next city, I don't think I could've been alright staying in the same city as him any longer. I hear movement coming from the bunks, but this time it's not just someone turning in their bed. I stare into the dark corridor, waiting for someone to come out.
"Still not sleeping?" Otto says, in a sleepy and quiet voice.
I giggle.
"No. Why are you up?" I ask.
"Midnight snack, obviously!" He smiles.
"It's 2am."
"2am snack, obviously!" We both chuckle.
He grabs a granola bar from the cupboard and comes sit next to me.
"So, what's keeping you awake?"
Before I even open my mouth, he speaks again.
"Is it because of him? Uh, Jason?"
"Wanna talk about it?"
I hesitate, but agree.
"Alright. I'm all ears."
"I'm just thinking about all the terrible things that could've happened if you guys didn't hear me yelling."
"Let me stop you right there. The guys and I only heard a noise, so we didn't budge. But in the following second, Awsten rushed out of the bathroom. Obviously, we followed him."
"Well, that doesn't reassure me much."
"The bathroom window is always slightly opened, to let the air pass, especially if someone uses the shower. Or takes a number two. So, whatever he was doing in there basically 'saved' you. But in complete honesty, I think he was spying. And pissing."
"But, uh, what are those 'terrible things'?"
"The bitch could've like, kidnapped me. Or hurt me. I don't know! Just like, super bad shitty things."
"Oh god, he's that bad?"
"Yea." I nod.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." I smile. "At least he didn't hurt me. Well, hurt me too much."
"You think he could've?"
"Oh, for sure. He slapped me before."
"What??" He says, a little loud.
"Oops. He really did things like that?"
I take a second to answer, as I get some terrible flashbacks. "Yea..."
"Did he do anything worst, if you don't mind me asking?"
"He did. Slapping was one of the less terrible things."
"Holy shit."
"I know, right?" I nervously laugh.
We go quiet and he pulls me into a hug, which I return. As we sit in complete silence, I hear someone walking in the bunk corridor, then falling onto their mattress. I pull away.
"Who do you think that was?" I ask.
"Dunno." Otto says.
"Oh, well."
"I think I'm going to head back to bed. And you should go to sleep too."
"I think I will. Thanks for talking with me, or whatever that was."
"Anytime." He smiles as he gets up, throws away his granola bar packaging and heads back to bed.

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